Crime Check UK


A local policing neighbourhood in Devon & Cornwall Police

The information on this page is provided by Devon & Cornwall Police. If any of it is incorrect, or incomplete, or out of date, please don't complain to us, please get in touch with your local police force and politely ask them to ensure that they update their information at

Contact Details
Neighbourhood Priorities

Visibility and Engagement

We engage with our communities in many different ways and are always open to polite suggestions about how we can improve contact with the team. The team conduct regular foot patrols at key times and places to maximise visibility and so that people have the opportunity to speak to us. These include being outside schools at drop-off, pick-up times, outside shops and supermarkets and during key local events. We realise that not everyone goes out at these times or to these locations so we also utilise social media and Neighbourhood Alert to keep people updated about what we are doing. If you think we can improve how we do this, please let us know.

Issue Date Wednesday 1st February 2023

Update: 01 February 2023 - Do you feel that you never see a Police Officer?

We are always looking at new and innovative ways to be more visible and accessible to members of our local communities. You will often see us around our local schools at the beginning and end of the school day, outside supermarkets and local shops and on Plymstock Broadway. If you can think of other places that we can be to increase our visibility and accessibility, please contact us using the link on this page. Thank you.

Action Date Wednesday 1st February 2023

Protecting the vulnerable

We work closely with our partners to safeguard the most vulnerable in our communities. Our partners include Plymouth City Council, housing providers, Livewell, GP practices, SWAST and Harbour. Particular focus is on persons at risk of cuckooing ie those at risk of being exploited by dangerous drug networks. We also do regular checks on domestic abuse victims where Domestic Violence Protection Orders have been issued by a court.

Issue Date Wednesday 1st February 2023

Preventing ASB

We work closely with Plymouth City Council to tackle ASB and recently took part in the city wide ASB roadshows. A CCTV camera has been installed in Yeo Park, Efford and there are more in the pipeline for elsewhere in the sector. We have achieved a significant reduction in ASB in Sherford. We are still problem solving the ASB in and around Teats Hill Flats. We work closely with our Child Centred Policing Team and have a number of tactics available to tackle ASB and target those responsible.

Issue Date Wednesday 1st February 2023

Update: 01 February 2023 - CCTV

We have worked with Plymouth City Council to have a further CCTV camera fitted in Torridge Way, Efford.

If anyone has information to help tackle ASB, please email 101 or if you want to remain anonymous - contact Crimestoppers. Thank you.

Action Date Wednesday 1st February 2023

Neighbourhood Map

Markers show crime recording locations. Click/tap on a marker to see crimes allocated to that location.