Crime Check UK

Rickmansworth and District

A local policing neighbourhood in Hertfordshire Constabulary

The information on this page is provided by Hertfordshire Constabulary. If any of it is incorrect, or incomplete, or out of date, please don't complain to us, please get in touch with your local police force and politely ask them to ensure that they update their information at

Croxley Green, Croxley Green North and Croxley Green South, Maple Cross and Mill End, Penn, Rickmansworth and Rickmansworth West

Contact Details
Neighbourhood Priorities

Following feedback from our community via our various platforms and community engagement events we have decided to focus on Violence Against Women and Girls and feelings of safety in our community. Supporting the national strategy, officers will be working relentlessly to reduce violent and psychological crime against women and girls, increasing the feelings of safety in our community. Local officers will be conducting regular foot patrols in and around Rickmansworth Town Centre and other areas highlighted in a recent Feelings of Safety survey such as in and around Rickmansworth Train Station. Officers will be facilitating various community engagement events such as offering self-defence classes funded by the Local Authority. Working closely with schools, officers will be providing preventative and safeguarding advice to our young persons.

Issue Date Tuesday 23rd January 2024

Officers will be facilitating various community engagement events such as offering self-defence classes funded by the Local Authority. Working closely with schools, officers will be providing preventative and safeguarding advice to our young persons.

Action Date Tuesday 23rd January 2024

Following feedback from our community via our various platforms and community engagement events we have decided to focus on speeding drivers, anti-social driving and parking. Speeding across all areas of Rickmansworth and district is the highest priority according to the feedback received from our community.

Issue Date Tuesday 23rd January 2024

Therefore, ward officers will be conducting regular speed enforcement activities in the key areas that have been identified as a cause for concern, namely Croxley Green, Chorleywood, Sarratt & Mill End. Ward Officers will utilise tactics, equipment and preventative measures available to the SNT to enforce local speed limits and to provide high visibility presence in the community at least twice per month. Officers will promptly respond to and problem solve parking issues when reported. Officers will update social media with the results of their activity.

Action Date Tuesday 23rd January 2024

Following feedback from our community via our various platforms and community engagement events we have decided to focus on drug use and supply. According to feedback received from our community, drug use and supply across areas of Rickmansworth and district is the second highest ASB type highlighted.

Issue Date Tuesday 23rd January 2024

Officers will be responding to and conducting proactive patrols in and around areas identified as a cause for concern. Officers will be using a problem solving and supportive approach when dealing with drug users. Officers will be utilising tactical tools, working with proactive units such as Operation Scorpion, to gather intelligence, to disrupt and deter drug dealing criminals in our community.

Action Date Tuesday 23rd January 2024

Neighbourhood Map

Markers show crime recording locations. Click/tap on a marker to see crimes allocated to that location.