Crime Check UK


A local policing neighbourhood in Devon & Cornwall Police

The information on this page is provided by Devon & Cornwall Police. If any of it is incorrect, or incomplete, or out of date, please don't complain to us, please get in touch with your local police force and politely ask them to ensure that they update their information at

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Neighbourhood Priorities

Road Safety

Paignton and Brixham have a wide variety of road infrastructure from country lanes to dual carriageway and although safe, we believe that any death or serious injury is one too many

Issue Date Wednesday 1st March 2023

Update: 01 March 2023 - Our activity

  • Conduct mobile and visible speed detection at various times and locations focusing on prevention, education and where necessary enforcement of the law
  • Work with our community to enable them to make our roads safer through schemes such as Community Speed watch
  • Work with partners and the community to deny those criminals intent on causing harm from using our roads


Action Date Wednesday 1st March 2023


Operation Sceptre – Knife crime  

In response to a national trend involving increased knife crime, the Neighbourhood team have prioritised resources in this area

Issue Date Wednesday 1st March 2023

Update: 01 March 2023 - Our activity

  • Stopping and searching individuals (through intelligence), who present a risk of carrying knives or by using knives to commit crime
  • Visiting those who acquire dangerous/prohibited items
  • Prevention work, including education for children within schools and support for retailers selling knives


Action Date Wednesday 1st March 2023


Operation Tarak: Tackling ‘County Lines’ drug crime in Paignton and Brixham

The neighbourhood team are involved in Operation Tarak, a significant police effort to disrupt so called ‘County lines’ (the importation of Class A drugs into the Towns by Organised Crime Gangs, from larger cities in the UK) and the crime and disorder this creates.

Issue Date Wednesday 1st March 2023

Update: 01 March 2023 - In partnership

Our activity, in partnership with other agencies and based on current intelligence, focuses on:

  • Patrolling the worst affected areas
  • Visiting vulnerable people at risk of being ‘cuckooed’ (individuals whose properties are taken over by drug gangs)
  • Stopping and searching drug dealers on foot and when using their cars
  • Preventing young people from being used a drug dealers through education and diversion
  • Working with the community to gather intelligence
  • Conducting regular premises search warrants to seize drugs and remove them and the offenders from the streets of Paignton and Brixham


Action Date Wednesday 1st March 2023

Anti-Social Behaviour

Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) causes significant harm to our community and we are committed to dealing with this issue

Such behaviour includes  intimidation, abusive language and public alcohol & drug use.

Issue Date Wednesday 1st March 2023

Update: 01 March 2023 - We are working on

  • Seizing alcohol and drugs

  • Using stop and search powers

  • Using police powers to disperse problem groups

  • Arresting offenders

  • Using ASB escalation powers (in conjunction with partners), to place offenders on court orders

  • We are running a specific operation to prevent Youth ASB in Paignton. This is in response to a trend seen in other UK towns and cities (involving groups of youths and youth gangs)

Action Date Wednesday 1st March 2023

Op Monty - Focused activity to disrupt and prevent criminality and community engagement

Operation Monty is a regular focused activity by the Paignton & Brixham Neighbourhood Teams tackling prevention of criminality, disruption of criminality and community engagement. This activity includes targeting local priority issues and National & Local campaigns and initiatives. 

Issue Date Friday 28th January 2022

Update: 25 June 2022 - Update 25/06/22

For the first time in 3 years, The Pirates Festival took place in Brixham between 30th April and 2nd May.  The event was a great success and good natured with large crowds present.  The Brixham Neighbourhood Team were ably supported by their Paignton colleagues, the Special Constabulary the Force Support Group & the Torbay Police Cadets. 


After a three year wait, the Torbay Airshow took place on 4th & 5th June 2022.  Although the display on the second day was called off due to the weather, the event was a great success.   Policing of the event was conducted by the Paignton Neighbourhood Team with support from their Brixham colleagues, Response, the Special Constabulary, Professional Development Unit & Torbay Cadets  


On 15th & 16th June 2022O, The Paignton & Brixham Neighbourhood Teams conducted two days of action.  Two Misuse of Drugs Act warrants were executed in Paignton. In the first address, a quantity of heroin and an illegal lock knife were seized.  Two people continue to assist Police with their enquiries.  At another address, cannabis was found to be growing and a substantial quantity of cropped Cannabis seized.  One person was arrested in relation to this.  A male was also arrested for driving a vehicle whilst under the influence of drugs.  The Neighbourhood Team were ably assisted by members of the Force Support Group, the "No Excuses" Roads Policing Team and Police Dog Lottie and her handler.

Update: 28 January 2022 - Update 28/01/2022

In January 2022, the Nation Police Chief’s Council & the College of Policing ran a national Neighbourhood Policing Week of Action.  The Paignton & Brixham Neighbourhood Teams conducted a Misuse of Drugs Act Warrant in Paignton and discovered a cannabis cultivation in the St Mary’s area of Brixham.  Mobile PCSO Police surgeries to meet members of the community were conducted throughout the week in both towns.  Activity was conducted to locate people with outstanding warrants against them and those in breach of Domestic Violence Protection Orders.  The Special Constabulary and the Devon Fire & Rescue Service worked with the team on speed enforcement activity in Paignton resulting in 13 drivers being issued words of advice for excess speed & 9 being reported for the same.  Other activity including safeguarding visits at local schools and stop & search & vehicle search activity with the Torbay Volunteer Cadets.  Extensive social media coverage was made detailing this activity & other work that the Neighbourhood Teams regularly conduct. 


In December 2021 we conducted Social Media campaigns about seasonal crime issues such as theft, drink drive, domestic abuse cyber crime and alcohol related anti-social behaviour.  PCSO’s in both Paignton & Brixham delivered posters and leaflets to retailers in both towns about seasonal shoplifting and preventative measures they could take.  A positive Misuse of Drugs Act Warrant was conducted at an address in Oldway, Paignton and another positive warrant was conducted at an address in Higher Brixham.  We also conducted "Morning After" drink drive patrols in both towns. 


In November 2021 we conducted an Op Sceptre knife crime intensification week between 15th-19th November including school visits & extensive social media posts on the subject.  High visibility mobile & foot patrols were conducted around anti-social behaviour hotspots in both towns including stop checking people to be involved with drugs and knife crime.  Road safety activity was conducted by the Special Constabulary, Professional Development Unit, Roads Policing and Armed Response Teams.  One vehicle was seized and 12 drivers issued with educational words of advice. 


In October 2021, a Misuse of Drugs Act Warrant was conducted in Brixham followed by a leaflet drop by the Torbay Cadets in the surrounding area, a male was arrested for an outstanding warrant and pro-active patrols of hotspot areas in both towns including stop checks of those involved in drugs & criminality. 

Action Date Saturday 25th June 2022

OP Sceptre - Knife Crime

Knife crime has been in the media a great deal recently both nationally and locally and we understand that the public are concerned about this. We regularly target individuals known to carry knives, conducting high visibility patrols in both Paignton and Brixham including the use of stop & search. In conjunction with our partners, we visit knife retailers and offer advice and guidance. We also conduct intervention work in schools. Knife amnesties are conducted regularly. Community intelligence is vital in our efforts to tackle this issue so please continue to support us by reporting information through 101 telephone/email or sending emails directly to the neighbourhood team. 

Issue Date Wednesday 28th August 2019

Update: 25 June 2022 - Update 25/06/22

Between 16th & 22nd May 2022, the Paignton & Brixham Neighbourhood Teams engaged in a knife crime week of action involving speaking with premises selling knives, stop checking people suspected of carrying knives and educating people via social media of the dangers of carrying knives. 

Update: 28 January 2022 - Update 28/01/2022

In November 2021 we conducted an Op Sceptre knife crime intensification week between 15th -19th November. This included school visits and extensive social media posts on the subject. Hight visibility mobile and foot patrols were conducted around anti-social behaviour hotspots in both Paignton and Brixham including stop checking people to be involved with drugs and knife crime. 

Action Date Saturday 25th June 2022

Op Olympic – Tackling Dangerous Drug Networks & County Lines

Operation Olympic is an operation being run throughout Brixham and Paignton

It is aimed at the disruption to the supply of class A drugs and the production and supply of class B drugs via Dangerous Drug Networks and County Lines Gangs in both towns. This is to ensure the local community is fully protected and safeguarded from the harm caused by the buying, selling and use of illegal substances and class A and B drugs within Paignton. We work closely with the local community, partner agencies and other Police teams to action warrants and perform proactive drug disruption operations throughout Paignton and Brixham. 

Issue Date Wednesday 27th March 2019

Update: 25 June 2022 - Update 25/06/22

On 3rd March 2022, A Misuse of Drugs Act warrant was carried out by the Paignton Neighbourhood Team in Paignton where a cannabis grow was found.  On 11th March 2022, a Misuse of Drugs Act warrant was conducted at an address in Brixham but this proved negative for drugs. 


On 12th May 2022,  the Brixham Neighbourhood Team conducted plain clothed foot & mobile patrols around Brixham targeting those believed to be involved in the supply of drugs within the town.


On 15th & 16th June 2022, The Paignton & Brixham Neighbourhood Teams conducted two days of action.  Two Misuse of Drugs Act warrants were executed in Paignton. In the first address, a quantity of heroin and an illegal lock knife were seized.  Two people continue to assist Police with their enquiries.  At another address, cannabis was found to be growing and a substantial quantity of cropped Cannabis seized.  One person was arrested in relation to this.  A male was also arrested for driving a vehicle whilst under the influence of drugs.  The Neighbourhood Team were ably assisted by members of the Force Support Group, the "No Excuses" Roads Policing Team and Police Dog Lottie and her handler.

Update: 28 January 2022 - Update 28/01/2022

Since October 2021, the Paignton & Brixham Neighbourhood teams have conducted 5 misuse of Drugs Act Warrants in both towns of which three were positive for either class A or B drugs. We have also discovered 2 cannabis cultivations in Brixham. these investigations remain ongoing. Both team regularly conduct pro-active stops and searches of vehicles and people suspected of being involved in drugs activity. We also work closely with partner agencies to safeguard those at risk, especially young people, from County Lines activity. We regularly use Social Media to post educational content regarding Dangerous Drug Networks and County Lines and what to look for. 

Action Date Saturday 25th June 2022

Op Mosaic- Reducing Death and Serious Injury on the Roads

Op Mosaic is the ongoing operation to target vehicle offences on the roads across Paignton and Brixham. It is aimed at reducing the fatal five contributory factors that cause serious and fatal road collisions; speeding, careless driving, drink and drug driving, not wearing a seatbelt and using a mobile phone. We also aim to target those people using vehicles to commit crime. We aim to ensure that the community can use the road network safely and to reduce the instances of those killed or seriously injured on the roads.  

We utilise the fixed ANPR camera system with Torbay as well as mobile ANPR systems with support from the Safety Camera Partnership, No Excuses Team and Roads Policing Officers. We are often supported by Student Officers, Special Constables and community speed watch volunteers when we undertake static vehicle check operations.

Issue Date Wednesday 27th March 2019

Update: 25 June 2022 - Update 25/06/22

Both Neighbourhood Teams are committed to reducing death and serious injury on the roads, regularly seizing vehicles without insurance or MOT.  Speeding motorists are targeted by the Paignton Community Speedwatch group of volunteers and regular speedchecks by the Professional development Unit.  We regularly work with the No Excuses Road Safety Team, such as on 16th June 2022 where a male was arrested for driving a motor vehicle whilst under the influence of drugs.

Update: 28 January 2022 - Update 28/01/2022

in November 2021, as part of a day of action, Road safety activity was conducted by the Special Constabulary, professional Development Unit, Roads Policing and Response teams. One vehicle was seized and 12 drivers were issued with educational words of advice.

Throughout December 2021, the Paignton and Brixham Neighbourhood teams conducted 'Morning After' drink drive patrols. On Thursday 30th December, the South Devon professional Development Unit, assisted by Torquay Response officers conducted a speed enforcement operation on Dartmouth Road between Paignton and Brixham, where 11 tickets were issued to drivers who were reported for speeding offences, over a period of an hour and a half, the top speed being 45mph! 

On Saturday 22nd January 2022, the Special Constabulary and the Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service (DSFR) with support from the Paignton Neighbourhood Team conducted a speed enforcement operation at Preston Down Road, Paignton. 9 drivers received a postal notice of intended prosecution (NOIP) for excess speed and 13 drivers were educated at the roadside by words of advice for various offences (via either police or DSFR road safety team). The highest recorded speed was 43mph within a 30mph zone. 

Action Date Saturday 25th June 2022

Neighbourhood Map

Markers show crime recording locations. Click/tap on a marker to see crimes allocated to that location.