Crime Check UK

Lynton & Lynmouth

A local policing neighbourhood in Devon & Cornwall Police

The information on this page is provided by Devon & Cornwall Police. If any of it is incorrect, or incomplete, or out of date, please don't complain to us, please get in touch with your local police force and politely ask them to ensure that they update their information at

Contact Details
Neighbourhood Priorities

Rural Crime & ASB

Devon and Cornwall is the largest police force in England and the vast majority of the area is classed as rural. The team covers a large area of Exmoor which borders with Avon and Somerset Constabulary. Given how isolated and remote the location is this can often be seen as a soft target for criminals and can invariably lead to an increase in reported thefts of livestock, farm and plant machinery, equine property, fuel theft and items forming part of our local heritage.

As a team we also encounter victims that have been intimidated and suffered damage by poachers, fly tipping, poor control of dogs and those illegally damaging our environment and wildlife.

Whilst crime statistics across this area remain low and whilst being a victim of crime here remains lower than most parts of the UK, we  don’t wish to be complacent. Therefore we will be focussing on rural crime and looking to support those within our rural communities.

 We will do this by actively carrying out rural crime patrols, attending key events within the community and assisting the Rural Affairs Unit providing support to those who need it. We will also be supported by colleagues from Roads Policing taking part in Operation Landlike, with a specific focus in and around the Exmoor area. This seeks to compliment the current South West regional activity being promoted to eliminate road deaths and serious injuries under the Vision Zero South West.

Issue Date Friday 10th March 2023

Update: 10 March 2023 - Op Landlike - 17th January 2023

Thanks to the hard work of the officers assisting with Op Landlike, the activity resulted in the following:

  • x12 licenced premises visited - passing advice and offering support.
  • x1 RTC – Vehicle skidded and flipped on ice. Driver ejected from the moving vehicle via soft roof canopy - Driver was uninjured.
  • x1 Drug wipe.
  • x5 Breath tests.
  • x2 Words of advice.
  • x1 CLE/26 (No Tax).
  • x3 tickets issued for offences.
  • x3 Vehicle seizures.
  • x1 Reported for summons.
  • x2 Arrests (x1 of which was impaired driving – drugs).

Action Date Friday 10th March 2023

Neighbourhood Events

Lynton and Lynmouth Town Council meeting
Thursday 27th June 2024
from 6:30PM to 7:30PM
Lynton & Lynmouth Town Council, Town Hall, Lee Road, Lynton, Devon, EX35 6BT

Due to Covid-19, meetings are currently only being held virtually.

Lynton and Lynmouth Town Council meet on the last Thursday of every month at 1830hrs.

Except for the August and December meetings when there will be a change of date, and the start time will on these changed days normally be at 14.30hrs

The Public are welcome to attend.


Lynton and Lynmouth Town Council meeting
Thursday 25th July 2024
from 6:30PM to 7:30PM
Lynton & Lynmouth Town Council, Town Hall, Lee Road, Lynton, Devon, EX35 6BT

Due to Covid-19, meetings are currently only being held virtually.

Lynton and Lynmouth Town Council meet on the last Thursday of every month at 1830hrs.

Except for the August and December meetings when there will be a change of date, and the start time will on these changed days normally be at 14.30hrs

The Public are welcome to attend.


Neighbourhood Map

Markers show crime recording locations. Click/tap on a marker to see crimes allocated to that location.