Crime Check UK


A local policing neighbourhood in Devon & Cornwall Police

The information on this page is provided by Devon & Cornwall Police. If any of it is incorrect, or incomplete, or out of date, please don't complain to us, please get in touch with your local police force and politely ask them to ensure that they update their information at

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Neighbourhood Priorities

Anti-Social Driving

We have received numerous concerning reports regarding anti-social driving in and around the area. This includes the use of faulty or excessively noisy exhausts. Main hot spots include the Underfleet and Harbour Road in Seaton and Temple Street and the Esplanade in Sidmouth.

The Neighbourhood Policing Team will be conducting regular patrols in the area and plan to carry out various operations in the coming months, dealing with any driving offences in and around the area. The team will target persistent offenders.

The local Neighbourhood Policing Team and the Special Constabulary will not hesitate to report offenders for prosecution and issue Section 59 Notices where appropriate - these are written warnings to drivers caught driving anti-socially and if they are caught driving in an anti-social manner again within 12 months their vehicle could be seized.

Issue Date Tuesday 26th March 2024

Update: 26 March 2024 - Update 2024

Anti-social driving continues to be a top priority due to serious injury and fatal road traffic collision and reports from the public. This is especially prominent in Seaton where officers have been conducting patrols and engagement in areas such as Tesco, Harbour Road, and Seaton Down Hill. At these locations section 59 warnings have been issued which last a year and deters the driver from driving in an anti-social manner. 

In Sidmouth there has been continued patrols of the Esplanade which is known for car meet ups that can attract anti-social driving, and engagement in rural pinic areas where there has been reports of littering and noise from cars. 

Update: 26 March 2024 - Update 2023

There have been a number of operations targeting anti-social driving in the area. This has both been by utilising dedicated policing units and our partner agencies. Our most recent operation was between the 27th and 31st July resulted in over 30 motorists in just one day being caught driving over the speed limit.

Due to the proactive work that has been carried out in recent months we have noticed a decrease in reports to us and from speaking with members of the public they too are seeing an improvement with the issue that once took over the car park at Tesco’s in Seaton.

The Neighbourhood Team have also conducted operations with Traffic officers to target traffic offences on the A3052 which has been identified to be high harm route. From operations that have been conducted vehicles have been seized that are not road worthy, and drivers have been prosecuted for traffic offences including drink and drug driving. 

Action Date Tuesday 26th March 2024

Rural Crime and Engagement

Rural crime is an issue for large areas of the country, but it tends to go unreported. It can impact on insurance premiums, food prices, the environment, and can damage local communities.

The Coastal Neighbourhood Team are conducting a visible presence in the rural community to offer reassurance and crime prevention. The aim is to improve connectivity with the rural communities and provide education to users of our beautiful countryside. This includes attending rural events to gain knowledge about the issues effecting the rural communities and to offer the crime prevention advice.

Issue Date Tuesday 26th March 2024

Update: 26 March 2024 - Update 2024

At the start of this year there has been numerous incidents of livestock worrying in Sidmouth and Seaton, with one incident where formal action was taken by Police. Following this PCSO England and PC Reese conducted foot patrol in these areas to engage with local dog walkers and given relevant advice, and put up posters to prevent further incidents. 

There has also been reports of wildfire offences where badger sets have been damaged. The local Neighbourhood Beat Manager pursued this speaking to both parties to identify criminal offences and suspects. The investigation is ongoing at this time. 

Update: 26 March 2024 - Update 2023

Throughout the last few months we have increased and continued our patrols throughout our rural communities targeting key areas and key times. This has resulted in a visual deterrent and a noticeable reduction in certain rural crime reports.

We have however noticed an increase in dog attacks throughout the summer already. This is a reminder to all dog owners that their animals need to be always under your control, whether on a lead or very confident recalls. If your animal is found to be livestock worrying the farmer can legally shoot your beloved pet.

Action Date Tuesday 26th March 2024

Vehicle Offences

Vehicle use offences are always a priority for us. Whether this be the documentation the vehicle and/or driver holds, the state and use of the vehicle or the state of the driver. Any vehicle or driver fault can have devastating results and we are finding far too many persons severely injured or killed on our roads. Our main arterial route, the A3052, has now been designated a high harm route due to the amount of serious collisions that have occurred on this stretch of road, ones which could have been easily avoided.

Issue Date Tuesday 26th March 2024

Update: 26 March 2024 - Update 2024

There has continued to be Section 59 warnings issued in Sidmouth and Seaton, including one Section 59 seizure of a vehicle that had a warning due to expire two days later. 

In Seaton a male known for repeat offending for driving with no insurance and otherwise in accordance with a licence was reported, and the vehicle was seized under the Road Traffic Act. There was also a vehicle seized under common law that was parked in a obstructive manner blocking view from other road users. Additionally there has been two drivers arrested for driving otherwise in accordance with a licence and under the influence of drugs. The offenders are awaiting court and their vehicles were seized. In Sidmouth there has been numerous vehicle seizures relating to no insurance, where drivers will have to pay substantial fees for the vehicles to be released. 


Update: 26 March 2024 - Update 2023

Due to the A3052 being specially designated as a high harm route there has been an increased Police presence from the local Neighbourhood Team, dedicated roads policing units and speed detection officers. On just one of the days, we seized 2 vehicles for having no tax, 7 motorists were reported for other vehicle and document defects, 2 arrests for unfit driving either through drink or drugs and over 30 motorists were caught speeding. It is a great concern of the amount of drivers who deem it acceptable to get behind the wheel of a car when their judgement is impaired. The safest and best advice is to avoid alcohol (and obviously drugs) if you have to drive. The risk just isn’t worth that drink.

Action Date Tuesday 26th March 2024

Drug Possession and Supply

Drugs can have a devastating social impact on community life and on those who are dependent on them. It can lead to anti-social behaviour, violence, safeguarding concerns, and other crime. 

Community intelligence is invaluable to the Police, and without it would limit the ability to gain drug warrants and target offenders. Information from the public helps to prevent and detect crime, whilst ensuring the safeguarding and protection of our community. You may think that the information you hold will not be useful but it may be the final missing piece to the puzzle. If you suspect illegal activity in your area please report it via 101 online or by phone. Alternatively, you can report information anonymously to CrimeStoppers on 0800 555 111. 

Issue Date Tuesday 26th March 2024

Update: 26 March 2024 - Update 2024

The start of 2024 has been a busy time for the Neighbourhood Team with four Section 23 Misuse of Drugs warrants executed in the Seaton and Sidmouth area. These warrants have been gained from intelligence built by the local Policing team and information from the public. The warrants have led to the seizure of cash, stolen property, class A and B drugs. The Neighbourhood Team value intelligence that will help us to pursue these offenders who put the community and vulnerable people at risk. If you have any information relating to drug supply please do not hesitate to report it to the Police or anonymously to Crimestoppers. 

Update: 26 March 2024 - Update 2023

The Sidmouth and Seaton Neighbourhood Team have been busy working to build intelligence to gain warrants to execute searches of properties in the area for drugs. The team are keen for the public to report any suspicious activity which they believed to be linked to drug supply as it may fill holes in information and lead to action being taken.  Proactive patrols and stop searches have been conducted of areas known for drug supply, where offenders have been pursued by Police and the relevant action taken. 

Action Date Tuesday 26th March 2024

Anti-Social Behaviour

Antisocial behaviour (ASB) is defined as 'behaviour by a person which causes, or is likely to cause, harassment, alarm or distress to persons not of the same household as the person'. There are three main categories of ASB which depends on how many people are affected: personal ASB, nuisance ASB, and environmental ASB. This can include littering, noise, inconsiderate behaviour, nuisance calls, antisocial driving, abandoned vehicles, begging, and street drinking. 

To reduce and target ASB in the community the East Devon Neighbourhood team work with partner agencies such as East Devon Council, local schools, local shops, pubs, and Highways.

Issue Date Tuesday 26th March 2024

Update: 26 March 2024 - Update 2024

The Seaton and Sidmouth Neighbourhood Team have continued to patrol 'hotspot' areas for ASB. 

At the start of the year there was a spate of anti-social behaviour in Seaton, where eggs were being thrown at houses. The local Neighbourhood team targeted patrols and engaged with youths seen in the areas, leading to no further reports or incidents. 

In Sidmouth there has been targeted patrols and stop searches of youths in areas known for drug supply and ASB. The team have then followed up these reports and action taken with local school in monthly safeguarding meetings and attending the local youth club for engagement. 

Update: 26 March 2024 - Update 2023

During 2023, 'hotspot' areas of anti-social behaviour were identified and officers proactively patrols these areas during the targeted times where ASB is most prevalent. These areas include:

Seaton Primary School between the hours of 0815-0900 and 1515-1545.

Beer Primary School between the hours of 0815-0900 and 1515-1545.

Sidmouth Primary School (Woolbrook Road and Vicarage Road) between the hours of 1500-1600.

Sidmouth College between the hours of 1500-1600.

Sidbury Primary School between the hours of 1500-1600.

Newton Poppleford Primary School between the hours of 1500-1600.

The A3052 between the hours of 0700-0900 and 1700-1900.

Action Date Tuesday 26th March 2024

Neighbourhood Events

Seaton Summer Celebration
Saturday 15th June 2024
at 1:00PM

Seaton Natural Festival
Saturday 27th July 2024
at 12:00PM

The Natural Seaton Festival is an annual event hosted by Seaton Tramway, which takes place across a number of sites in Seaton including Thury Harcourt Place, Tesco Plaza, the 'Amphitheatre' (turning circle between Seaton Tramway and Jurassic Discovery) and Seaton Beach. It takes place on Saturday 27th and Sunday 28th of July. 

Sidmouth Regatta
Saturday 24th August 2024
at 2:00PM

Sidmouth’s ever popular Annual Regatta will return in 2024 with a renewed focus on developing and rediscovering the land and sea events that have delighted generations of Sidmouthians and visitors alike. It will be held on 24th and 25th August and the Sidmouth Neighbourhood team will be in attendance. 

Neighbourhood Map

Markers show crime recording locations. Click/tap on a marker to see crimes allocated to that location.