Crime Check UK


A local policing neighbourhood in Devon & Cornwall Police

The information on this page is provided by Devon & Cornwall Police. If any of it is incorrect, or incomplete, or out of date, please don't complain to us, please get in touch with your local police force and politely ask them to ensure that they update their information at

Contact Details
Neighbourhood Priorities

Devon & Cornwall Alert

Your neighbourhood officers know how important it is to engage with their communities. Devon and Cornwall Alert is a two way community messaging system operated by Devon and Cornwall Police. The system helps us to connect with our communities, it tells people what is happening in their area and allows them to respond directly with any information.

The system is designed to allow people who register to choose the type of information they would like to receive concerning crime and anti-social behaviour, witness appeals, crime prevention, community events and local good news.

Subscribers will not be notified about every crime or incident that happens in their community. The aim is to send relevant information where we believe to do so will reduce the opportunity for crime and anti-social behaviour or will help Devon and Cornwall Police solve a crime.

Home Page - Devon and Cornwall Alert

Issue Date Friday 21st June 2024

Community Engagement Survey

Your neighbourhood officers know how important it is to engage with their communities. Plymouth police have developed a short survey, which will gather data about crime and antisocial behaviour in your area. The survey is anonymous, and the responses will be used to set policing priorities that matter to the majority of residents. A link to the survey is below:

Issue Date Friday 20th October 2023

Unauthorised Encampments at Knowle Battery

Over the summer period the police were made aware of a number of unauthorised encampments on the Knowle Battery field in Honicknowle. The police wish to reassure the local community that there were very few reports of antisocial behaviour related to any of the groups involved.

Issue Date Friday 20th October 2023

Unauthorised Encampments at Knowle Battery

Over the summer period the police were made aware of a number of unauthorised encampments on the Knowle Battery field in Honicknowle. The police wish to reassure the local community that there were very few reports of antisocial behaviour related to any of the groups involved.

Issue Date Friday 20th October 2023

Update: 21 June 2024 - Recent Encampment

The Honicknowle team were made aware of the recent unauthorised encampment. Officers are aware of an incident of criminal damage to a tree and this matter was investigated by the police. Officers worked closely with the local authority and the occupants of the encampment moved on before enforcement action was required.

Action Date Friday 21st June 2024

Criminal Damage to local schools

There has been an increase in reports of youths trespassing and causing damage to both Ernesettle Primary School and Millford School,the local policing team would encourage and urge residents to report any sightings of youths in school grounds by calling 999.

The local policing team are working closely with partner agencies to address these issues.

Issue Date Tuesday 9th May 2023

Update: 20 October 2023 - Outcome

Action has been taken by local officers with support from the Child Centred Policing Team to target the individuals responsible. As a result there has been a significant decline in antisocial behaviour around the school.

Action Date Friday 20th October 2023

Drugs in and around areas of Whitleigh

ASB/ Cannabis with young people under Bodmin Road Bridge - Proactive patrols will look to eliminate these issues. 

Issue Date Wednesday 25th January 2023

Update: 20 October 2023 - 13/03/22 Update

These patrols are ongoing - Should you encounter anyone in this area causing an issue, or smoking/dealing in any form of drugs, please call and let us know. 

The information you provide us helps with us identifying peak times of concerns, enabling us to target this more effectively. 

Action Date Friday 20th October 2023

Whitleigh Green

Your local Whitleigh team are aware of ongoing Anti-Social behaviour that has been occuring at Whitleigh Green. 

This relates to foul language, fighting and drinking alcohol. 

We are specifically targetting this area and routinely patrol here to prevent any escalation from individuals here.

Work is already underway with the council, where Community Protection Notice Warnings have been issued to some inidividuals in order to prevent their behaviour escalating. 

We will continue to monitor this and act robustly to solve this problem. 

Issue Date Wednesday 25th January 2023

Update: 17 January 2023 - ASB Whitleigh Green

There are still problems with drug misuse in the areas around Whitleigh Green. Due to robust policing tactics, incidents of antisocial behaviour have reduced since early last year.

Update: 20 July 2022 - 20/07/2022

Your local team continue to Monitor the green, working with the local councils safer communities team. This has resulted in certain individuals being spoken to on a formal basis about their behaviour. 

Thank you for your continued reports, it has helped us a great deal with identifying people.

Update: 24 May 2022 - 24/05/2022

There has been a continued increase in ASB on and around the Whitleigh Green area. People have been identified and more proactive patrols are continuing to take place. Please continue to report any issues and we will deal robustly with any individuals. 

Update: 02 March 2022 - 02/03/2022 update

High visibility patrols from local officers have seen a dramatic reduction in ASB on the Green. This is great to see. 

We will continue to proactively patrol here to prevent issues occuring. If you see or hear anything, please get in contact with us. 

Action Date Wednesday 25th January 2023

Antisocial Behaviour in Ernesettle Green

The police are aware of youth antisocial behaviour on Ernesettle Green. The area was subject of a Primary Tasking, which means that local officers can call on other police resources to address the problem. The Beat Manager has requested the use of a mobile CCTV camera from Plymouth City Council. If the camera is installed then local residents will be updated.


Update-There has been a decline in reports of Anti-Social Behaviour in the vicinity of the Green. The local team would urge residents to contact us if the issues arise again.

Issue Date Tuesday 24th January 2023

Neighbourhood Map

Markers show crime recording locations. Click/tap on a marker to see crimes allocated to that location.