Crime Check UK

Harborough North

A local policing neighbourhood in Leicestershire Police

The information on this page is provided by Leicestershire Police. If any of it is incorrect, or incomplete, or out of date, please don't complain to us, please get in touch with your local police force and politely ask them to ensure that they update their information at

This neighbourhood beat covers the large rural area to the north, east and west of Market Harborough, extending as far as Great Easton, Allexton, Owston, Hungarton, Thurnby, Houghton on the Hill, Stoughton, Great Glen, Fleckney, the Kibworths, the Langtons, Theddingworth and all the villages in between.

Contact Details
Neighbourhood Priorities

Rural Crime - you told us you were concerned about rural crime, this is crime specifically targeting rural matters, or rural communities. Along with the rural crime team we are looking to address this.

Issue Date Wednesday 22nd May 2024

The force has established a rural crime team, who will lead the way in co-ordinating and dealing with rural issues. This includes both our communication with those living in the rural community and detecting crime by dealing with offenders. The rural crime team are always willing to be contacted if you want support. Please follow them on twitter and/or facebook for the latest updates.
We continue to encourage you to report concerns and locations to us, we need this information to conduct more targeted patrols.

Action Date Wednesday 22nd May 2024

You have told us that Anti-Social behaviour causes you concern. This can be things like excessive noise, parties, smoking drugs and more. We will be working with partners to ensure we can tackle these issues and prevent them occurring again.

Issue Date Wednesday 22nd May 2024

We will be conducting patrols in ‘hot spot’ areas. It’s important that all reports are sent to us so we can address our patrol plans and make them as accurate as possible. We record all ASB on our shared system with Harborough District Council and together we will do what we can to reduce problems and provide you with the satisfaction.
We continue to encourage you to report concerns and locations to us, we need this information to conduct more targeted patrols.
When dealing with those involved, we look to use the incremental approach, this will include taking details, contacting parents (if children) then looking to give warnings, acceptable behaviour contracts and then onto prosecution or use of ASB powers.

Action Date Wednesday 22nd May 2024

You have told us that Road Safety is a priority, this includes things like speeding, vehicles with no insurance or MOT, and driving offences.

Issue Date Wednesday 22nd May 2024

We requested the mobile speed enforcement van to visit our area between 01/04/2024 and 30/04/2024
A47 Uppingham Road, Houghton on the Hill Summary (1 visit) Total Offences: 17 Total Time: 80 mins
Mobile Site Core Route A47 Route (Between Keythorpe & Rutland) Summary (1 visit) Total Offences: 10 Total Time: 97 mins
A47 Route (Between Skeffington & Tugby) Summary (1 visit) Total Offences: 0 Total Time: 74 mins
A47 Route (Between Tugby & Keythorpe) Summary (1 visit) Total Offences: 4 Total Time: 82 mins
A47 Route (Billesdon Bypass, Billesdon) Summary (1 visit) Total Offences: 7 Total Time: 70 mins
A47 Route (Uppingham Road, Skeffington) Summary (1 visit) Total Offences: 0 Total Time: 67 mins Summary (5 visits) Total Offences: 21 Total Time: 390 mins Total Enforcement:
Core Route Bike Route B6047 Harborough Road, Billesdon Summary (1 visit) Total Offences: 8 Total Time: 95 mins
B6047 Melton Road (South of Church Langton), West Langton Summary (1 visit) Total Offences: 2 Total Time: 80 mins
B6047 Melton Road, Shangton Summary (1 visit) Total Offences: 2 Total Time: 90 mins Summary (3 visits) Total Offences: 12 Total Time: 265 mins Total Enforcement:

Action Date Wednesday 22nd May 2024

You told us that you were concerned about vehicle crime. This can be key-less theft of motor vehicles or theft from motor vehicles, this also includes theft of tools from vans and theft of number plates.

Issue Date Wednesday 22nd May 2024

We have conducted regular patrols of the areas where offences have occurred, we also use covert and overt tactics to target offences and this has already resulted in arrested and recovery of property. We will continue to do this going forward, particularly into the warmer lighter summer months.
We have recently purchased, with support of the community safety partnership, crime prevention items. These include number plate screws, to make it harder to steal number plates as well as faraday pouches. The pouches are available at our crime prevention events or from the police stations. Please check our events for when beat meetings/crime prevention events are happening. If you have concerns about crime in your area please contact your local team.

Action Date Wednesday 22nd May 2024

Neighbourhood Events

Beat Surgery
Friday 28th June 2024
from 1:00PM to 2:00PM
Scraptoft Community Hub, Malsbury Ave, Scraptoft,

Your local beat team will be on hand to talk to you about any issues, concerns or points you would like to raise. Feel free to come and talk to us, we can also offer crime prevention advice.

Please note, events can be cancelled at short notice due to operational demand, any cancellations we will try and publish to our social media channels as soon as possible.

Beat surgery PCSO Goodall
Wednesday 24th July 2024
from 1:30PM to 2:00PM
Main Street, Cranoe.

Your local beat team will be on hand to talk to you about any issues, concerns or points you would like to raise. Feel free to come and talk to us, we can also offer crime prevention advice.
Please note, events can be cancelled at short notice due to operational demand, any cancellations we will try and publish to our social media channels as soon as possible.

Beat Surgery PCSO Kiff
Monday 29th July 2024
from 11:00AM to 12:00PM
Community Centre, Hill Court, Main Street, Bushby, Leicester.

Your local beat team will be on hand to talk to you about any issues, concerns or points you would like to raise. Feel free to come and talk to us, we can also offer crime prevention advice.

Beat surgery PCSO Goodall
Wednesday 21st August 2024
from 1:30PM to 2:00PM
Near the shop, Medbourne.

Your local beat team will be on hand to talk to you about any issues, concerns or points you would like to raise. Feel free to come and talk to us, we can also offer crime prevention advice.
Please note, events can be cancelled at short notice due to operational demand, any cancellations we will try and publish to our social media channels as soon as possible.

Beat Surgery
Friday 30th August 2024
from 1:00PM to 2:00PM
Scraptoft Community Hub, Malsbury Ave, Scraptoft,

Your local beat team will be on hand to talk to you about any issues, concerns or points you would like to raise. Feel free to come and talk to us, we can also offer crime prevention advice.

Please note, events can be cancelled at short notice due to operational demand, any cancellations we will try and publish to our social media channels as soon as possible.

Beat Surgery
Monday 16th September 2024
from 11:00AM to 12:00PM
Community Centre, Hill Court, Main Street, Bushby, Leicester.

Your local beat team will be on hand to talk to you about any issues, concerns or points you would like to raise. Feel free to come and talk to us, we can also offer crime prevention advice.

Beat surgery PCSO Goodall
Wednesday 25th September 2024
from 1:30PM to 2:00PM
Near the duck pond, Hallaton.

Your local beat team will be on hand to talk to you about any issues, concerns or points you would like to raise. Feel free to come and talk to us, we can also offer crime prevention advice.
Please note, events can be cancelled at short notice due to operational demand, any cancellations we will try and publish to our social media channels as soon as possible.

Beat Surgery
Friday 11th October 2024
from 1:00PM to 2:00PM
Scraptoft Community Hub, Malmesbury Ave, Scraptoft,

Your local beat team will be on hand to talk to you about any issues, concerns or points you would like to raise. Feel free to come and talk to us, we can also offer crime prevention advice.

Please note, events can be cancelled at short notice due to operational demand, any cancellations we will try and publish to our social media channels as soon as possible.

Beat surgery PCSO Goodall
Wednesday 30th October 2024
from 1:30PM to 2:00PM
Village hall car park, Lubenham.

Your local beat team will be on hand to talk to you about any issues, concerns or points you would like to raise. Feel free to come and talk to us, we can also offer crime prevention advice.
Please note, events can be cancelled at short notice due to operational demand, any cancellations we will try and publish to our social media channels as soon as possible.

Beat Surgery
Monday 18th November 2024
from 11:00AM to 12:00PM
Community Centre, Hill Court, Main Street, Bushby, Leicester.

Your local beat team will be on hand to talk to you about any issues, concerns or points you would like to raise. Feel free to come and talk to us, we can also offer crime prevention advice.

Beat surgery PCSO Goodall
Wednesday 27th November 2024
from 1:30PM to 2:00PM
Shoulder of Mutton pub, Main street, Foxton.

Your local beat team will be on hand to talk to you about any issues, concerns or points you would like to raise. Feel free to come and talk to us, we can also offer crime prevention advice.
Please note, events can be cancelled at short notice due to operational demand, any cancellations we will try and publish to our social media channels as soon as possible.

Beat surgery PCSO Goodall
Wednesday 4th December 2024
from 1:30PM to 2:00PM
Beat office, School Street, Fleckney.

Your local beat team will be on hand to talk to you about any issues, concerns or points you would like to raise. Feel free to come and talk to us, we can also offer crime prevention advice.
Please note, events can be cancelled at short notice due to operational demand, any cancellations we will try and publish to our social media channels as soon as possible.

Beat Surgery
Friday 13th December 2024
from 1:00PM to 2:00PM
Scraptoft Community Hub, Malsbury Ave, Scraptoft,

Your local beat team will be on hand to talk to you about any issues, concerns or points you would like to raise. Feel free to come and talk to us, we can also offer crime prevention advice.

Please note, events can be cancelled at short notice due to operational demand, any cancellations we will try and publish to our social media channels as soon as possible.

Neighbourhood Map

Markers show crime recording locations. Click/tap on a marker to see crimes allocated to that location.