Crime Check UK

Melton Town South

A local policing neighbourhood in Leicestershire Police

The information on this page is provided by Leicestershire Police. If any of it is incorrect, or incomplete, or out of date, please don't complain to us, please get in touch with your local police force and politely ask them to ensure that they update their information at

The Melton town south neighbourhood beat covers the south areas of Melton Mowbray from the River Eye in the west to Saxby Road in the east and includes the Leicester Road, Dalby Road, Sandy Lane and Burton Road areas of the town. The beat is served by the Melton Borough Wards of Dorian, Craven and Warwick.

The beat is mainly residential containing a local authority housing estate and many privately owned properties including a significant amount of new housing being constructed. The beat also includes the Leicester Road Industrial Estate, Swimming Baths, Melton Vale Sixth Form College and Long Field Academy schools plus three primary schools and the South Melton Community Centre all of which give rise to differing demands.

Contact Details
Neighbourhood Priorities


There has been an increase of youths causing nuisance over the last few weeks in different parts of the beat. We have made this our priority to patrol these areas as much as we can.
ASB-Through Neighbourhood Link, ASB Call Backs and Social Media accounts, the community have raised the issue of Anti-Social Behaviour on the Melton Town North Beat.

Issue Date Thursday 6th June 2024

The Beat Team have been informed that there has been inconsiderate parking around Meadow Way specifically around school opening and closing time. This is not only dangerous for members of the public, including children as well as other vehicles. We are pleased to say that during our attendance there have been limited amount of cars parking dangerously/ inconsiderably. We have sent out letters of advice to members of the public in the area whos child/children attend to the school. Since then we have seen a massive improvement with the parking.

We fully appreciate the negative impact resulting from ASB and how it can affect people mentally and physically, so please do not hesitate to report ASB to Police online via , or by calling the Police on 101, (always 999 in an emergency).

Action Date Thursday 6th June 2024

SPEEDING-Through Neighbourhood Link, reports made direct to officers and the force, the community have raised the issues of road safety and speeding vehicles on the Melton Town South Beat.

Issue Date Thursday 6th June 2024

We are doing are best to put our speed calming measures where we can, by either using Speed cameras or just our presence! By conducing speed checks and speed calming measures regularly in the area it will decrease the speed of most if not all of the vehicles.

We have also sent out a communication on our Neighbourhood Link Portal asking the Melton Town South Residents where the speed concern areas are. We look forward to completing further speed monitoring and speed calming measures in the areas they have advised us.

Please feel free to sign up to our Neighbourhood Link portal and complete surveys and obtain updates from your local Melton Town South Beat Team.

Action Date Thursday 6th June 2024

DRUG DEALING-Through Neighbourhood Link, Social Media accounts, and direct community feedback and information, the community have raised the issue of Drug Dealing on the Melton Town South Beat.

Issue Date Thursday 6th June 2024

We continue to conduct high visible foot patrols around the areas that we suspect drug dealing is occurring.

As there is currently an increase of Drug dealing around Grange drive, we have continued our patrols in the area over the last few weeks and the area will remain part of our patrol plan over the next few weeks.

If you have any information in relation to drug dealing please report these matters to the beat team.

Action Date Thursday 6th June 2024

Neighbourhood Map

Markers show crime recording locations. Click/tap on a marker to see crimes allocated to that location.