Crime Check UK

Orchard Park

A local policing neighbourhood in Humberside Police

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Neighbourhood Priorities

Anti-social behavior by youths on motorbikes

Issue Date Tuesday 1st November 2022

Following on from our update regarding the motorbikes riding anti socially across the Orchard Park Estate. Over the last month officers have seized a number of bikes who have been riding both anti-socially and/or iligally.

Whilst this is also a hard problem to target due to the dangers involved we do continue to work with local residents, local authorities and other organisations locally and regionally to target this offenders.

More recently we have managed to recover a number of stolen motorcycles and indentify the offenders responsible.

One offender has been charged with two counts of taking without the owners consent and one count of theft of motorcycle following his release from prison. We are please to inform you he has recieved a 6 months prison sentence for these offences.

Another suspect who also recently left prison around the same time has been dealt with a string of offences and has also been re-committed to a young offenders insitute.

Following a number of reports from members of the public about groups of off-road motorcycles gathering on green land we have spent many shifts identifying those responsible and have also seized bikes from those responsible.

We have had great success and this shows as it appears that are less incidents reported. #OpYellowfin officers are routinely patrolling the area in unmarked cars, cycles and foot patrols.

The operation will continue.

Please continue to report incidents involving motorbikes!

Action Date Wednesday 2nd November 2022

Neighbourhood Map

Markers show crime recording locations. Click/tap on a marker to see crimes allocated to that location.