Crime Check UK

Bournemouth South

A local policing neighbourhood in Dorset Police

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Bournemouth South NPT is the Dorset Police Neighbourhood Policing team that covers Bournemouth town centre, Lansdowne, Westbourne & Westcliff areas of Bournemouth

Contact Details
Neighbourhood Priorities

Support delivery of ‘Against Business Crime’ (ABC) and the Crime Reduction partnership

Retail theft concerns have increased from 8% to 23%. This is partly due to the introduction of ABC and SentrySYS as we work with businesses to increase reporting and raise awareness, but we also have evidence of an increase in offending linked to ASB and we will focus on business engagement and management of offenders.  We are utilising Criminal behaviour Orders, Civil Injunctions and other legislation to prevent offending and are targeting our main offenders. 
 SentrySYS is already in use across the Night time Economy Venues and its introduction to the wider businesses in the town gives us a fully joined up reporting and intelligence share process between the police, council, and businesses. 
Whilst these are our priorities, we still focus on other issues that arise such as Burglaries, car crime and damage and have had some good results in all areas over the last few months. 

Issue Date Monday 1st April 2024

Begging, Homelessness & ASB

Whilst we celebrate that concerns around Begging & Homelessness have reduced in the responses it is still a concern and much of our ASB in the town over the early part of the year reported by businesses and residents in blocks of flats, businesses and car parks is linked to these issues. As a Town Team have increased our use of civil and criminal orders as well as our referrals for support to tackle these issues. 
We have brought in Hot Spot Policing – a government funded initiative to deliver enhanced patrols to tackle violence and disorder and target in areas with high levels of anti-social behaviour.  This is called OP Track in Dorset and sees the NPT supported by wider resources providing visible foot patrols in key areas to further increase our visibility.     

Issue Date Monday 1st April 2024

Drug dealing

This is a focus for us at the moment with the introduction ‘Clear Hold Build’ which is an innovative framework, developed by the Home Office, to help police forces tackle serious and organised crime.
It reclaims and rebuilds neighbourhoods affected by organised crime, makes areas safer and increases public confidence in the police and partner agencies.  In Dorset, the first Clear, Hold, Build project was launched in March 2024 in the area of the Lower Gardens and Westcliff.  This will see the Town Team work together to remove drug dealers, organised crime groups and use civil and criminal orders to manage people or properties associated with ASB.
We will continue to focus on other areas through the use of specialist police tactics, dedicated officers and the Town team in areas such as Horseshoe Common, Old Christchurch Road and the car parks. 

Issue Date Monday 1st April 2024

Neighbourhood Events

Bournemouth South - Community Contact Point
Tuesday 2nd July 2024
from 6:00PM to 7:00PM
NISA Local Westcliff Road

Bournemouth South - Community Contact Point
Monday 5th August 2024
from 12:00PM to 1:00PM
Tesco Express The Triangle

Neighbourhood Map

Markers show crime recording locations. Click/tap on a marker to see crimes allocated to that location.