Crime Check UK

Honiton Town

A local policing neighbourhood in Devon & Cornwall Police

The information on this page is provided by Devon & Cornwall Police. If any of it is incorrect, or incomplete, or out of date, please don't complain to us, please get in touch with your local police force and politely ask them to ensure that they update their information at

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Neighbourhood Priorities

Rural Crime & Engagement

Rural crime is an issue for large areas of the country, but it tends to go unreported. It can impact on insurance premiums, food prices, the environment, and can damage local communities.

The Honiton Neighbourhood Team are conducting a visible presence in the rural community to offer reassurance and crime prevention. The aim is to improve connectivity with the rural communities and provide education to users of our beautiful countryside. This includes attending rural events to gain knowledge about the issues effecting the rural communities and to offer the crime prevention advice.  

Issue Date Tuesday 26th March 2024

Update: 26 March 2024 - Update 2023

Further work is being conducted on the warrant conducted in November 2022 where numerous items of stolen machinery suspected to be stolen was seized. This is still under investigation. 

In April a traffic operation was conducted with the Rural Affairs Team and the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency. This included stop check locations in various areas of East Devon. During stop checks vehicles and machinery were examined, which led to the seizure of one digger which was suspected to be stolen. This will be examined by Specialist Vehicle Examiners and then will be returned to its rightful owner. 

Regular late night operations have been conducted across Rural East Devon to target rural crime and offenders. Following the rise of motocross bike thefts in the area and reports of anti-social driving, stop checks have been conducted on motorbikes to examine if the bike may be stolen, offer crime prevent advice, and give advice around off road driving. 

The Honiton Neighbourhood Team will be attending the Honiton Show on 3rd August. If you wish to discuss any rural crime or concerns please visit us at the Police stall which will next to the visible Police tractor. 

Update: 26 March 2024 - Update 2024

The Neighbourhood Team have been conducting rural late-night patrols to target and prevent offenders. They have also responded to reports of GPS thefts from tractors and attempted break ins.

PCSO Darren England has visited farms with prevention and security advice, including data tags to ensure that property can be identified if located. Visits have also been conducted at rural parish council meetings to listen and take actions on concerns relating to rural crime.

Update: 23 July 2023 - Update 2022

Throughout 2022, the Honiton Neighbourhood Team has been conducting rural patrols during the day and night to prevent and detect rural crime. This has included traffic operations with check points which enable machinery to be examined. PCSO England has attended events with the Devon and Cornwall Rural Crime Team to speak to rural communities about issues and to offer crime prevention advice. The Police Tractor has also been present at local events which has enabled public engagement and open discussion about concerns effecting the rural communities.  

In March 2022, a warrant was conducted in East Devon where suspected stolen machinery was found and seized. The items were examined and returned to the rightful owners. 

In November 2022, a warrant was conducted at two properties in East Devon following a report of stolen machinery at the property. This was conducted with Specialist Vehicle Examiners, Rural Advisors, and the neighbourhood team from Mid Devon. A total of six suspected stolen pieces of plant machinery was seized from the property. A male is under investigation which is currently ongoing. The vehicles will undergo a thorough examination before they can be returned to their owners. Police regularly find suspected stolen machinery and tools but due to the items not being registered or marked it can be difficult to find the rightful owners. If you want further advice on how to protect and mark your machinery please contact the East Devon Neighbourhood Team who can assist, either through 101 online or by phone. 

In December 2022, the East Devon Neighbourhood team liaised with the Alliance Drones Team to prevent and detect rural crime. Whilst conducting land and air patrols, officers responded to a report of a illegal hunt and reassurance was offered to rural villages. 

Action Date Tuesday 26th March 2024

Drug Possession and Supply

Drugs can have a devastating social impact on community life and on those who are dependent on them. It can lead to anti-social behaviour, violence, safeguarding concerns, and other crime. 

Community intelligence is invaluable to the Police, and without it would limit the ability to gain drug warrants and target offenders. Information from the public helps to prevent and detect crime, whilst ensuring the safeguarding and protection of our community. You may think that the information you hold will not be useful but it may be the final missing piece to the puzzle. If you suspect illegal activity in your area please report it via 101 online or by phone. Alternatively, you can report information anonymously to CrimeStoppers on 0800 555 111. 

Issue Date Monday 25th March 2024

Update: 26 March 2024 - Update 2024

At the end of 2023 two Section 23 Misuse of Drugs warrants were conducted in the Honiton area. 

The first warrant let to the arrest of a female on suspicion of handling stolen goods and possession of cannabis. A male was later interviewed and the investigation is ongoing. 

In December a warrant was conducted in the rural area of Honiton where a cannabis cultivation was located an a male was arrested. The male was released under investigation whilst enquiries continue. 

In 2024, Honiton Neighbourhood Team have been working with other areas and agencies to build intel in relation to drug supply, with the intention to take action to disrupt and pursue the offenders of this crime. 

Update: 26 March 2024 - Update 2022

In 2022 the East Devon Neighbourhood team conducted numerous S23 Misuse of Drugs warrants and searches. This includes searches of residential properties, vehicle searches, and person searches. Following this action, further work has been conducted with partner agencies to share information and combat drug use and supply through a multi-agency approach. 

In December 2022 a S.23 Misuse of Drugs warrant was executed at a residential address in the Honiton area. This was conducted by the East Devon Neighbourhood Team with assistance from the Force Support Group, Protect and Disrupt Team, and a Police Dog. A quantity of cash and suspected class B drugs were located in the property. The investigation is currently ongoing. 

Update: 26 March 2024 - Update 2023

The East Devon Neighbourhood Team have conducted regular proactive evening operations to target drug supply across the area.Numerous vehicle and person searches have been conducted in the Honiton area which have lead to positive seizures of class C, B, and A drugs. 

In June 2023 a S.23 Misuse of Drugs warrant was conducted at a commercial property in Honiton. The warrant was gained through information and concerns raised by the public, and further research conducted. This was a joint operation completed with Trading Standards with enlisted the help of their talented tobacco, cash, and drugs dogs. During our search of the premises, a hide was discovered that had been manufactured to store counterfeit tobacco, vapes, and cigarettes. Despite no drugs being found, Trading Standards will now continue their investigation. The shop is now closed due to the occupants being evicted by the landlord. 

Action Date Tuesday 26th March 2024

Anti-Social Driving & Vehicle Offences

Due to the nature of the area East Devon and the Honiton area contains many fast and dangerous roads. The Honiton Neighbourhood Team and Devon and Cornwall Police are working to reduce the number of casualties and road traffic collisions in our area, through proactive work and positive action. 

Vehicle crime includes theft from motor vehicles, vehicles being driven without insurance and/or a valid driving licence, vehicle theft, unroadworthy vehicles, and drink and drug driving. Antisocial driving such as speeding, revving, loud music and large car meets also meets this criteria. 

Issue Date Monday 25th March 2024

Update: 26 March 2024 - Update June 2023

Some of the work that has been conducted includes: 

In January 2023, a driver was reported for driving without business insurance. This is a common occurrence due to the risk in delivered food and delivery drivers who are using their own personal cars. 

In February 2023, a driver was stopped in Honiton and was arrested on suspicion of driving a motor vehicle with a specified controlled drug above the specified limit and without insurance. The vehicle was seized and then recovered. Speed checks were also conducted on Battishorne Road and in Smeatharpe where there has been previous complaints. 

In March 2023, a learner was driver was reported for driving with no insurance. The supervising passenger was arrested on suspicion of being in charge of a motor vehicle with the alcohol concentration above the prescribed limit. The female offender was charged and is awaiting a court date. 

In April 2023, a vehicle was spotted to have no MOT, no insurance, and no tax for three years and regularly being parked at Turks Head in Honiton. Police stopped the vehicle and the driver was reported for no insurance and no MOT. The vehicle was seized and then recovered. 

In May 2023, a multi-agency operation was conducted with the Rural Affairs Team and Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency whereby traffic check points were in place for areas in East Devon. Drivers were reported for various vehicle offences, which included no seatbelt, vehicle defects, and no insurance. 


Update: 25 March 2024 - Update 2024

The Honiton Neighbourhood team have identified a vehicle which had been reported and seen driving anti-socially, dangerously, and loudly through Honiton town centre. The driver was issued with a Section 59 warning which lasts one year for the driver, and if behaviour continues can result in the car being seized.

A zero tolerance approach continues to be taken in relation to vehicle offences such as no insurance and driving otherwise in accordance with a licence, and where applicable vehicles have been seized under the Road Traffic Act. 


Update: 23 July 2023 - Update 2022

Traffic operations were conducted in liaison with Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency, No Excuses Team, and Traffic. These targeted vehicle offences such as no insurance, no driving licence and addressed any reports of ASB driving. Police take positive action if the driver of a vehicle does not hold insurance or a driving licence, and it is likely that the vehicle will be seized and the driver prosecuted. 

In December 2022, a vehicle whereby the owner had been previously been issued with a S59 warning was stopped following antisocial driving in cold and snowing conditions. The driver was previously spoken to regarding his manner of driving but failed to take Police advice, which led to his vehicle being seized and recovered. 


Action Date Tuesday 26th March 2024

Antisocial Behaviour

Antisocial behaviour (ASB) is defined as 'behaviour by a person which causes, or is likely to cause, harassment, alarm or distress to persons not of the same household as the person'. There are three main categories of ASB which depends on how many people are affected; personal ASB, nuisance ASB, and environmental ASB. This can include littering, noise, inconsiderate behaviour, nuisance calls, antisocial driving, abandoned vehicles, begging, and street drinking. 

To reduce and target ASB in the community the East Devon Neighbourhood team work with partner agencies such as East Devon Council, local schools, local shops, pubs, and Highways.

The Honiton Neighbourhood Team will be actively patrolling areas during 'red times' to target ASB. This will be between 1500hrs and 1600hrs, and 2000hrs and 2100hrs when they are available in the areas of Bowling Green Playing Fields, All Hallows Playing Fields, and Lace Walk. 

Issue Date Sunday 1st January 2023

Update: 26 March 2024 - Update 2023

Antisocial behaviour in areas such as The Glen, Allhallows Playing Fields, and the Bowling Green have continued to be reported. The Honiton Neighbourhood Team have conducted visible and plain clothed patrols to prevent and detect this behaviour. 

In April 2023, damage caused by rocks being thrown by a group of youths was resolved with the victim through restorative justice, where a financial compensation and face to face apologies was issued. 

In May 2023, two males were arrested and given bail conditions following a report of criminal damage to cars in Lace Walk Car Park, Honiton. Bail conditions were put in place and the offenders are currently under investigation. 

In June 2023 there was a rise of assaults committed by groups of youths which were being recorded and shared online. This was discovered through close relationships with the Honiton Community College. Numerous youths were visited and spoken to, some have been issued with ASB warning letters. A male offender was arrested following an assault of an elderly male and a child which was video recorded. The offender was given bail condition and is being referred to the Youth Intervention Team. The Honiton Neighbourhood Team also conducted engagement assemblies at the local school, to help build understanding around the effects of their behaviour and prevent any further incidents. 

In July 2023, following further reports of antisocial behaviour in Allhallows playing fields and the Bowling Green, ASB warning letters have been issued to offenders. 

During this time monthly meetings have conducted with the safeguarding leads at Honiton Community College to discuss ongoing issues and offenders, to enable a collaborative problem solving approach. Visits have also been completed at local primary school for engagement and to discuss the effects of ASB. 

Mobile patrols in ASB driving hotspots have also been conducted following reports from the public. This has included various location such as the old A30, Monkton Road, Battishorne Road, and Gittisham. 


Update: 26 March 2024 - Update 2024

At least once a month the local Neighbourhood Beat Manager attends Honiton Community College to share information to prevent anti-social behaviour and ensure safeguarding. From these meetings and reports from the public, action is taken and referrals have been made to the youth intervention team and other support agencies.

Targeted patrols of ‘hotpsot’ ASB areas have been conducted, and in recent months there has been specific targeted patrols of Lace Walk Car Park where there has been graffiti and damage to buildings and public toliets. Police have also been aware of thefts of alcohol by youths which is being pursued and shops are being advised to report this.

Update: 23 July 2023 - Update 2022

Stop checks were conducted in ASB areas such as Allhallows Playing Field and The Glen. This led to positive searches for cannabis and bladed articles, and led to offenders being referred to the Youth Intervention Team. In addition, six ASB warning letters were issued to offenders which warned them of their actions and ceased further behaviour. These were issued in conjunction with East Devon County Council and Honiton Community College. 

Monthly visits to Honiton Community College been completed with the safeguarding leads where incidents and offenders are discussed. This information sharing enabled a collaborative approach to repeat offenders of ASB. 

In July 2022, three offenders were arrested on suspicion of criminal damage and arson, following a series of hate crimes and graffiti in Honiton. Following their arrest and bail conditions, the incidents stopped. The crimes were filed due to a lack of evidence but Acceptable Behaviour Contracts were issued which put restrictions on the offenders. 

In Summer 2022, plain clothed patrols were conducted around Turks Head following reports of antisocial behaviour and arsons. On one patrol two offenders were pursued following officers witnessing a drug deal. A male was arrested and found in possession of a knife. 

In December 2022, the Honiton Neighbourhood Team and the licencing team attended pubs in Honiton to conduct licencing checks and address any reports of antisocial behaviour associated to the premises. 

The Honiton Neighbourhood Team attended local events such as the Honiton Carnival which are known to attract antisocial behaviour. This prevented any incidents which would have had an effect on the community and offered visible reassurance to the public. 


Action Date Tuesday 26th March 2024

Neighbourhood Events

Honiton Charter Day
Saturday 20th July 2024
at 10:00AM
Allhallows, Northcote Lane, Honiton, Devon, EX14 1NH

On Saturday 20th July Honiton Charter Day will be held at All Hallows Playing Fields, Northcote Lane, Honiton. This family event marks the anniversary of the granting of the Royal Charter for a weekly market to take place in Honiton in 1257. The Honiton Neighbourhood Team will be in attendance.

Hot Pennies
Tuesday 23rd July 2024
at 11:30AM
High Street, Honiton, Devon, EX14

Honiton's Hot Pennies Ceremony is a local event which has been occurring for several hundred years, which occurs in the High Street. The Honiton Neighbourhood Team will be in attendance, conducting foot patrol during the event. 

The Honiton Show
Thursday 1st August 2024
at 8:30AM

The 132nd Honiton Agricultural Show takes place on Thursday 1st August 2024 and will be held at the Honiton Showground. The Honiton Neighbourhood Team will be attending with a special guest the Police dog mascot Bravo! If you have any questions or wish to speak to your local Neighbourhood Officer they will have a stall at the event which will be next to the visible Police tractor. 

Gate to Plate
Monday 19th August 2024
at 12:00PM

Honiton's Gate to Plate is a one day food festival which celebrates the finest food, drink and craft producers in East Devon. The event is occurring on Honiton High Street on Saturday 19th August. The Honiton Neighbourhood Team will be present conducting foot patrol throughout the event. 

Neighbourhood Map

Markers show crime recording locations. Click/tap on a marker to see crimes allocated to that location.