Crime Check UK

Leicester Forest East, Kirby Muxloe and Glenfield

A local policing neighbourhood in Leicestershire Police

The information on this page is provided by Leicestershire Police. If any of it is incorrect, or incomplete, or out of date, please don't complain to us, please get in touch with your local police force and politely ask them to ensure that they update their information at

The Leicester Forest East neighbourhood beat covers a densely populated Leicester suburb made up of both urban and rural housing as it stretches west from the city along the busy A47 towards Kirby Muxloe.

It also covers the rural villages of Kirby Muxloe and Glenfield. The area is largely residential but continues to expand, with a number of new housing developments currently underway. Also within the village is the English Heritage owned Kirby Castle, along with a number of shops and three public houses.

Contact Details
Neighbourhood Priorities

House Break in’s and vehicle crime in the Glenfield area are high and appear to increase when school holidays happen with homes where occupants are away on holiday being targeted for cash, jewellery and car keys.

Issue Date Monday 1st April 2024

We have sought to better understand this issue and have raised it as a priority for the beat. We will be working hard to engage with our community and raise awareness of the issue. Patrols have taken place in the area and local residents spoken with to gain further information

We will be using Social Media and providing advice to prevent homes being victims of burglaries by the use of light timers, avoiding post and milk build up, ensuring vehicles are parked on driveways and similar.

We have and will continue to use beat surgeries and other events to continue to raise awareness and offer crime prevention items for sale.

We will be providing high visibility patrols in hot spot areas at key time to deter offenders and will continue to use social media to inform residents of our patrols.

Action Date Thursday 25th April 2024

Reports of Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) within area.

Issue Date Monday 1st April 2024

We have sought to better understand this issue and have raised it as a priority for the beat. We have been working hard to engage with our community and raise awareness of the issue.

We have and will continue to use beat surgeries and other events to continue to raise awareness and offer crime prevention advice.

We will be providing high visibility patrols in hot spot areas at key time to deter offenders and will continue to use social media to inform residents of our patrols.

Action Date Thursday 25th April 2024

Road Safety around including speeding & Anti-Social vehicle use.

Issue Date Monday 1st April 2024

We continue to cover ongoing issues and are using specially trained officers to gather Intel as to what, where and when these meets will take place and police these when possible.

We are asking for support from our Traffic SSD colleagues.

We are working as a team, updating different beats of issues on there area.

We will actively be using Social Media and providing updates regarding action taken.

We have and will continue to use beat surgeries and other events to continue to raise awareness and urge members of the public to call in when these meets are causing harassment/Alarm/Distress

We will be providing high visibility patrols in hot spot areas at key time to deter offenders and will continue to use social media to inform residents of our patrols.

Action Date Thursday 25th April 2024

Neighbourhood Events

Coffee Morning
Monday 22nd July 2024
from 10:00AM to 11:00AM
Glenbfield Methodist Church 14 Station Rd Glenfield Leicestershire

Coffee Morning

Community Tea Event
Tuesday 20th August 2024
from 2:30PM to 3:30PM
St Bartholomew's Church Hall Main St Kirby Muxloe Leicestershire

Community Tea Event

Neighbourhood Map

Markers show crime recording locations. Click/tap on a marker to see crimes allocated to that location.