Crime Check UK

Ottery St Mary Town

A local policing neighbourhood in Devon & Cornwall Police

The information on this page is provided by Devon & Cornwall Police. If any of it is incorrect, or incomplete, or out of date, please don't complain to us, please get in touch with your local police force and politely ask them to ensure that they update their information at

Contact Details
Neighbourhood Priorities

ASB in Cranbrook

We have received reports which told of ASB in the area of Cranbrook. We focused our resources and addressed the issues.

Issue Date Friday 12th April 2024

Update: 12 April 2024 - Success Thus Far.

PC Toomey is the current nominated officer for the area, with PCSO Sims as his officer on the ground. They are ably assisted by the Ottery team; namely, PC Wallis and PC Edwards, when need arises.

We have been in email communication with Melody Trott (EDDC) and Adrian Gardner (MDDC), re ASB hotspot data, which could further inform the data being gathered to increase funding from different agencies.

SPACE youth services are holding two sessions each week to offer young people activity and development.

We have conducted targeted patrols and pop up sessions around the schools and shops. My officers, not least of all PC Toomey, have established excellent working relationships with the Head of the Campus, Steve Farmer and the deputy, Nick Manning. Our Youth Officer, PC Dell, has done assemblies for Years 7-11 at the Cranbrook Education Campus today. She highlighted the local issues and offered education. She will also make contact with St. Martin’s Primary too to offer some presentations around ASB/theft/harassment and other salient issues. In the past she attended St. Martin’s C of E Primary and completed the Mini Police Course for 6 weeks with Year 6 covering multiple of topics and delivered bespoke Online Safety presentations to approximately 240 x children from Years 3-6 more.

Parking issues have been discussed at length. PCSO John Simms has investigated the issue of lawfulness and has distributed leaflets to advise drivers.

There have been meetings with the manager of the Co-op. Target hardening has been discussed, to "design out" crime.

Sgt Stonecliffe has attended the Cranbrook Safety Group Meetings. Another will be held every month. It is led by District Councillor Kim Bloxham, representing Cranbrook at East Devon District Council, but also the town council member, representing Cranbrook. Also in attendance, there is District Councillors Cllrs Kevin Blakey and Sam Hawkins. Candidly, public attendance has been both none and very few.

We have confirmed the scope of BTP (British Transport Police) curtilage and identified a contact for us, namely PC 4211 Powell. They report no issues re crime or ASB. The identification of this area as a "hot spot" for crime is not borne out by stats nor observations during patrols.


Action Date Friday 12th April 2024

Rural Crime awareness

Local police and specialist teams are working hard to reduce crimes on farms and around livestock in the immediate area.

Issue Date Tuesday 13th February 2024

Anti-social behaviour at train station car-park

We have identified the area of Cranbrook train station car-park as being a concern for anti-social behaviour in many forms and the police actively are committed to prevention of further incidents here.



Issue Date Tuesday 13th February 2024

Update: 12 April 2024 - Success Thus Far.

We have liaised with British Transport Police (BTP) to understand the extent of this issue. BTP will take responsibility for matters on their curtilage and Devon and Cornwall police will deal with matters outside of their responsibility. Clearly, we will maintain liaison and target our resources to address any issues. We will continue to monitor crime reports and  intelligence.

Action Date Friday 12th April 2024

Speeding concerns B3174

Police are aware of speeding concerns on the B3174 (London Road) Cranbrook.

There will be traffic speed surveillance activity numerous times across the year to catch motorists who choose to flout the law.

This is apart of ongoing speed surveillance throughout the year across East Devon from Devon and Cornwall Police.


Issue Date Tuesday 13th February 2024

Neighbourhood Map

Markers show crime recording locations. Click/tap on a marker to see crimes allocated to that location.