Crime Check UK

Melton Town North

A local policing neighbourhood in Leicestershire Police

The information on this page is provided by Leicestershire Police. If any of it is incorrect, or incomplete, or out of date, please don't complain to us, please get in touch with your local police force and politely ask them to ensure that they update their information at

The Melton town north neighbourhood beat covers the north area of Melton Mowbray town from Asfordby Road in the West around to Saxby Road in the East and includes the Nottingham Road, Scalford Road and Thorpe Road areas. The beat is served by the Melton Borough Wards of Sysonby, Egerton and Newport.

The beat is particularly busy and is a residential area containing two local authority housing estates, some privately owned properties, industrial premises and a large Tesco supermarket on the edge of the town. Within the beat there is also John Fernley College, two primary schools and Melton Country Park all of which give rise to differing demands.

Contact Details
Neighbourhood Priorities

The community have raised the issue of Anti-Social Behaviour in various locations across the beat including Nuisance Bikes, Loud Cars and Youths.

Issue Date Friday 14th June 2024

The Beat continue to conduct daytime and evening patrols around areas that have been highlighted as hotspots for ASB across the beat as well as linking in with Melton Borough Council and Local Schools to reduce the number of incidents.

The hotspot areas at the moment are largely located within the Country park. Due to the summer holidays approaching patrols will continue to be carried out at different times.

please continue to report any issues of ASB so we can be made aware

Action Date Friday 14th June 2024

Drug Activity:
The community have raised the issue of Drug use and dealing on the Melton Town North Beat.

Issue Date Friday 14th June 2024

The beat team continue to conduct targeted proactive patrols around areas where suspected drug activity is being conducted. We have conducted a number of warrants and arrested several people over the last few months.

A number of warrants have been carried out and the investigations continue. As well as the warrants stop searches continue to be enforced where possible.

Action Date Friday 14th June 2024

Road Safety:
Complaints have been received following vehicles speeding along various routes through the beat - including Nottingham Road, Thorpe Road, Melton Spinney Road and Tennyson Way.

Issue Date Friday 14th June 2024

The beat team are continually planning targeted speed enforcement operations on the key problem roads in and out of Melton that pass through the beat.

Proactive stops are encourage throughout the whole team at Melton with anything from words of advice to Enforcement being implemented.

Please continue to report any suspicious driving to the police so that we can act upon new information

Action Date Friday 14th June 2024

Neighbourhood Map

Markers show crime recording locations. Click/tap on a marker to see crimes allocated to that location.