Crime Check UK

Helston Town

A local policing neighbourhood in Devon & Cornwall Police

The information on this page is provided by Devon & Cornwall Police. If any of it is incorrect, or incomplete, or out of date, please don't complain to us, please get in touch with your local police force and politely ask them to ensure that they update their information at

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Neighbourhood Priorities

Anti-Social Behaviour

Antisocial behaviour is defined as 'behaviour by a person which causes, or is likely to cause, harassment, alarm or distress to persons not of the same household as the person' (Antisocial Behaviour Act 2003 and Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011). Antisocial behaviour covers a wide range of acts that can include verbal abuse, vandalism, noise nuisance, criminal damage, assault, fly-tipping, underage drinking, engaging in threatening behaviour in groups or harassment of residents or passers-by. To address this the police work with local councils and social housing landlords to deal with the issue. If you wish to report antisocial behaviour you can contact:

  • the police- if you feel threatened or you think the behaviour could be breaking the law.
  • your council- if it affects your local area.
  • your landlord- if you live in a council or housing association home and it’s happening in or near your building.

To report antisocial behaviour to Devon and Cornwall police please click on this link: Report antisocial behaviour | Devon & Cornwall Police (


In Falmouth and Helston, we take antisocial behaviour seriously. We have been working with local schools in the area and neighbouring towns to address the issues causing by youths in the area, particularly at Gyllyngvase beach.

Last year we had significant issues with youths congregating, drinking alcohol, becoming abusive, numerous assaults and criminal damage taking place so we have actively engaged with youths, the local schools, youth groups, and Safer Cornwall to help explain the risks associated with behaviour and the impact a criminal conviction can have on their lives. Unfortunately, this led to several individuals going through the criminal justice system and antisocial behaviour process. One individual was also taken to court and found guilty of an offence whereby they were given a court order. This is something that will not be tolerated in the local community as this not only effects the individuals involved but the local community.

We appreciate many of our young people are respectful and a credit to our community. However, during the recent school holidays and weekends Falmouth has already being subjected to ASB by young people from the local area. The community does not want a repeat of the antisocial behaviour it was subjected to. We will not only look at prosecution but will consider imposing conditions using ASB legislation to control the company of those involved, and where you can go to prevent re-offending.

To address this early, PC Stevenson has liaised with the schools of Falmouth, Penryn, Helston, Truro and Camborne as they were identified as locations where the youths came from and explained our concerns. This has led to letters being given to the students and parents/guardians to explain the repercussions of inappropriate/antisocial behaviour. We are hoping that this will give parents/guardians more information and reasoning to know where they’re child is and what they are up to. This is in addition to patrols and working with local business.

This is also linked to a new initiative with Falmouth Town Council and Falmouth BID to tackle low level crime and antisocial behaviour called Safe & Secure. Safe & Secure, is a business engagement venture with the aim to make Falmouth safer through the introduction of Street Rangers to provide a visible security presence throughout the town who liaise directly with local businesses and the police, as well as the introduction of DISC which is an online tool enabling businesses to report offences and an enhanced CCTV service.

This will assist us, the police, in attaining our objectives with regards to low-level crime, antisocial behaviour and community engagement.

Issue Date Friday 24th May 2024

Update: 21 December 2023 - ASB Traffic operation

Falmouth neighbourhood team and the Road policing team ran an evening traffic operation focusing on ASB from motorbikes and cars in the Falmouth town area. During the operation officers interacted with 28 drivers and riders. The operation monitored speed through the town, excessive noise and resulted in a positive drug drive arrest and drugs seizure and advice was given regarding anti social driving and loud exhausts.

Update: 21 December 2023 - Anti-Social Behaviour

Local Officers have carried out High Visibility Patrols at various Christmas Lights Switch on events, to provide reassurance and identify and discourage any Anti-Social behaviour. 

Officers have secured several Criminal Behaviour Orders against some of our most prolific offenders within the area, preventing them entering the areas they were causing issues, and referring to partner agencies who will offer support in an effort to divert and prevent re-occurrences of this behaviour.  

We have provided dedicated patrols within the town in order to deter ASB and have taken positive action against persistent offenders.  Over the last few months there have been arrests and positive action taken against those identified as causing significant ASB and crime. Alongside the Criminal process we have been working with partners to look at longer term solutions to address the problems and prevent repeat issues. 

We have also been working with partners in terms of tackling the issue of youth ASB within the town and around surrounding areas.  As well as focussed, visible patrols the team have been working with partners such as the Schools, Youth Support services, Youth Justice Service, and Cornwall ASB team in order to divert youths from ASB and becoming involved in criminal behaviour. 

We remain committed to this issue as a local priority.  

Update: 21 December 2023 - Anti-Social Behaviour

The neighbourhood team have been involved in pro-active engagement and high visibility patrols in the town centre and at various community events. Any vulnerabilities have been identified where possible, and anyone requiring housing or support have been referred to various partner agencies, and with their consent discussed on a Homeless Action Group panel meeting. 

The Team remains committed to tackling ASB within the Community.  Over the Summer months there were reports of issues surrounding ASB involving youths in the local community.  The team continued to engage with partners such as the schools, Cornwall Council (ASB Team), Youth Justice Services, Youth Workers and other partners in order to look at prevention of repeat offending. 

The measures taken were successful in reducing this issue; however, the team are currently aware of groups of youths causing more recent ASB issues within particular areas of Helston. We will continue to work with a proactive and preventative approach to tackle such issues.  Over the last 12 months PCSO Berry has visited all schools within the Helston area and delivered ASB inputs to 2,200 pupils.  This positive engagement will look to educate young people of the impact of ASB with a view to see a longer-term reduction of ASB.  

We encourage those witnessing / suffering ASB related issues to report these issues through 101 and also Cornwall Council ASB Team.     

Action Date Friday 24th May 2024

Helston Flora Day

Flora day is a community event centred around a series of traditional Flora dances. It is the most important event in the local calendar and can attract crowds of in excess of 20,000 people as it is embedded locally in time and tradition, and even in its modern form has run over many years and has a well-established group overseeing arrangements.

This year again we saw a busy day which was great to see. Lots of people present with good weather. The Neighbourhood team are a key part in this day by leading the main dances of the day which is part of its ongoing tradition and key to our aim of community engagement.

This was mostly a well mannered and enjoyable day for all. It was lovely to see the local schools involved by participating in the Children's dance. This is a day that is important to everyone in Helston as well as those who have moved elsewhere but still come back each year.

Issue Date Thursday 23rd May 2024

Day of Action

Safer Business Action (SaBA) Days is a joint approach by police, business, private security, Business Crime Reduction Partnerships (BCRPs) and Business Improvement Districts (BIDs) working in partnership to focus resources into designated location to create a significant impact to reduce crime.

The objective of the day is to deliver a focussed operation with joint patrols, the targeted intervention of offenders and a range of crime prevention activity, through:

  • Working in collaboration to create awareness and understanding of the crimes that affect business;
  • Demonstrating the importance of tackling crime to protect and safeguard frontline staff;
  • Developing local, trusted relations leaving a legacy of partnership working

To achieve this, officers will be working with different objectives, dependant on the time of the day. Within Falmouth we will work during the day to target

Following the media trends of sexual violence and rape, it is apparent that the Rape and sexual assault offences reported have increased fear of this type of crime, particularly as some offences within Falmouth that have been reported were by strangers and victims had attended licensed premises. Some reported offences within the Sector relate to drink spiking with most taking place after midnight. Falmouth University students launched a social media campaign promoted via #reclaimthestreets and #girlsnightin hashtags and a ‘Safe Zone App’ was also created for reassurance but rape and sexual violence continues to be a significant.

Unfortunately, the community are thinking that there is an increase in antisocial behaviour, thefts, and alcohol related crime through the day also and it is often stated that ‘drunk’ people are committing Anti-Social behaviour throughout the day. Shopkeepers and residents are reporting people who are ‘drinking and doing drugs’ are being "violent" particularly in Falmouth Town centre.  This anti-social behaviour is having a "detrimental effect on the quality of life of the local community". This is not only impacting on the residents’ daily lives but is affecting the livelihood of businesses.

Without a focused approach there is a threat to public confidence if no discernible action is seen to be undertaken.

Issue Date Thursday 23rd May 2024

Update: 23 May 2024 - Outcome

This was an extremely productive day.

In Falmouth it was great to see lots of volunteers helping the town clean up by painting walls, and bollards to freshen the area as well as remove graffiti. This was supported by join patrols with the Police, Antisocial behaviour team, Safer Cornwall, Falmouth Town Council amongst others identifying areas of concern, addressing crime and antisocial behaviour trends. This also was helped by identifying and speaking to people who are vulnerable and giving them suitable advice and service support to meet their needs. Everyone was engaging and polite.

In Helston we carried out a high visibility patrol to address concerns of drug use and dealing. This was done with high visibility visits to the area with a passive drugs dog and visit to licenced premises to check their licences. This was an interesting evening with lots of people wondering what was going on which quickly hit social media. Our goal with this was to increase public confidence and to identify and deter offences.


Update: 23 May 2024 - Outcome

Update: 23 May 2024 - Outcome

Action Date Thursday 23rd May 2024

Violence Against Women and Girls initiative launched April 2024

We are committed to improving how we protect the public from harm, especially combatting the violence women and girls suffer, largely at the hands of predatory and abusive men. We have made VAWG a strategic priority, investing resources to and working with partners to make public spaces and events safer for women. We do this to prevent and detect crime and disorder as well as safeguard people from harm. 

Our strategy is to:

  • increase trust and confidence
  • target perpetrators
  • work to make spaces safer for women and girls


We have been achieving this by working with partner agencies such as Safer Cornwall, Housing, Falmouth and Exeter University, Trading Standards, Licencing, Security firms, Community groups and charities.  This is done to develop intelligence, identify potential perpetrators early, offer support at the earliest opportunity to victims and increase confidence in the service we provide.

As a sector we identify, disrupt and enforce against predatory sexual behaviour by carrying out patrols in identified areas. This primarily takes place during the nighttime economy.  OP VIGILANT (Tactic of using trained officers to detect predatory behaviour), and Project Servator will also be utilised when possible to tackle violence against women and girls in the evening and night-time economy as part of Violence Against Women and Girls Delivery Plan.

Promote Project Night eye which aims to create a hostile environment for male perpetrators of harmful sexualised behaviour in the evening and nigh time economy (ENTE). Intelligence gathering intends to make public spaces within the Evening and Night-Time Economy safer for all but in particular with a focus on Violence against Women and Girls. Op Vigilant Intelligence is specifically requested on the following:

  • Persons loitering without reason and / or persistently returning to an area after being asked to leave
  • Persons making unwanted contact towards persons unknown to them
  • Persons making lewd comments or unwanted sexual advances towards persons unknown to them
  • Harassment towards persons unknown to them
  • Following / stalking behaviour
  • Concerns over behaviour of employees of the night-time economy that may have gained employment to
  • deliberately target victims
  • Vehicles loitering without reasons or circulating the evening and night-time economy or main routes out

If you which to report this behaviour please do this through Crimestoppers (Giving information | Crimestoppers ( or the report tab on this webpage.


Issue Date Thursday 23rd May 2024

Update: 19 April 2024 - Reassurance patrols

Action Date Thursday 23rd May 2024

Day of Action March 2024

Day of Action, gives local Officers the opportunity to work alongside partner agencies in a joint approach and commit some uninterrupted dedicated time to local issues. Our Day of Action took place on 14th March 2024, and Helston Officers were joined by Falmouth local units as well as other partner agencies in joint visits and proactive stops.

Issue Date Friday 19th April 2024

Safeguarding the Vulnerable

The team remains committed to safeguarding the Vulnerable.  We have been managing a number of Safeguarding Enquiries in collaboration with partner agencies in order to reduce vulnerability.  This includes disruption tactics to protect those who are vulnerable to exploitation.  By engaging with the public, our partners and monitoring intelligence we are able to identify those most at risk.

We continue to promote awareness around County Lines, Modern Slavery and Exploitation.  

Issue Date Wednesday 8th February 2023

Neighbourhood Events

Mullion Surgery
Friday 19th July 2024
from 10:00AM to 10:01AM

A local Police representative will attend Mullion village Hall, and be available to discuss any issues locally. 

Mullion Surgery
Friday 19th July 2024
from 10:00AM to 11:00AM

A local Police representative will attend Mullion village Hall, and be available to discuss any issues locally. 

Coverack Monday Club
Saturday 27th July 2024
from 2:00PM to 3:00PM

Come and join us at St Peters Hall, Coverack, and discuss any issues you have. 

Helston Surgery
Friday 9th August 2024
from 10:00AM to 10:01AM

Come along and meet a local Police representative and discuss any issues. 

Helston Surgery
Friday 9th August 2024
from 10:00AM to 11:00AM

Come along and meet a local Police representative and discuss any issues. 

Helston Surgery
Friday 9th August 2024
from 10:00AM to 11:00AM
Helston Methodist Church, Coinagehall Street, Helston, TR13 8EQ

Come along to Helston Methodist Church and meet a local Police representative and discuss any issues. 

Mullion Surgery
Friday 13th September 2024
from 10:00AM to 10:01AM

A local Police representative will be available to discuss any local issues. Mullion Village Hall.  

Mullion Surgery
Friday 13th September 2024
from 10:00AM to 11:00AM

A local Police representative will be available to discuss any local issues. Mullion Village Hall.  

Helston Surgery
Friday 11th October 2024
from 10:00AM to 10:01AM

Come along and meet a member of your local Policing team in Helston Central Chapel

Helston Surgery
Friday 11th October 2024
from 10:00AM to 11:00AM

Come along and meet a member of your local Policing team in Helston Central Chapel

Helston Surgery
Friday 11th October 2024
from 10:00AM to 11:00AM

Come along and meet a member of your local Policing team in Helston Central Chapel.

Mullion Police Drop In
Friday 8th November 2024
from 10:00AM to 11:00AM

Come along to The Village Hall at Mullion and discuss any issues with a member of the team!!

Helston Surgery
Friday 13th December 2024
at 10:00AM

Come along to the Central Chapel, Helston and speak to a member of the policing team!

Neighbourhood Map

Markers show crime recording locations. Click/tap on a marker to see crimes allocated to that location.