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A local policing neighbourhood in Humberside Police

The information on this page is provided by Humberside Police. If any of it is incorrect, or incomplete, or out of date, please don't complain to us, please get in touch with your local police force and politely ask them to ensure that they update their information at

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Neighbourhood Priorities

Proposal of a Youth Club in Barton ('THE HUB').

Issue Date Friday 9th February 2024

It's our hope to bring a Youth Club back to Barton!

In response, Barton NPT - in partnership with Youth Justice Partnership - sent online questionnaires to every pupil at Baysgarth School.

We had an overwhelming response from the pupils which enabled us to approach Barton Town Council to ask for their support in this project. The Town Council agreed to take ownership and offered use of 'THE HUB' on Maltby Lane (...which I'm sure many Bartonians will remember used to be the Youth Club many years ago!).

Barton Town Council have applied for up to £10,000 from the Community Response Funding (from the Office of Police & Crime Commissioners) to help fund staff and facilities. This is not a given, so we would kindly urge all residents in Barton to please vote for this project using the below link:

Whilst we realise a dedicated Youth Club won't magically make Antisocial Behaviour disappear, we are quietly confident a dedicated Hub away from the streets is likely to help reduce ASB.

Action Date Friday 9th February 2024

The Neighbourhood Policing Team (NPT) are continuing to focus on Antisocial Behaviour (ASB) around Barton.

Groups of youths are still gathering at the Bus & Train station, plus outside retail premises including the Co-op and Heron Foods. Whilst the majority of young people aren't causing problems, there is a small minority whose behaviour understandably causes frustration to the community, leaving some residents and shop workers intimidated.

There is also a minority of youths who kick on resident's doors before running away. Whilst 'knock-a-door-run' has been played for generations, there's a current cohort of youths who think it's acceptable to repeatedly kick doors so hard that along with causing distress for occupants and their pets, damage is also being caused. The actions of these youths is not acceptable and they are committing criminal offences, including Public Order offences, Harassment and Criminal Damage. Over recent weeks Barton NPT have formally dealt with a number of youths for these offences, and will continue to do so.

Issue Date Wednesday 1st November 2023

Antisocial behavior is defined as 'Behavior by a person which causes (or is likely to cause) harassment, alarm or distress to persons not of the same household as the person'.

Since the end of 2023 and into 2024, we've worked with partner agencies including Baysgarth School, Youth Justice Partnership, Early Intervention, Children’s Services and Safer Neighbourhoods, plus local drug and mental health services. We've identified key individuals linked with ASB and low-level criminality. Our aim, through joint partnership working, is to address the root cause(s) of mis-behaviour so partner agencies can support each young person with the tools to help develop them into more valued members of our community.

Powers under Section 35 of the 'Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014' have been used to exclude individuals from the hotspot areas for a period of up to 48 hours. We have also spent many evenings patrolling with Youth Outreach workers to engage with the youths positively to help direct away from ASB. Whilst it takes time to see results, we are already seeing a reduction in Antisocial Behaviour and expect this to continue.

Action Date Wednesday 1st November 2023

Contrary to popular belief, Barton Police Station is staffed 24-7.

Issue Date Wednesday 1st November 2023

PC Chris HOWSON and PCSO Tracy DYAS are your dedicated Barton Neighbourhood Policing Team.

We work closely with local schools plus a variety of partner-agencies, to help support some of the most vulnerable people in our community. This includes Barton Town Council, Safer Neighbourhoods, Children's Services and ONGO, amongst many others.

As your Neighbourhood Policing Team, we investigate a variety of crimes including allegations of hate crime, antisocial behaviour (ASB), harassment, public order incidents and low-level assaults.

We also spend a significant amount of time in the community speaking with residents and businesses, trying to understand local concerns and what's important to you.

We select different streets each week to conduct 'Humber Talking' surveys, and sign many residents up to 'My Community Alert' which is a free messaging system operated by Humberside Police, Humberside Fire & Rescue Service, and Humberside Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner. This gives you live information about incidents happening in the area, and you can choose how you receive messages, by phone or email, and how often you want to hear from us.

To sign up please visit:

We also hold weekly drop-in surgeries at a variety of locations in Barton, including the Baysgarth Hub (Library), the Viking Centre (Fairfield Drive) and Victoria House (Victoria Drive). Again, this is an opportunity to meet your Neighbourhood Team and ask us questions. Please view the Humberside Police - Barton website for dates and times, under the ‘Meetings and Events’ tab.

In addition to the Neighbourhood Team, Barton Police Station is staffed by two Response Officers day-and-night, 365 days per year. Whilst their role is to attend emergencies and 999 calls in Barton and the surrounding area, they also provide support for ASB when the Neighbourhood Team aren’t at work.

You can contact the Barton Neighbourhood Team by email, on [email protected], or else in person when you see us walking about, or at any of the drop-in surgeries over the coming weeks.

Action Date Wednesday 1st November 2023

Neighbourhood Map

Markers show crime recording locations. Click/tap on a marker to see crimes allocated to that location.