Crime Check UK

Greater Hinckley

A local policing neighbourhood in Leicestershire Police

The information on this page is provided by Leicestershire Police. If any of it is incorrect, or incomplete, or out of date, please don't complain to us, please get in touch with your local police force and politely ask them to ensure that they update their information at

The Greater Hinckley neighbourhood beat covers all parts of Hinckley except for the town centre.

The beat is a large residential area which also includes several schools, a college and three supermarkets. It also has a number of large industrial estates.

There is a 'community house' established on the Wykin estate which is regularly attended by the beat officers and acts as a focal point for members of the community to raise issues affecting their neighbourhood.

Contact Details
Neighbourhood Priorities

Road Safety - Speeding of vehicles along a number of roads on the beat, breaches of weight restrictions and bridge strikes all lead to a feeling amongst the community that road safety is an issue.

Users driving with no documents such as Insurance, MOT and Tax. With no licenses.

Issue Date Saturday 1st June 2024

The continuing issues of inconsiderate parking and speeding during school times, we are attempting to complete patrols during these hours to stop any individual that thinks they have the right to proceed with these inconsiderate actions.

Visits and meetings have been held with HAJC/Hinckley Parks and both Traffic Enforcement teams at LCC/Harborough Councils to discuss ways of tackling the problems, with the following acted upon.

•Letters advising parents about parking on restricted single yellow lines have been sent.
•A PCSO/Traffic Enforcement Officer will also be patrolling the area, giving words of advice, warnings and issuing penalty notices.
•Speeding vehicles have been identified and perpetrators contacted accordingly.

This is an ongoing problem as Schools return to normal, but we ask all parents to be considerate to local residents and observe the parking restrictions in force. Where possible park away from the area and walk your children to School.

We have had recent reports around the Butt Lane area for inconsiderate parking during any time of day. We as the beat team shall be patrolling this area more than usual and taken any appropriate action to people caught parking or driving in a way that causes any alarm and distress.

Patrols have been completed by the officers on the beat to stop any vehicles with the incorrect documents or no documents at all. We are aware of some vehicles that have been driving illegally and we have caught up to them and took the correct actions.

Action Date Saturday 1st June 2024

Anti-Social Behaviour - Ongoing issues with large groups of youths, particularly on public parks and open spaces, fighting, playing loud music, being abusive, drinking and using drugs.

Issue Date Saturday 1st June 2024

Overall ASB has been a constant problem on the beat over the past couple of months. Officers have been focusing on areas where numerous reports are entering the desk with youths causing alarm and distress to the public. We are attempting to respond to these type of calls ASAP due the risks that could take place, this is a big part of our community engagement, and we want to take care of the public interests.

In addition to the patrols completed officers have been working with local council and highways to explore opportunities to make the area safer and less appealing to those wanting to cause problems.

We shall be completing patch walks and continuous patrols within the area of greater Hinckley, we know where some of the hot spot areas are, but with your help we shall be able to know where the areas are, that you want us to target.

Action Date Saturday 1st June 2024

Drug use and Drug Dealing - Reports of drug dealing and using at a number of addresses on the beat, with high interest to the rest of the county and other counties. This is attracting undesirables to the location and often resulting in ASB and disorder at the addresses.

Issue Date Saturday 1st June 2024

The main focus recently for drug related activity has very much been around the whole area of Hinckley where police are looking to develop intelligence around drug users and dealers within the area.

Since the success of police operations such as OP IMPOSE and OP GOODYEAR drug supply in the Hinckley area has been significantly disrupted and as a result Police believe that the current drug lines are being used by members of the public and we are focusing on disrupting these lines with our patrols and constant operations.

Intelligence work has been completed by the officers on the beat by regularly checking up on those that we know are completely drug runs and trying to gather the intel we need in attempt to create warrants and disrupt any further drug supplies/dealing.

Work continues to identify and disrupt these individuals and police welcome any information that the community have to support further action.

Action Date Saturday 1st June 2024

Neighbourhood Events

Premier Kicks
Monday 26th February 2024 to Monday 8th July 2024
Green Towers Hinckley Club 4 Young People, Hinckley

Premier Kicks is a community engagement program where young youths come to Hinckley Green Towers and play football with Leicester City Football Club.
This happens every Monday from 16:00-17:30, unless it's a public holiday.

We as the police have decided to get ourselves involved and speak to the youths about the issues they believe are happening in the area and to speak to them about the right paths to go on.

Premier Kicks
Monday 8th April 2024 to Monday 8th July 2024
Green Towers Hinckley Club 4 Young People, Hinckley

Premier Kicks is a community engagement program where young youths come to Hinckley Green Towers and play football with Leicester City Football Club.
This happens every Monday from 16:00-17:30, unless it's a public holiday.

We as the police have decided to get ourselves involved and speak to the youths about the issues they believe are happening in the area and to speak to them about the right paths to go on.

Premier Kicks
Monday 15th April 2024 to Monday 15th July 2024
Green Towers Hinckley Club 4 Young People, Hinckley

Premier Kicks is a community engagement program where young youths come to Hinckley Green Towers and play football with Leicester City Football Club.
This happens every Monday from 16:00-17:30, unless it's a public holiday.

We as the police have decided to get ourselves involved and speak to the youths about the issues they believe are happening in the area and to speak to them about the right paths to go on.

Premier Kicks
Monday 24th June 2024
from 4:00PM to 5:30PM
Green Towers Hinckley Club 4 Young People, Hinckley

Premier Kicks is a community engagement program where young youths come to Hinckley Green Towers and play football with Leicester City Football Club.
This happens every Monday from 16:00-17:30, unless it's a public holiday.

We as the police have decided to get ourselves involved and speak to the youths about the issues they believe are happening in the area and to speak to them about the right paths to go on.

Premier Kicks
Monday 1st July 2024
from 4:00PM to 5:30PM
Green Towers Hinckley Club 4 Young People, Hinckley

Premier Kicks is a community engagement program where young youths come to Hinckley Green Towers and play football with Leicester City Football Club.
This happens every Monday from 16:00-17:30, unless it's a public holiday.

We as the police have decided to get ourselves involved and speak to the youths about the issues they believe are happening in the area and to speak to them about the right paths to go on.

NH26 Greater Hinckley Beat Surgery
Saturday 6th July 2024
from 12:00PM to 2:00PM
Gwendoline Community House 50 Gwendoline Avenue Hinckley

Greater Hinckley Beat Surgery
come along and meet your local officers for crime advice and crime prevention materials available at cost.

Premier Kicks
Monday 8th July 2024
from 4:00PM to 5:30PM
Green Towers Hinckley Club 4 Young People, Hinckley

Premier Kicks is a community engagement program where young youths come to Hinckley Green Towers and play football with Leicester City Football Club.
This happens every Monday from 16:00-17:30, unless it's a public holiday.

We as the police have decided to get ourselves involved and speak to the youths about the issues they believe are happening in the area and to speak to them about the right paths to go on.

Neighbourhood Map

Markers show crime recording locations. Click/tap on a marker to see crimes allocated to that location.