Crime Check UK


A local policing neighbourhood in Devon & Cornwall Police

The information on this page is provided by Devon & Cornwall Police. If any of it is incorrect, or incomplete, or out of date, please don't complain to us, please get in touch with your local police force and politely ask them to ensure that they update their information at

Contact Details
Neighbourhood Priorities

Community Engagement Survey

Your neighbourhood officers know how important it is to engage with their communities. Plymouth police have developed a short survey, which will gather data about crime and antisocial behaviour in your area. The survey is anonymous, and the responses will be used to set policing priorities that matter to the majority of residents. A link to the survey is below:

Issue Date Friday 20th October 2023

Anti Social Behaviour

We work closely with our partners to tackle ASB and these include Plymouth city Council, Livewell, Registered Social Landlords, SWASFT and DSFRS.

We have a dedicated Community Connections Officer (PCC) embedded within the team who assist us with taking positive action regarding all aspects of anti social behaviour. This includes processing through the ASB escalation process through serving of a Community Behaviour Order and even eviction. 

A dedicated member of Child Centred Policing works closely with our team to fast track all aspects of Youth related issues. 

We have close working relationships with our elected councillors and community leaders and seek to work together to address community related issues identified. 

We are currently targeting the use of illegal electric motorcycles on footpaths and open public spaces. These are not to be confused with electrically assisted pedal cycles, which are legal and can be ridden on the roads.


Issue Date Friday 20th October 2023

Protect the Vulnerable

We work closely with our partners to safeguard the most vulnerable in our communities. Our partners include Plymouth City Council, Registered Social Landlords, Livewell, GP practices, SWAST and DSFRS .

Particular focus is on persons at risk of 'cuckooing' i.e. those at risk of being exploited by dangerous drug networks. We also work closely with our partners to support victims of domestic violence conducting regular visits following the issue of Domestic Violence Protection Orders issued by a court.

Issue Date Thursday 11th May 2023

Visibility & Engagement within our community

Our team seek to provide a regular visible presence, provide reassurance and support for our communities. We achieve this in many ways which include conducting regular foot patrols, community meetings, community messaging and posting appropriate community updates on our social media pages. 

The key to building trust is having regular conversations - please feel fee to engage with our officers if you see them on patrol. They will be happy to help in whatever way they can. We will continue to endeavour to understand what issues are important to you, tackle them and publicise what has been achieved. Please consider signing up to one of our Facebook Groups: Plymouth North Police or Plympton Police to remain informed.


Issue Date Friday 5th May 2023

Neighbourhood Map

Markers show crime recording locations. Click/tap on a marker to see crimes allocated to that location.