Crime Check UK


A local policing neighbourhood in Leicestershire Police

The information on this page is provided by Leicestershire Police. If any of it is incorrect, or incomplete, or out of date, please don't complain to us, please get in touch with your local police force and politely ask them to ensure that they update their information at

This neighbourhood beat covers Lutterworth town and the villages of Bitteswell, Ullesthorpe, the Claybrookes, Cotesbach, Swinford, Catthorpe, the Kilworths, Husbands Bosworth, Mowsley, Shawell and Knaptoft.

Contact Details
Neighbourhood Priorities

You told us that you were concerned about vehicle crime. This can be theft of motor vehicles or theft from motor vehicles, this also includes theft of tools from vans and theft of catalytic convertors.

Issue Date Monday 22nd April 2024

Over the past couple of months we have been conducting regular patrols and operations at designated locations.
Both overt & covert tactics are utilised to target offenders.

Action Date Monday 22nd April 2024

You have told us that Anti-Social behaviour causes you concern. This can be things like excessive noise, parties, smoking drugs and more. We will be working with partners to ensure we can tackle these issues and prevent them occurring again.

Issue Date Monday 22nd April 2024

The local neighbourhood team conduct regular patrols in highlighted problem areas.
The most recent patrols were conducted on the 20th February where we conducted patrols around Lutterworth. Officers will advertise on our social media channels when they are out and about patrolling
We record all ASB on our shared system with Harborough District Council and together we will do what we can to reduce problems and provide you with the satisfaction.
We continue to encourage you to report concerns and locations to us, we need this information to conduct more targeted patrols.
When dealing with those involved we look to use the incremental approach, this will include taking details, contacting parents (if children) then looking to give warnings, acceptable behaviour contracts and then onto prosecution or use of ASB powers.

Action Date Monday 22nd April 2024

You have told us that Road Safety is a priority, this includes things like Speeding, Insurance, MOT and driving offences.

Issue Date Monday 22nd April 2024

We have been conducting patrols, speeding checks and dealing with road safety matters across the beat. Here are some of the results.
A4304 High Street, Husbands Bosworth Summary (1 visit) Total Offences: 8 Total Time: 110 Avg Offences mins per Hour: 4.4
A4304 Kilworth Road, Husbands Bosworth Summary (1 visit) Total Offences: 0 Total Time: 81 Avg Offences mins per Hour: 0.0
A4304 Station Road, North Kilworth Summary (1 visit) Total Offences: 0 Total Time: 95 Avg Offences mins per Hour: 0.0
Brookfield Way, Lutterworth Summary (1 visit) Total Offences: 6 Total Time: 77 Avg Offences mins per Hour: 4.7
We continue to conduct checks and operations with partners such as local councils, trading standards and the DVSA. We also conduct speed checks and use volunteers to conduct speed checks. If you are concerned about speeding you can report your concerns to the Road Safety Partnership at

Action Date Monday 22nd April 2024

Neighbourhood Events

Beat Surgery
Monday 8th July 2024
from 6:00PM to 7:00PM
Morrisons, Bitteswell Road, Lutterworth

With PCSO 6522 Caswell-Jones

Neighbourhood Map

Markers show crime recording locations. Click/tap on a marker to see crimes allocated to that location.