Crime Check UK

Newquay Town

A local policing neighbourhood in Devon & Cornwall Police

The information on this page is provided by Devon & Cornwall Police. If any of it is incorrect, or incomplete, or out of date, please don't complain to us, please get in touch with your local police force and politely ask them to ensure that they update their information at

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Neighbourhood Priorities

Town centre ASB

Crime and ASB caused by street drinkers and rough sleepers has a negative impact on residents, local businesses and visitors to the town. Due to ongoing community concerns, Newquay police are taking a robust approach to crime and disorder linked to this issue in the town centre. Positive action will be taken against all offenders in order to make the town centre a safer place for all.

Issue Date Monday 13th March 2023

Update: 23 April 2024 - April update

Increased High visibility patrols from May to Sept 2024:

For 2024/25, the Government are combining funding streams for ASB Hotspot Response and Grip serious violence hotspot policing, given the significant overlap between the hotspots. Across the country, this will see thousands of hours each month of additional patrols taking place in places blighted by anti-social behaviour and serious violence.

Evidence shows taking a ‘hotspot’ approach, where uniformed police spend time at problem areas on a regular basis, reduces levels of crime.

In the upcoming year, hotspot policing in Newquay will empower us to conduct high-visibility community engagement in areas experiencing ASB and serious violence. Our neighbourhood team already carry out partnership working and problem-solving initiatives on a daily basis and the proven methodology of hotspot policing will help to complement this broader work.


Update: 02 February 2024 - Feb updates

At the end of January we held a Neighbourhood Policing week where the team participated in a number of events. These included school visits to both primary and secondary schools in the area and police insight visits to some local Nursery's. Two neighbourhood surgery's were held at the local supermarkets  and hours of high visibility patrols were conducted in targeted area to tackle ASB.


Update: 23 November 2023 - Arrests

After reports of increasing ASB and related crime the policing team at Newquay made a number of arrests that resulted in 6 individuals being remanded in HMP for various offences. The neighbourhood team will continue to liaise with partners to address town centre issues.

All officers for the next couple of months have patrol plans in place to prioritise town centre hot spots.

Update: 06 June 2023 - Proactive May 2023

In May the neighbourhood team have had a month of proactive engagement and high visibility patrols in the town centre. They have engaged with anyone begging in teh street and liaised with partners to offer support and stop any future begging. This has resulted in all beggars stopping their activities. The team have also tackled teh street drinking and as a result we have seen a huge reduction in any street drinking.

Action Date Tuesday 23rd April 2024

Dangerous drugs networks

Dangerous Drugs Networks

(Including county lines) with a focus on Associated Serious Violence and Exploitation

County Lines are drug dealing networks where vulnerable people of all ages are used by drug dealers to courier drugs and money across the Country. They will often force a vulnerable person to allow them to take up residence in their home (this is known as cuckooing) to sell drugs in the local area. 

We are committed to tackling this issue both with perusing the offenders and working with partner agencies to address the causes that allow County Lines dealers to exist and plight our communities. 

Issue Date Monday 13th March 2023

Update: 23 April 2024 - April update

The neighbourhood team in partnership with Cornwall council ASB team have successfully obtained a closure order on a property in Newquay that was the cause of county line drugs dealing a associate behaviour. Since this closure the local community in the nearby streets have seen a huge change in the issues they had previously encountered.


Update: 02 February 2024 - Feb Update

Work continues by the newquay police team to tackle drugs networks in the area. The neighbourhood team are currently processing to community impact warning notices to two properties of concern in residential areas in partnership with the housing provider. Investigations are also ongoing into a positive search warrant at another address. Officer have also work closely with the traffic department to actively disrupt dealers use of vehicles seizing several cars and making a number of arrest for driving offences. 

Update: 23 November 2023 - November updates

Over the last few months Newquay Police have conducted a number of search warrants with positive results and investigations are ongoing. We continue to disrupt county lines activity and protect the vulnerable from exploitation.

The community plays a big part in our ability to disrupt activity and we therefore request that they continue to submit any intelligence through 'Crime Stoppers'  

Update: 06 June 2023 - March drugs operation

In March 2023 in partnership with Merseyside police we conducted a drugs operation in Newquay and Penzance. This resulted in 31 arrests and the seizure of drugs and cash. This operation identified county line dealers and disrupted and prevented activity in our town. 

Action Date Tuesday 23rd April 2024

Violence against Women and Girls (VAWG)

Violence Against Women and Girls

with a focus on High Risk Domestic Abuse, Sexual Violence, Abuse and Exploitation of Adults and Children

Violence against Women and Girls (VAWG) covers a range of unacceptable crimes which include rape, other sexual offences, stalking, domestic violence, 'honour' based abuse force marriage, 'revenge porn', 'upskirting' as well as many others. These crimes disproportionately affect women and girls. 

Issue Date Monday 13th March 2023

Update: 23 April 2024 - April Update

Newquay 'Safe spaces' continues to develop and a new website and media launch is planned in May 2024. 


Update: 02 February 2024 - Feb update

Launch of UK's first whole town approach to safe spaces :

A New Newquay BID lead initiative as part of Love Newquay is being launched this April, pathing the way to becoming the first town in the UK to offer a whole town approach to providing Safe Spaces. An accredited scheme with support from Newquay town council, local businesses, the Town Mayor and Devon and Cornwall Police which when launched will offer a place of safety to anyone feeling vulnerable or at immediate risk within the town.
Mark W says "We feel that the town is fast becoming a welcoming and safe space, we already have a whole town approach system with communications between CCTV and businesses; Further supporting this with new initiatives like this one providing that additional layer of safety within the community and we’re proud to be leading the way to the UK’s first Safe Space Town supported by local businesses, organisations and Devon and Cornwall police, we predict the scheme to be welcomed across the town by members of the public, locals and visitors alike. Newquay have significantly reduced crime rates over recent years (insert statistic) and recognise that this is a further proactive step to prioritising personal safety 24/7 with particular focus on the nighttime economy.
Inspector Guy Blackford, Police statement "We welcome the Newquay Safe Spaces initiative to help protect vulnerable people in the area and the collaborative approach with key local stakeholders. Whilst our officers are making great strides in continuing to improve safety in Newquay, the Safe Spaces initiative provides an additional space for vulnerable people to seek safety and help. We are excited to support this new initiative to improve safety in the town, and to help combat violence against women and girls, which is one of our three key priorities." Newquay Bid are urging local businesses and organisations to get in touch to join the initiative, which hopes to secure funding to support the accredited training to join the scheme.


Update: 02 February 2024 - Feb update

Update: 23 November 2023 - November update

This continues to be one of the forces top priorities and Newquay Police continue to work with partners to address issues around VAWG.

Action Date Tuesday 23rd April 2024

Improving Community Engagement

We are working hard to increase presence and visibility to improve confidence and lines of communication to all areas.

We are keen to join with other agencies and local volunteer groups, to help communities become more cohesive and resilient to localised problems.

This can include youth groups to reduce ASB,

Crime Prevention Advice to improve home security,


Initiatives which builds the community’s capacity and connectivity to prevent future problems

Issue Date Thursday 28th July 2022

Update: 23 April 2024 - April update


Increased High visibility patrols from May to Sept 2024:

For 2024/25, the Government are combining funding streams for ASB Hotspot Response and Grip serious violence hotspot policing, given the significant overlap between the hotspots. Across the country, this will see thousands of hours each month of additional patrols taking place in places blighted by anti-social behaviour and serious violence.

Evidence shows taking a ‘hotspot’ approach, where uniformed police spend time at problem areas on a regular basis, reduces levels of crime.

In the upcoming year, hotspot policing in Newquay will empower us to conduct high-visibility community engagement in areas experiencing ASB and serious violence. Our neighbourhood team already carry out partnership working and problem-solving initiatives on a daily basis and the proven methodology of hotspot policing will help to complement this broader work.


Update: 02 February 2024 - Feb updates

Neighbourhood police week:

The team at the end of January have participated in the neighbourhood police week taking part in several engagement events in local supermarkets, school visits and a huge amount of high visibility patrols. 

Throughout February we will be increasing our patrols with parking enforcement in targeted areas to challenge illegal parking.

Officers are also working closely with Newquay BID and Kingsley Village to tackle increases in theft in stores to adopt  one team approach to tackle criminality.  

Update: 23 November 2023 - High Visibility policing

Newquay neighbourhood team are increasing their patrols in the town centre to improve our ability to engage with the public. Please feel free to talk to them whenever you see them out and about. 

Update: 06 June 2023 - E-Bike patrols

Newquay neighbourhood team have with the warmer weather started E-Bike patrols throughout the sector. Already many hours have been spent on the bikes which in turn attract attention and subsequent engagement. We have found the E Bikes to be an excellent method of visibility as they allow officers to cover far greater distances on patrol whilst still maintaining accessibility similar to a foot patrol.

Update: 02 July 2018 - #BrewswithBlues

 Newquay officers continue with their monthly engagement sessions to offer a agenda free environment for the public to come along and enjoy a cup of coffee paid by cash seized from criminals.

Update: 02 July 2018 - #BrewswithBlues

New dates have now been set up ith local ccafes in town and will be popoluated via social media soon!

Update: 02 July 2018 - #BrewswithBlues

Newquay Neighbourhood Policing Team continue to set up meetings away from the police station in an agenda free environment to enhance connectivity with the local community.

Action Date Tuesday 23rd April 2024

Neighbourhood Events

Boardmasters Festival 2024
Monday 8th July 2024
from 8:00AM to 9:36AM
Watergate Road, Newquay, Cornwall, TR7

Boardmasters Festival at Watergate and Fistral Beach

7th - 11th  August 2024

Neighbourhood Map

Markers show crime recording locations. Click/tap on a marker to see crimes allocated to that location.