Crime Check UK

Melton Rural North

A local policing neighbourhood in Leicestershire Police

The information on this page is provided by Leicestershire Police. If any of it is incorrect, or incomplete, or out of date, please don't complain to us, please get in touch with your local police force and politely ask them to ensure that they update their information at

The Melton rural north neighbourhood beat covers around 40 rural villages on the northern side of Melton Mowbray. At its most northern extreme it includes Normanton and Bottesford villages, which are cushioned between Lincolnshire and Nottinghamshire.
The beat is bordered by the villages of Scalford, Long Clawson, Hose, Harby, Barkstone le Vale, Normanton, Harston, Croxton Kerrial, Buckminster, Sewstern, Wymondham and Saxby to mention just a few.

Contact Details
Neighbourhood Priorities

ROAD SAFETY: Our latest priority setting survey which was sent out on Neighbourhood Link achieved zero replies from the public, so the priorities for 2024 into 2025 have been set through our other forms of engagement with the community, such as Digital footprint including Facebook and local WhatsApp groups, physical community engagements such as beat surgeries, local meetings with both the community and key stakeholders and our local knowledge of issues faced in the area. Based on the large number of reports we receive that relate to road safety concerns, this will remain a priority for the Rural North beat area.

Issue Date Wednesday 10th April 2024

Issues concerning road safety remain a priority for the Rural North beat area in May the following activity has taken place:
25/05 Marked patrols along the B676 Saxby Road to
Buckminster 13:00-14:30.
25/05 Stathern Lane, Harby, Speed monitoring near to the
Junction of Green Lane, monitoring traffic in both directions.
Approx 70 vehicles, where 7 were over the prescribed 30mph Speeding advisory letters have been sent.

25/05 - Hose Lane, Long Clawson – disqualified driver seen
by officers and stopped and reported to the courts for the

31/05 12:00-12:35 Traffic calming Eastwell – layby near

Action Date Thursday 20th June 2024

RURAL CRIME: Our latest priority setting survey which was sent out on Neighbourhood Link achieved zero replies from the public, so the priorities for 2024 into 2025 have been set through our other forms of engagement with the community, such as Digital footprint including Facebook and local WhatsApp groups, physical community engagements such as beat surgeries, local meetings with both the community and key stakeholders and our local knowledge of issues faced in the area. Rural Crime remains a beat priority for the Melton Rural North beat area.

Issue Date Wednesday 10th April 2024

Rural Crime continues to be a priority for the Melton Rural North beat team, supported by the Rural Crime Policing.
You said: You are concerned about rural crime across the beat and the theft of farming equipment which has a huge impact on daily farming tasks.
What we are going to do. We will continue patrols in isolated
rural areas and visit victims of crime. We will also target those patrols based on current crime trends and intelligence.

Action Date Thursday 20th June 2024

VEHICLE CRIME: Through Social media accounts, community engagement through meetings and Neighbourhood Link Surveys the community have raised the ongoing issue of vehicle related crime.

Issue Date Monday 1st January 2024

You Said there is a concern about vehicle related crime including theft of vehicles and theft from vehicles.

What we are going to do. Targeted patrols and keeping the community updated with the latest trends and crimes.

The following crimes have been recorded for May 2024:

24*302568 – 23/05 – 04:00-06:00 – Calcraft Drive
Bottesford – Van broken into and tools stolen

24*302770 – 21/05 – 23/05 – Kings Road – Long Clawson
– Van broken into and tools stolen

24*302937 – Goadby Road, WOTW – attempt made to
break into van causing damage

24*305706 – School Lane, Long Clawson – 23/05 22:00-
06:00 24/05 – attempt theft from van.

25/05 report of 4 x damage to vehicles at a wedding.

If you believe you have information for any of the investigations above please call 101 quoting the relevant crime number.

Action Date Thursday 20th June 2024

Neighbourhood Events

Bottesford Friendly Bench Beat Surgery
Thursday 1st August 2024
from 3:00PM to 4:00PM
The Bottesford Friendly Bench Granby Drive Bottesford

Members of the Melton Rural North Beat Team will be available at the Bottesford Friendly Bench on Saturday 1st August between 3pm and 4pm.

Long Clawson Beat Surgery
Thursday 1st August 2024
from 6:00PM to 7:00PM
The Sands Long Clawson

Members of the Melton Rural North Beat Team will be available on the Village Green at The Sands, Long Clawson for a drop in style beat surgery. Please come along to meet your local team and discuss any policing concerns you may have.

Neighbourhood Map

Markers show crime recording locations. Click/tap on a marker to see crimes allocated to that location.