Crime Check UK


A local policing neighbourhood in Humberside Police

The information on this page is provided by Humberside Police. If any of it is incorrect, or incomplete, or out of date, please don't complain to us, please get in touch with your local police force and politely ask them to ensure that they update their information at

Contact Details
Neighbourhood Priorities

Anti-Social Behaviour

Issue Date Saturday 20th January 2024

Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) is always a priority for us at the Neighbourhood Team, with recent reports of ASB in Scartho.

We have conducted a large amount of work with the local schools and also the young people in the area.

Behaviour has improved and calls for service have dropped significantly.

We will continue to patrol the Hotspot areas especially over the Easter Holidays

We are keen to hear from anyone that have concerns about anti-social behaviour and encourage people to report via 101, our non-emergency contact number.

Action Date Saturday 20th January 2024


Issue Date Friday 19th January 2024

We have had a good result from recent police activity including targeted patrols, and crime prevention workshops.

We have recorded only one burglary for last month across both Scartho and Waltham

The use of increased patrols will continue with a focus on the residential areas. We continue to ask for your help and take as much preventative action as you can to secure your property.

Recent thefts have occurred as a result of unlocked outbuildings and vehicles,

Please remember to ensure that your property is secure.

Action Date Friday 19th January 2024

Neighbourhood Map

Markers show crime recording locations. Click/tap on a marker to see crimes allocated to that location.