Crime Check UK

Chacewater, Feock, Kea & Kenwyn

A local policing neighbourhood in Devon & Cornwall Police

The information on this page is provided by Devon & Cornwall Police. If any of it is incorrect, or incomplete, or out of date, please don't complain to us, please get in touch with your local police force and politely ask them to ensure that they update their information at

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Neighbourhood Priorities

Truro Safer Business Action (SaBA) Day - Thursday 23rd May 2024

On Thursday 23rd May 2024 Truro Neighbourhood Policing Team, supported by volunteer Special Constables, Safer Cornwall, Young People Cornwall and Truro Street Rangers conducted a day of action in Truro City centre.

PCs, Special Constables, PCSOs and Truro Street Rangers carried out foot patrols in areas known for anti-social behaviour, conducted visits to businesses targeted by shoplifters, and provided public reassurance and support to vulnerable people.

Safer Cornwall and Young People Cornwall visited businesses where young people have recently accessed rooftops to offer support and advice around public safety.  Safer Cornwall also followed up on previous police visits to a number of business where female staff members have been subject to anti-social behaviour.


Issue Date Sunday 2nd June 2024

Update: 02 June 2024 - Cont...

Three of the four Special Constables were being tutored towards independent patrol status and gained valuable experience in person searches and conflict management while providing much appreciated additional officer numbers.

Two Special Constables provided medical attention to a collapsed member of the public, calling for an ambulance and looking after them until help arrived. One female was arrested by a Special Constable on suspicion of assaulting a male by beating and causing unnecessary suffering of an animal. One male was arrested on suspicion of a racially aggravated public order offence and also causing unnecessary suffering of an animal. Officers provided medical attention for a suspected drug overdose, administering an opioid inhibitor which saw an improvement in the patient’s condition before handing over to paramedics. A hammer/multitool was disclaimed by the owner for disposal.

#SaBaDay #SaBA #Crimeprevention etc…

Action Date Sunday 2nd June 2024

Important Message from Trading Standards

Cornwall Trading standards have seen a large increase in rogue trading activity across the county, particularly rogue roofers. Many are now using online directory services or social media and have moved away from ‘traditional’ cold-calling. New tactics include claiming to be local a company, even giving an addresses that is local, but the address used is often fake, not actually the traders’ address or is being used without the permission of the owner’s consent.


Once contacted, the roofer will attend and give a very reasonable quote, but when work has started the price rapidly inflates. Often,  the work is of poor quality or unfinished, and the customer is left struggling to trace the trader.


Common to many of the incidences are that no paperwork is given, and any promises of guaranteed work go unhonoured.


Trading standards advice is to use caution when contacting online platforms. Make sure the company gives you a written quote outlining in some detail what work is needed, how much materials cost, the time frame of work and when it will be completed. When signing up to work at home or over the phone, traders are obliged to give a notice of the right to cancellation within 14 days of entering a contract*.


*In 2013, the government introduced the right to cancel most contracts made in the home with the intention of tackling the issue of customers signing up to contracts hastily and whilst under pressure.


Cornwall council have a Buy with confidence scheme, this is a list of traders who have signed up to the scheme and each have been thoroughly vetted by the councils buy with confidence scheme. This can be found on the council website just search for buy with confidence.


Issue Date Sunday 2nd June 2024

Truro welcomes new Police Community Support Officer

Truro Neighbourhood Team would like to welcome Chris who is a new addition to our neighbourhood family.

Chris has joined as a Police Community Support Officer and will be working alongside the team to tackle all issues including Anti Social Behaviour within the city centre.

Chris comes from a retail background and has a great understanding of what the retailers in the City have to tackle on a daily basis. So he brings a lot of knowledge into the role. 

We are very happy to be extending our team to better assist the public within Truro. 

Issue Date Saturday 1st June 2024

Truro Neighbourhood Team May News & Updates

These last few weeks have been very busy for your Truro Neighbourhood team!
Here is a selection of some of the great work they have been doing!

A positive drug warrant was conducted at an address in the city centre on 18/04/2024. Cannabis was found at the address and seized. Great result in getting drugs off the streets & safeguarding vulnerable adults.

Two Criminal Behaviour Orders have been issued, one on Kirsty HEATHER and the other on Eloise PAYNE. This will help reduce crime and Anti-Social behaviour within the City Centre.

A community meeting took place in Portloe on 08/05/2024 regarding ongoing incidents of Anti-Social behaviour and crime. This was following concerns raised by the community.

This weekend Truro sector Neighbourhood Team will be policing Tunes in the Dunes in Perranporth. We shall be conducting high visibility patrols and assist anyone who may need us. Feel free to come and say hello if you see us.
Truro PCSO’s have also been spending time in communities, meeting residents and discussing ongoing anti-social behaviour issues in Threemilestone and Tresawls. We have been encouraging residents to report issues to the relevant agencies, whether that be the police, Cornwall Council or housing providers. Please get in touch if there are any issues ongoing in your communities too.

We have also been attending Community Speed Watch sessions within the sector to support our lovely volunteers who work hard to keep our communities safe, and are looking to attend more in the future

Issue Date Wednesday 15th May 2024


On Wednesday 17th March 2024 an application was heard at Truro Magistrates Court for a premises closure order in relation to a property on Trevethenick Road, Malpas, Truro, that had become a significant source of anti-social behaviour.

The order was granted by the court which means that it is now an offence for anyone (other than a representative of the housing association owners / emergency services) to enter. The order is in place for 3 months.

The decision to close the property was not made lightly, but Truro Magistrates saw fit to close the property to all occupiers.

This result has come about through excellent community intelligence and partnership working from Truro, Perranporth and Tregony Police, neighbourhood officers, LiveWest Housing and Truro ASB Team.

The resident has been engaged with by various partners to rectify the situation and bring peace to the neighbourhood, but sadly, the individual concerned was unwilling to engage.

As always, if you are experiencing issues of anti-social behaviour where you are, please get in touch.

We as a Safer Cornwall partnership, hope this will restore peace to the area and offer other residents respite whilst encouraging the former tenant to engage with support services to address their behaviours.

Issue Date Wednesday 17th April 2024

Truro Safer Business Action Day

Devon & Cornwall Police join partners to tackle shoplifting

04.04 SaBA 3.jpg

Truro neighbourhood policing team were joined by partner agencies including Cornwall Council, Safer Cornwall, Truro City Council, Young People Cornwall, Cornwall Fire and Rescue, Shop watch and Truro BID (Truro Business Improvement District), to conduct a Safer Business Action Day (SaBA) in the city centre recently.

Following joint planning between all of the partner agencies, it was decided that the key focuses of the SaBA would be shoplifting and associated anti-social behaviour. The Truro neighbourhood policing team have been working with local retailers to understand what issues are negatively impacting their businesses. Shoplifting and anti-social behaviour have been identified as two key issues within the city, and there have been increased reports of instances of both shoplifting and anti-social behaviour by local retailers. Officers have gathered intelligence from members of the public which suggests shoplifting and anti-social behaviour are concerning issues which are causing some local people to no longer enjoy spending time in the city centre. Nationally, there is an increased focus on retail crime, due to a significant growth in shoplifting, violence against retail staff, and increased organised crime. To support with tackling this, the National Police Chief’s Council (NPCC) have recently released a retail crime action plan, and Truro policing team have set shoplifting and anti-social behaviour as two key priorities for the team to tackle.  

Two men walking down a streetDescription automatically generated

During the day of action, plain-clothed officers were deployed into specific premises in the city to provide guidance and reassurance to shops that have reported frequent and ongoing shoplifting, which has been affecting the safety of their staff. Officers from the neighbourhood team carried out high visibility patrols in the city centre, visiting multiple local businesses to meet with staff, which provided them with an opportunity to raise any concerns or issues with the police, and provided an opportunity for local people to get to know their local neighbourhood policing team. In addition, CCTV from different businesses was monitored, and businesses were active on Shopwatch radios. The Shopwatch initiative supports retailers in Truro to work together with partner agencies such as Truro BID and the police to address crimes that are affecting Truro’s businesses, including anti-social behaviour.

A group of people standing under a tentDescription automatically generated

Truro’s ASB Officer, Steve Lennon, joined the Truro Rangers to carry out their usual activities, which includes patrolling the city centre to provide reassurance to retailers and deter criminals from attempting retail crime. Truro Safe, Young People Cornwall, Trading Standards and Cornwall Fire and Rescue service attended the event and had stalls in the city centre enabling members of the public to chat to the team. Crime prevention officers were available to provide advice and guidance to members of the public.

PC Richie Wilson said: "The Safer Business Action Day was a success, and we achieved some positive results. It is hugely beneficial for the police to work alongside partner agencies to tackle local issues, and to understand a rounded view of how we can best target our resources to make Truro an even safer place to live and work. On behalf of Truro neighbourhood policing team, I would like to thank all of the retailers, partner agencies and individuals who supported the Safer Business Action Day, especially our volunteers."

Following the success of this Safer Business Action Day, Truro policing team aim to conduct another day of action later in the year.

Issue Date Saturday 13th April 2024

Cannabis Grow Located

Overnight on Monday 19th February Truro Response Officers located a substantial cannabis grow located in a residential area in Probus. 

The occupants have been dealt with and Truro officers are very pleased with the outcome and that a substantial amount of cannabis has been taken off the streets. 

Issue Date Wednesday 21st February 2024

Safeguarding probus

On Monday 19th February Truro officers were alerted to issues at an address in the Probus area.

1 male was placed in custody and 5 other individuals were safeguarded.  

Great work by the Truro neighbourhood Team

Issue Date Wednesday 21st February 2024

Appeal for Information

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Assault, St Mawes


Police are appealing for witnesses and anyone with information to come forward after an assaulted was reported inside the Bohella Club St Mawes. 

The incident, in which a fight broke out, happened between approximately 11:30pm on Sunday 31st December 2023 to approximately 00:30am Monday 1st January 2024 .

Anyone with information or footage is asked to make contact via the Devon & Cornwall Police website or by calling 101 quoting crime number 50240000367 and ask for the details to be passed onto PC 7737 BAGGULEY at Truro Police Station. 

Information can also be passed anonymously to independent charity Crimestoppers by calling 0800 555 111 or reporting online at


  Message Sent By
Deborah Sleeman
(Police, PCSO, Truro)

Issue Date Wednesday 31st January 2024

School Patrols

On Friday 19th January 2024 PC Thomas & PCSO Hill conducted speed patrols near Kea School.

They reported that although the majority of drivers adhered to the safety around the school, a few did have to be educated.  

Issue Date Monday 29th January 2024

Fraud & Scam Event

Fraud & Scam Event

Your local PCSO's shall be in Barclays Bank Truro from 10am until noon on Thursday 25th January, offering fraud & scam advice.
If you have any concerns or issues or just need information, then please pop down and see us.

Issue Date Thursday 25th January 2024

Neighbourhood Policing Week

Today your local Neighbourhood Policing Team engaged with members of the public at The Hall For Cornwall. 

We were able to give crime prevention advice along with literature and even a free UV Pen.

If you would like to know more about this and how to prevent crime in your area, feel free to contact us, and we can arrange another engagement day. 

Issue Date Wednesday 24th January 2024

Tregony Speed Patrols

Our fabulous Special Constable Christopher's came across our Community Speed Watch update on Friday and noted a residents concerns regarding Tregony traffic.

So, on Sunday, in his own time, he volunteered to attend and gathered up a couple of the local PCSO's.

They were in the area for 1hr & 15 mins of detection. During this time.

The first car they targeted, driving 31 MPH and was stopped and checks revealed had no insurance.

About 10 other drivers were given words of advice for going too fast.

Issue Date Tuesday 23rd January 2024

Community Speed Watch

On Friday 19th January 2024, local volunteers, PCSO Sleeman & our local Speed Detection Officer conducted a Community Speed Watch hour at the top of Kenwyn Hill Truro.

During that time the volunteers detected 4 motorists exceeding the speed limit. These drivers will be receiving warning letters. 22 were detected by our SDO and those motorists will be receiving a Notice of Intended Prosecution.

One of these vehicles were noted doing 49mph in a 30 zone.

We would like to remind motorists that the speed limit is there to keep residents safe, so please obey the speed limit. 


Issue Date Friday 19th January 2024

Neighbourhood Week of Action

???? Truro Neighbourhood Policing Team ????

City Centre Pop up

Green Room Café

Hall for Cornwall

10am – 12pm

1pm – 2pm

Wednesday 24th January 2024


Come and meet your Neighbourhood PCs and PCSOs for Truro, Tregony and The Roseland to discuss anything affecting you and your community, or just have a brew and a chat. ?




Issue Date Thursday 18th January 2024

Speed Patrols

On Wednesday 10th January 2024 PC DUNCAN (Truro Patrol) attended a number of locations in the Truro area and was joined by the local Professional development Unit (Student officers) to target speeding motorists. These areas have been raised by local communities as areas of concern and are targeted by officers to reduce serious injuries on our roads as part of Vision Zero.

These locations included Shortlanesend, Falmouth Road and Blackwater with a number of tickets issued to speeding motorists and words of advice also offered.

These patrols will be continuing into the year at different locations. Please check your speed.  

Issue Date Saturday 13th January 2024

Drugs Operation

On Thursday 14th December 2023 a drugs operation took place at Truro College involving the student buses. The operation was supported by Truro College, Police Drugs Dog, ASB Officer and local Neighbourhood team from Truro, A quantity of drugs was seized, sending a clear message to students at the Campus that Drugs will not be tolerated. All students were safeguarded and supported by the college.

Issue Date Thursday 21st December 2023


Boscawen Street & Lemon Quay Truro will host some Truro Farmers Market produce stalls. On Wednesday's stalls on Boscawen St will change to seasonal goods from 4pm. There will also be street food, and entertainment.
Due to the increase in public numbers you will notice an increase in the presence of officers in the area. This is to ensure safety and tackle/deter any Anti Social behaviour issues as they arise and combat/deter shoplifting.
Truro Anti-Social Behaviour Officer
Truro BID

Issue Date Monday 4th December 2023

Positive Updates

A property closure for a property in  Whitley Close took place on the 25/10/2023. The tenant has been evicted due to persistent and ongoing Anti Social Behaviour which had a profound impact on the other residents in the community, and a full closure order is in place.


A property closure for a property in  Wicket Way in Blackwater took place on 31/08/2023. The tenant has been evicted due to persistent and ongoing Anti Social Behaviour which had a profound impact on the other residents in the community, and a full closure order is in place.

On 19/10/2023 We conducted a drugs warrant under section 23 of the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 at an address in Malabar. The warrant was positive. 


Issue Date Monday 4th December 2023


web pages you might find interesting .  Please also follow and share our regional facebook page   some anonymised success stories 


Issue Date Tuesday 28th November 2023

School Visits

Your local PCSO's have been conducting a series of school visits within Truro. the latest ones being at Archbishop Benson School in Truro. 

Assemblies and class visits have been conducted whereby we teach the children how to contact the police and what our job entails. we also provide uniform for them to try on and to see the kit we use in our vehicles. 

We also give them activity sheets and stickers as a memento. 

Issue Date Saturday 25th November 2023

Truro late Night Shopping

Truro’s late night shopping will take place every Wednesday from 29th November up to Christmas.

It will be a chance to see the City Centre Christmas Lights illuminating Truro whilst you shop, eat and drink.

Many shops will be open until 21.00 and Truro Farmers Market Big Christmas Market hosted by Truro Farmers Market will be on Lemon Quay.

The main streets will be traffic free all day. Boscawen St will host a selection of Truro Farmers Market produce stalls during the day which will change from produce to seasonal goods from 4pm. Truro BID will be organising street food & drink, along with festive entertainment dotted around to help everyone get into the Christmas Spirit.

Security staff and local police will be present at Wednesday Late Night Shopping evenings.

Issue Date Saturday 25th November 2023

Catalytic converter thefts

Catalytic converter thefts have increased – please keep your eyes out for suspicious activity – please note registration numbers and notify police of any descriptions of offenders/vehicles used/dates & times.

The most common method used by thieves is to use a cordless angle grinder. This can be any time of the day or night. Anyone passing would assume that they are there for a legitimate reason. Don't be afraid to check and challenge. 


Issue Date Saturday 25th November 2023

Update: 13 January 2024 - Thefts still a priority

Thefts of Catalytic Converters are still our priority. We are keen to receive reports of any suspicious activity. 

Action Date Saturday 13th January 2024

Anti Social behaviour

A number of Anti Social Behaviour  warnings have been issued to some children for fighting after school

Joint Truancy visits have been conducted with staff from local schools. 

Issue Date Saturday 25th November 2023

Threemilestone vehicle enthusiasts.

A number of section 59 warnings for inconsiderate driving has been issued and warning letters have gone out to the registered keepers. 

Issue Date Saturday 25th November 2023

Warrant at Malabar

On the 19th of October Truro’s Neighbourhood Policing Team executed a search warrant under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 in the Malabar area of Truro seizing a quantity of class A drugs. The offender accepted responsibility and has been issued with a Deferred Caution. They are now engaged with the Pathfinder Scheme.  Under this evidence-based scheme, offenders who meet certain criteria agree to a contract and work with a keyworker to address some of the underlying issues that may have led to their offending.  A criminal charge is avoided if participants engage with the four-month programme and complete the agreed action points.  By challenging offenders and supporting them to have more fulfilling lives, the scheme aims to reduce re-offending.

Issue Date Saturday 25th November 2023


Qishing is coming….

The QR code scam arriving in the South West.

QR code stickers are placed over genuine codes so customers are sent to a fake website which sends payments and card information to fraudsters. 

The information can then be used to fraudulently obtain loans and make further payments.  A woman in the North East was defrauded of £13,000 in August.

Be careful anywhere using a QR code payment system such as car parks, restaurants and coffee shops.

You can report online fraud at where you can also learn about different types of internet frauds and how to stay safe online.

Issue Date Saturday 25th November 2023


Currently our Highest Priorities are:

Violence against women and girls.

Dangerous drug networks.

Vulnerability reduction.


We are currently developing our response to:

Persistent and severe anti-social behaviour.

Modern slavery and organised immigration crime.

Cyber dependent crime and serious fraud.


We have a continuing response to:

Road safety.

Issue Date Monday 11th September 2023


Truro & Perranporth police would like to welcome our new PCSO Yselkla HALL. Yselkla will conduct her 12 week training with PCSO Conway between Truro & Perranporth. 

Once her training is complete, we will welcome her permanently into Truro City Centre. 

Issue Date Monday 11th September 2023

Update: 13 January 2024 - PCSO now on Truro Streets

PCSO Hall has now completed all of her training and is currently solo on Truro streets. If you see her around, don't be afraid to say hi. It would make her day!

Update: 13 January 2024 - PCSO now on Truro Streets

Update: 13 January 2024 - PCSO now on Truro Streets

Update: 13 January 2024 - PCSO now on Truro Streets

Action Date Saturday 13th January 2024

Premises Closure

On the 31st August, Truro Anti Social behaviour Officer along with Truro, Perranporth and Tregony Police, LiveWest housing officers have made an application to close a property for a period of three months within the Blackwater Truro area.

This property has been the source of anti-social behaviour for over 4 years and the local community have been subject to living in fear for their safety.

The resident has been engaged with by various partners to rectify the situation and bring peace to the neighbourhood but sadly the individual concerned was unwilling to engage.

The decision to close the property was not made lightly but magistrates who have seen fit to close the property to all occupiers.

Safer Cornwall partnership hope this will restore peace to the area and other residents respite whilst encouraging the resident to address their behaviours.

Issue Date Monday 11th September 2023

Recent Activity

Arrests were recently conducted within the City Centre on 3 males who were found to be breaching the conditions of their Community Behaviour Order and sentenced to court. 

Issue Date Monday 11th September 2023

Update: 13 January 2024 - Local Neighbourhood Team

Truro Neighbourhood Team continue to deal with all aspects of Anti Social behaviour. If you witness any issues we would be keen to hear from you. 

Action Date Saturday 13th January 2024

Truro & Penwith College

Last week your Truro Neighbourhood Team attended Truro College for Freshers Week. They engaged with teachers & students relating to safety & security. 

Issue Date Monday 11th September 2023

Anti-Social Driving Threemilestone

Over the last few weeks local Truro Officers have been conducting regular high visibility patrols in the Threemilestone area, in relation to reports received regarding anti-social driving.
Officers have been taking the time to chat with members of the local community & conducted vehicle checks when warranted.

Issue Date Monday 11th September 2023

Safer Truro

Officers from Truro Neighbourhood Teams have been supporting Safer Truro and ASB Officer Steve Lennon with patrols in the City centre in the evenings. Positive feedback has been received from members of the public on and off social media. 


Issue Date Monday 11th September 2023

City Foot patrols

Ongoing additional foot patrols are being conducted within the city centre to detect crime and combat shop lifting and Anti-Social behaviour. This is in conjunction with Truro BID and your local ASB Officer Steven Lennon. 

Issue Date Monday 11th September 2023

Update: 13 January 2024 - positive outcomes due to regular patrols

Over the summer & autumn months ongoing additional foot patrols were conducted with positive results within the city centre. We detected crime and combated shop lifting and Anti-Social behaviour. This is in conjunction with Truro BID and your local ASB Officer Steven Lennon. 

Action Date Saturday 13th January 2024


TRURO and TREGONY Neighbourhood team are committed to tackling Anti-Social Behaviour within our communities to seek resolutions to identified ASB issues. Officers will patrol hot spots to prevent disorder and offer a visible presence to deter offending behaviour. The NPT team work closely with partner agencies and will look to take positive action when necessary and through the ASB escalation process in accordance with the Cornwall Council ASB priorities. The team will strive to prevent reoffending through diversion, early intervention and prosecution where appropriate.

No matter how small, we urge our communities to report any issues they experience. We may not always be able to deal with those responsible criminally, but reports can be used to build a case to escalate offenders up the ASB process and ultimately assist in securing Criminal behaviour Orders.

This can be done via our website at Devon & Cornwall Police. 


Issue Date Monday 11th September 2023


We will focus on safeguarding the vulnerable by committing to working closely with partner agencies to identify and protect individuals within our community. We have an officer dedicated as a safeguarding lead and the entire team work with schools, social services, housing and other support agencies to prevent harm to vulnerable people in our are both old and young.

If you are concerned for any individual please do not hesitate to contact us or follow the below links to find information on other services within our areas who may be able to assist.


St Petroc's:

Safer Cornwall:

Cornwall Council:


We are with you:  

Issue Date Monday 11th September 2023

Update: 13 January 2024 - Continuous Support

We have ongoing and continuous support safeguarding the vulnerable, especially in this cold weather, by committing to working closely with partner agencies to identify and protect individuals within our community.

Action Date Saturday 13th January 2024


The team will engage with local people by publicising and attending local events where individuals can speak in person to their local officers.  We will listen and prioritise our response to local concerns of both residents and businesses and provide regular, accessible updates of actions taken by the team.

Issue Date Monday 11th September 2023

College Visit

On Wednesday 28th June 23 PC Thomas, along with PC Wilson & PC Waters attended Truro College with their dog Skye for a passive drugs operation. It was a successful visit with a lot of engagement with the students & Teachers.

Issue Date Friday 30th June 2023

Neighbourhood Watch Newsletter

We are approaching the summer which can be one of our busiest times.  The nicer weather and increase in visitors can impact on the level of our demands.  Hopefully people will continue to see more officers ‘out and about’ on the streets; that’s one of my priorities for the policing sector.  As some may know we received additional funding for proactive patrols through the Safer Streets Funding programme.  That’s enabled us to put officers out on patrol with the aim to improve on our visibility, reduce ASB and associated crimes and in turn reassure the public so they feel safe.  We’ve another pot of additional funding coming for the summer.  Our intention is to spend that on more foot patrols in our open spaces, such as beaches, parks and gardens.  Truro is in a fairly healthy position in respect of staffing levels when considering the workforce design.  Our patrol teams are at a reasonable level and we will continue to welcome new officers into the sector, partly as a result of the general uplift.  I’d encourage people to continue to look after each other and report any concerns to the police, or other agency if another is more appropriate.  We have a new website, which is a good way to contact us, including to report concerns as well as dropping us a line of thanks!

Issue Date Thursday 15th June 2023


On Wednesday 17th May Crimestoppers worked with the Truro Council and Truro Neighbourhood Police to help the communities of Trelander and Malabar feel confident to report crime and raise awareness of their charity which is the only independent, free crime fighting charity offering 100% anonymity in the UK.

If you have any information and would like to report anonymously then feel free to call 0800 555 111 or visit our web site at

Issue Date Thursday 15th June 2023


A bike had been locked to a pole for several weeks outside of Homebase in Treliske Ind Estate.

It is now safe at Truro police Station.

If this is your bike, please attend Truro Station with proof of ownership quoting reference number P5023044414.

Issue Date Thursday 15th June 2023

Operation Loki

NEIGHBOURHOOD police in Truro have launched a new operation as part of its work to keep the county one of the safest places in the country. Operation Loki launched in Truro on 17 April and is currently ongoing.

The operation will run for four weeks in the location and will highlight policing tactics including high-visibility patrols, schools prevention activity, traffic operations, surveys and community engagement.

This is to enhance the vital work our neighbourhood policing teams are doing every day.  Our neighbourhood policing teams will be targeting areas of concern and responding to anti-social behaviour, to safeguard our community and investigate crime, with extra policing patrols in key areas at key times.

Local teams set up under a gazebo in line with the Truro Farmers market to provide reassurance and crime prevention advice to residents. 


Issue Date Friday 5th May 2023


Roger DUQUE has recently been convicted at Court for criminal damage of a motor vehicle. he has been given an overnight curfew and criminal behaviour order.

Issue Date Tuesday 28th March 2023


A Section 23 MODA warrant was conducted at an address in Malpas, two persons were arrested for being concerned in the supply of a controlled drug (Class A) Both are currently on bail.

Issue Date Tuesday 28th March 2023

Warrants Conducted

S23 Misuse of drugs act warrant conducted in Truro on Wednesday 8th March. 2 positive arrests and investigation on going.

This is a positive result for Truro officers. 



Issue Date Tuesday 28th March 2023

Moorfield Carpark

We are currently working with Cornwall Council to arrange for Court appointed bailiffs to remove persons sleeping in Moorfield Car Park (and their property) An eviction notice has been served and outreach/offers of support offered to those concerned.

This is an ongoing process and high on our priorities list. 


Issue Date Sunday 12th February 2023

Parking Issues

Regular foot patrols by the neighbourhood team have been & will be conducted in and around Truro College along with site security. 

Our traffic division will also be conducting patrols ad hoc.  

Issue Date Sunday 12th February 2023

School Patrol Priorities

During neighbourhood week Truro neighbourhood teams conducted patrols all around the city including local schools during pick up and drop off times. This was received very positively by the public who also expressed their pleasure on The Truro neighbourhood Facebook page. 

Issue Date Saturday 11th February 2023

Criminal Damage Malabar

Roger Duque has been convicted at Cornwall Magistrates Court for damage to motor vehicles on the Malabar estate in Truro in August 2022.

He will appear again at court on the 2nd March for sentencing.

Issue Date Friday 10th February 2023

Neighbourhood Events

Over 50's Coffee Afternoon Malabar
Thursday 27th June 2024
from 2:00PM to 3:00PM

Tea Time!

Thursday tea Time 2pm-4pm Every Thursday for the over 50's

Come along for free tea, coffee, coke, biscuits and a lovely chat. Come and make some friends and meet the community.

Malabar Community Centre.

For more information contact Lisa: 07837 181 667

Lowen Court Residents Meeting
Monday 1st July 2024
from 9:00AM to 10:00AM

Weekly meeting with a coffee and a cake where local police often visit to discuss local issues.

Trispen & St Erme Parish Council Meeting
Monday 1st July 2024
from 7:00PM to 8:00PM

A chance for members of the local community to discuss items. 
Trispen St Erme Parish Council Meet On The 1st Monday Of Every Month.

Please find a link to the Parish Web page below:-

Probus Parish Council
Monday 1st July 2024
from 7:00PM to 8:00PM

A chance for members of the local community to discuss items. 
Trispen St Erme Parish Council Meet On The 1st Monday Of Every Month.

Please find a link to the Parish Web page below:-

St Clement Church Coffee Morning
Tuesday 2nd July 2024
from 9:00AM to 10:00AM

Coffee Morning at St Clements Church First Thursday of each month.

All welcome & the selection of cakes on offer are all home made and of a high standard

Truro Shop Watch Meeting
Tuesday 2nd July 2024
from 10:00AM to 11:00AM

Monthly meeting on the first Tuesday of every month between local retailers and local police to discuss current issues surrounding thefts from local shops.

Truro Pub Watch
Wednesday 3rd July 2024
from 10:00AM to 11:00AM

Monthly Meeting with licensees in Truro and local police to discuss local issues and problamatic people.

First Wednesday of each month

Over 50's Coffee Afternoon Malabar
Thursday 4th July 2024
from 2:00PM to 3:00PM

Tea Time!

Thursday tea Time 2pm-4pm Every Thursday for the over 50's

Come along for free tea, coffee, coke, biscuits and a lovely chat. Come and make some friends and meet the community.

Malabar Community Centre.

For more information contact Lisa: 07837 181 667

Lowen Court Residents Meeting
Monday 8th July 2024
from 9:00AM to 10:00AM

Weekly meeting with a coffee and a cake where local police often visit to discuss local issues.

Ladock parish Council
Monday 8th July 2024
from 10:00AM to 11:00AM

Ladock Parish Council meets on the Second Monday of every month. 

Please find a link to the Parish Council Web page:-

Malpas Residents Association Coffee Morning
Tuesday 9th July 2024
from 10:00AM to 11:00AM


Coffee morning for residents. Various agencies in attendance.

We get together at 10.30 am on the second Tuesday of every month to chat and exchange books over a cup of coffee - do join us! Contact Alison Hill for more information

For more info please call: 01872 272607

Malabar Residents Association Meeting
Tuesday 9th July 2024
from 7:00PM to 8:00PM

To discuss any issues and up and coming events.

Every 2 months on the 2nd Tuesday of the month, until 13 Sept 2022

Truro ASB Meeting
Wednesday 10th July 2024
from 7:00PM to 8:00PM

Monthly multi agency meeting to discuss problamatic young people & adults casuing ASB or who's behaviour is escalting.

Resolutions & actions discussed how to deal with them & refer persons to other agencies for targeted help.

Organistions that attend -

Various housing ASB officers

Youth Offending

Social Services (if specifically requested)

Local Heads of Schools



  • Every second Wednesday of each month


Over 50's Coffee Afternoon Malabar
Thursday 11th July 2024
from 2:00PM to 3:00PM

Tea Time!

Thursday tea Time 2pm-4pm Every Thursday for the over 50's

Come along for free tea, coffee, coke, biscuits and a lovely chat. Come and make some friends and meet the community.

Malabar Community Centre.

For more information contact Lisa: 07837 181 667

Trelander Residents Meeting
Saturday 13th July 2024
from 10:00AM to 11:00AM

Residents are welcome to attend the meeting to address any issues you may have regarding living in Trelander.


Second Saturday of each month


Lowen Court Residents Meeting
Monday 15th July 2024
from 9:00AM to 10:00AM

Weekly meeting with a coffee and a cake where local police often visit to discuss local issues.

Veryan Parish Council
Monday 15th July 2024
from 10:00AM to 11:00AM

Veryan Parish Council meet on the 3rd Monday of every month.

Below is a link to there web page:-

Over 50's Coffee Afternoon Malabar
Thursday 18th July 2024
from 2:00PM to 3:00PM

Tea Time!

Thursday tea Time 2pm-4pm Every Thursday for the over 50's

Come along for free tea, coffee, coke, biscuits and a lovely chat. Come and make some friends and meet the community.

Malabar Community Centre.

For more information contact Lisa: 07837 181 667

Lowen Court Residents Meeting
Monday 22nd July 2024
from 9:00AM to 10:00AM

Weekly meeting with a coffee and a cake where local police often visit to discuss local issues.

Over 50's Coffee Afternoon Malabar
Thursday 25th July 2024
from 2:00PM to 3:00PM

Tea Time!

Thursday tea Time 2pm-4pm Every Thursday for the over 50's

Come along for free tea, coffee, coke, biscuits and a lovely chat. Come and make some friends and meet the community.

Malabar Community Centre.

For more information contact Lisa: 07837 181 667

Neighbourhood Map

Markers show crime recording locations. Click/tap on a marker to see crimes allocated to that location.