Crime Check UK

Broughton and Scawby

A local policing neighbourhood in Humberside Police

The information on this page is provided by Humberside Police. If any of it is incorrect, or incomplete, or out of date, please don't complain to us, please get in touch with your local police force and politely ask them to ensure that they update their information at

Contact Details
Neighbourhood Priorities

Increase intelligence picture surrounding drug supply within the Broughton and Scawby ward areas.

Remains priority due to members of public concerns and information raised to key individual network for the area.

Issue Date Thursday 18th January 2024

Through community engagement complete an intelligence picture on the drug supply within the local area.

Ensure any warrants are applied for and closure notices completed where grounds exist.

A proactive vehicle stop was made in Broughton recently and the driver and occupant was dealt with for possession offences.

Action Date Tuesday 19th March 2024

Traffic related offences throughout the ward area of Broughton & Scawby. Remains in discussion in the local neighbourhood action team meetings as a topic of high interest for the community. Due to the ward area been predominately rural this will remain of high interest to the public due to the main means of transport to the ward been via a vehicle.

Issue Date Thursday 18th January 2024

Latest actions - The following actions have been completed this far within the locality -
1)Speed enforcement at various locations within the ward area including points of interest raised by the members of the public including Ermine Street - Broughton and West Street - Scawby.
2)Weight restriction checks have been conducted throughout the Broughton area due to the recent incidents raised by members of the public of HGVs contravening the local traffic order.
3) Target vehicles of note via relevant policing systems.

Over the last number of months there has been numerous traffic offence reports completed for the area of Broughton and Scawby.
Some key traffic offence reports of note are as follows:
A number of HGVs have been stopped and been given fixed penalty notices due to contravening the local traffic orders through Broughton.
A number of vehicles was stopped recently as part of a proactive vehicle stop day jointly with traffic officers, DVSA and environmental health officers. A number of offences was revealed on the day which included, no tax, no mot, no insurance and vehicles load likely to cause danger.

Action Date Tuesday 19th March 2024

Neighbourhood Map

Markers show crime recording locations. Click/tap on a marker to see crimes allocated to that location.