Crime Check UK

Callington & Stokeclimsland

A local policing neighbourhood in Devon & Cornwall Police

The information on this page is provided by Devon & Cornwall Police. If any of it is incorrect, or incomplete, or out of date, please don't complain to us, please get in touch with your local police force and politely ask them to ensure that they update their information at

Contact Details
Neighbourhood Priorities

Increase of drug activity

There has been a recent increase in inteligence regarding drug use in the areas of Callington and Gunnislake 

Issue Date Wednesday 28th July 2021

Update: 08 March 2022 - Intelligence Gathering

Callington Police will be patrolling the area and will be gathering intelliegence regarding the increased drug use and areas in which patrols requires targetting. 

Update: 08 March 2022 - County Lines Intensification Week 2022

This week is County Lines Intensification Week. The local neighbourhood team have been active on social media promoting this, have been into the local college providing literature on county lines and child sexual explotation and have conducted high visibility patrols in the local area. 

Update: 08 March 2022 - Pop Up Surgeries

Callington Police will be returning to their pop up surgeries in the near future, date and location TBA. 

This will enable members of the public to voice their concerns to the local team and pass any information that they may have. 

Update: 08 March 2022 - Developing Intelligence

Callington Neighbourhood team are actively working with the community to develop intelligence around drug use and drug culture in our area. 

Action Date Tuesday 8th March 2022

Anti Social Behaviour

Callington Police have been made aware of increasing issues of Anti Social Behaviour in the areas of Callington and Gunnislake. Issues include verbal abuse, climbing on buildings and general anti social behaviour between small groups of people. 



Issue Date Wednesday 28th July 2021

Update: 17 June 2022 - Further warnings and collaboration with the ASB coordinator

Callington neighbourhood team have been in contact with the local anti social behaviour coordinator to discuss ongoing issues. Further ASB intervention is being utilised to help resolve ongoing issues. 

Update: 08 March 2022 - Reported incidents

Callington Police have been identifiying those responsible for recent Anti Social Behaviour in the area and will be dealing with those highlighted accordingly. 

Update: 08 March 2022 - Patrols

Callington neighbourhood team have been increasing visible patrols in the area.

Update: 08 March 2022 - Increased evening and weekend patrols

PCSO Addems has been increasing visible patrols in the evenings and weekends to deter anti social behaviour in the local area. 

Update: 08 March 2022 - Anti Social Behaviour warnings

Having had further antisocial behaviour reported to Police more warnings have been issued. These last for 3 months and the behaviour of the individuals are monitored. 

Update: 08 March 2022 - Further ASB warnings issued

Callington neighbourhood team have issued further ASB warnings to those causing issues in the Callington and Gunnislake area. 

Update: 08 March 2022 - Further Warnings Issued

Callington neighbourhood Policing team have recently issued 4 further ASB wanring letters to those identified as causing issues in the local area of Callington 

Update: 08 March 2022 - Pop Up Surgeries

Police surgery has been scheduled for 25th August 2021 between 1000 and 1130 hours. This is an opportunity for members of the public to speak to the local neighbourhood team to discuss any issues or concerns that they may have. 

Update: 08 March 2022 - Pop Up Surgeries

In the near future Callington Police will be arranging a pop up surgery to enable mebers of the community to speak to the team regarding any issues or concerns they have over anti social behaviour. 

Date TBA Location TBA 

Update: 08 March 2022 - Follow Up

Following the estate walkabout in Callington recently anti social behaviour reports have decreased in that area. PCSO Addems has regularly patrolled in that area. A further estate walkabout in the same location has been arranged for 1600 hours on 19/01/2021. PCSO Addems and the housing officer will be present.

Update: 08 March 2022 - Warnings

Section 59 notices (for anti social driving) and ASB warning notices have been issued recently to those individuals identified as involved or responsible for anti social behaviour. 


Update: 08 March 2022 - Estate Walkabouts

Police have been advised of an area in which anti social behaviour is increasing in Callington. As a result PCSO Addems has been on visible foot patrol in the area providing reassurance and advice

Contact has also been made with two seperate housing associations that are linked to the area and joint visits and walkabouts have been arranged to increase reassurance. 


Update: 08 March 2022 - Further ASB reported

Callington Neighbourhood Team have been made aware of further Anti Social Behaviour in Callington Town Centre. As a team we have been out on patrol speaking to members of the public, viewing CCTV and investigating this behaviour.  

Update: 08 March 2022 - ASB meetings

Members of Callington NHT attended an Anti Social Behaviour meeting with partner agencies discussing areas of concerns and how these reports can best be resolved. 

Action Date Friday 17th June 2022

Drug Misuse

Callington Police have received an increase in reports of drug misuse within the local area. Intelligence gathering and visible patrols will be increasing to gain a clearer pictire and deal with the concerns accordingly.

Issue Date Wednesday 8th July 2020

Update: 28 July 2021 - Intelligence Gathering

Callington neighbourhood team have been patrolling and gathering intelligence regarding the drug misuse in Callington. Priority areas have been patrolled to deter the use of drugs in that area.


Update: 28 July 2021 - Fewer reports

We are pleased to be able to say that calls regarding drug misuse in the Callington/Gunnislake area have been reducing in recent months. The neighbourhood team are still patrolling the area and are continuing to gather intelligence in order to keep calls of concern to a minimum.

Update: 28 July 2021 - Visible Patrols

Callington NPT have been increased visible patrols in and around the areas that have been highlighted regarding increased drug misuse. These patrols have been both mobile and on foot to provide increased reassurance.

Update: 28 July 2021 - Intelligence Gathering

Your local neighbourhood team are continuing to work hard in gathering information regarding drug misuse in Callington and the surrounding areas.

Action Date Wednesday 28th July 2021

Coronavirus Pandemic

Callington Police have significantly increased their patrols of the local geographic area since the pandemic was highlighted as a major incident.

As part of the UK's drive to protect the NHS and reduce the transfer of COVID-19 we are focused on high visibilty patrols with the hopes to encourage those not adhering to the governments guidance to reduce the times they need to be out and about. We are also here to provide a presence, and hopefully a sence of security.

We are happy to announce that through our patrols we are able to say that the vast majority of the Tamar Valley are adhering to the guidelines that are published on the GOV.UK websites.

Devon and Cornwall Police also have information regarding this pandemic, you can click on the link below for more information

We want to take this opportunity to thank you all. We know that this is a difficult time for many. We also want to stress our gratitude to staff in the NHS, carers and all other key workers that are working tirelessly to provide food, and save lives. Your kindness and determination know no bounds.

We will continue to be patrolling the area trying to keep people safe. Please remember this

#stayhome #savelives and #protectourNHS - it's that simple.



Issue Date Saturday 18th April 2020

Update: 28 July 2021 - Step One, Stage Two

We’ve reached Step One, Stage Two of the roadmap out of lockdown.

From today:

The ‘Stay at home’ rule is lifted – you’re still advised to work from home if you can and minimise journeys where possible.

You can meet in a group of two households or six people from different households outdoors, including in private gardens.

You can exercise and play sport in outdoor sports facilities, such as tennis and basketball courts and open-air swimming pools.

Our FAQs are in the process of being updated, so you can read more about the roadmap and the easing of restrictions here:

#COVID19 #Roadmap

Update: 28 July 2021 - Step 2

We’ve reached Step Two of the roadmap out of lockdown.

From today:

Non-essential retail, public buildings, indoor leisure facilities, personal care premises, and outdoor attractions can reopen.

Hospitality venues can provide outdoor table service to groups of up to two households or six people from different households.

You can stay overnight in self-contained accommodation, such as campsites and holiday lets with no shared facilities, with members of your household or support bubble.

You can hold or attend a wedding, civil partnership, receptions and commemorative events with up to 15 attendees, while funerals can continue to have 30 attendees.

Our FAQs are in the process of being updated, so you can read more about the roadmap and the easing of restrictions here:

Update: 28 July 2021 - FAQS

For more information and answers to queries relating to the Coronavirus restrictions please visit the 'frequently asked questions' on our website.

Both The NHS and government also have websites that give advice. 

The Regulations can be viewed at

Update: 28 July 2021 - Step Up to prevent COVID-19 Spread

Devon & Cornwall Police Ask the Public to Step-Up to Prevent COVID-19 Spread


Devon & Cornwall Police is asking the public to play its part and act responsibly as the region enters the next stage of the Government Roadmap to move England out of COVID-19 restrictions.


From Monday 29 March the ‘Stay at Home’ rule will come to an end, but all are encouraged to stay local and minimise journeys. You must not stay overnight away from your home unless you have a reason under the list of exemptions, and people should continue to work from home where possible.

Outdoor gatherings, including in private gardens, can take place between two households or groups of up to six people from different households. There should still be no mixing indoors with people outside of your household or support bubble.

Temporary Assistant Chief Constable Steve Parker said: "The move to reduce COVID-19 restrictions will be welcomed by some communities, but it may cause anxiety to others. While some areas of COVID-related enforcement the police have undertaken will cease, the message to stay local and respect Government guidelines to reduce risk does not change.

"COVID-19 has never been about policing a pandemic. While we are stepping back from some enforcement, I am asking the public to step-up as COVID-19 has not gone away.

"Government advice is for people to stay local and avoid unnecessary travel and I echo that request, but I am also aware that many will wish to meet with loved ones outside.

"Devon & Cornwall Police will maintain the approach of the 4Es to the new legislation using engagement, education and encouragement to ask members of the public to comply with the regulations. My hope is the public will continue to act responsibly and comply."

From Monday, outdoor sports facilities such as tennis and basketball courts and golf courses, and open-air swimming pools will be allowed to reopen. People can take part in formally organised outdoor sports. Outdoor parent and child groups can resume.

TACC Parker added: "For those making plans to meet, please make sure you adhere to the rule of six, stay local but also think about the legacy you may leave; respect our wonderful beauty spots and take your rubbish with you.

"I would also ask you to be aware of the dangers that our coastline can pose in terms of swimming and surfing in the sea.

"We all want the pandemic to be over, and the only way for us to do this is to contain the virus, wear a face covering, stay local, and to keep practicing social distancing.

"Everyone has a social responsibility play their part to prevent the virus spreading and to see us make it to Step Two of the Roadmap on April 12.

"Play your part and behave in a way that respects our communities and that will keep yourself and others safe."

For further advice, please see the COVID-19 FAQs page on the Devon and Cornwall Police website.


Update: 28 July 2021 - Lockdown 2.0

We are now back into lockdown until December 2nd. The local neighbourhood will be continuing to carry out reassurance patrols in the local area. Please continue to work with us in these strange times and adhere to the rules that have been set out by the government. Please stay safe and continue to help save the NHS and protect lives.

Update: 28 July 2021 - Visible patrols

Callington Neighbourhood Team have been conducting high viz mobile and 'on foot' patrols in the local area in relation to Lockdown 2.0. Happy to report no warmings have been issued in relation to any breaches.

Update: 28 July 2021 - Patrols

High Visibilty foot patrol has increased in recent weeks to help provide reassurance to members of the public in the Callington geographic area

Update: 28 July 2021 - Updating the public

Callington NPT are continuing to provide a presence in the geographic area during the Coronavirus pandemic. Increased visibile patrols are being undertaken both mobile and on foot and social media is being utilised to keep the general public abreast of the recent Governement Guildelines.

Update: 28 July 2021 - Covid 19 update, 1st phase of restiction easing

Following the first easing of restrictions can we please remind you that this is only relating to the return of children to school.

We are currently still in lockdown and we need to remain vigilant and keep social distancing from others and we need to continue to follow the Government guidelines that have been set out.

Please remember to stay safe and look after yourselves and others.

Update: 28 July 2021 - 4th July 2020

Callington Neighbourhood policing team contacted all licensed premisis in the local area to discuss the measures that were being implemented to ensure the safety of those entering premisis.

Update: 28 July 2021 - Night Time Economy

As many of the restrictions have now been lifted our focus through this pandemic will be on the night time ecomony in the area and the safety of others.

Update: 28 July 2021 - Keeping the community updated

We, The Callington Neighbourhood Team continue to  be visibly patrolling the geographic area we cover both on foot and in vehicles. We have also been extremely active on social media and have been posting information regarding the pandemic and also messages of positivity to help reassure the local population. and are greatful for all the support from the local communities.

Update: 28 July 2021 - Continued high visibilty patrols and social media input

The local neighbourhood team, along with local response units are continuing to patrol the area both on foot and in vehicles to provide a high visibilty presence.

we are paying special attention to people coming down with caravans and motor homes and staying over night they will be asked to return to their homes and could be give a fine if instruction to leave is not complied with

Update: 28 July 2021 - Medium Alert Level

In Devon and Cornwall we are on the medium alert level. This means that pubs, restuarants and all hospitality venues are still required to close at 2200 hours. The rule of six still applies to gatherings. In shops, and enclosed spaces masks are still a necessity.

We are happy to announce that the Neighbourhood Team have not had to issues any penalty noitces for failure to comply with these rules and calls regarding COVID beaches are few and far between.

Please continue the good work and stay safe.

Update: 28 July 2021 - Tier 1 Medium Alert

As of December 2nd 2020 Cornwall has been placed into Tier 1.

In Tier 1 areas, people must abide by the "Rule of Six" when meeting other households both indoors and outdoors.

People are still advised to continue to work from home where possible.

Last orders in hospitality venues serving food and drink will be called at 10pm and customers are allowed to stay until 11pm. 

Spectator sports are allowed to resume both indoors and outdoors in Tier 1, with Covid-safe measures and social distancing in place.

The public are allowed to attend performances and shows in theatres and other entertainment venues, both indoors and outdoors, at a limited capacity.

The limits for sports and events is 4,000 people or 50 per cent of the usual capacity outdoors. Indoors, the limit is 1,000 people.

The other rules are:

  • All businesses and venues can continue to operate, in a Covid-secure manner, other than those that remain closed in law, such as nightclubs and adult entertainment venues
  • Hospitality businesses serving food and drink should close between 11pm and 5am (hospitality venues in airports, ports, on transport services and in motorway service areas are exempt)
  • The 11pm closure also applies to casinos, cinemas, theatres, concert halls, museums, bowling alleys, amusement arcades, funfairs, theme parks, adventure parks and activities and bingo halls
  • Cinemas, theatres and concert halls can stay open beyond 11pm in order to conclude performances that start before 10pm
  • Schools, universities and places of worship remain open (For the latter, groups attending religious services are expected to follow the rule of six - with larger families exempt)
  • Weddings and funerals can go ahead with restrictions on the number of attendees (15 and 30 respectively)
  • Organised indoor sport and exercise classes can continue to take place, provided the "Rule of Six" is followed (There are exceptions for indoor disability sport, sport for educational purposes, and supervised sport and physical activity for under-18s, which can take place with larger groups mixing)

International travel is allowed across all tiers, but the advice is still not to travel unless necessary, and to check FCO restrictions for your destination.

The Government is expected to announce next week that current travel quarantine rules will end in mid-December, and will be replaced by a five-day testing plan.


Update: 28 July 2021 - Increased Patrols

Callington Neighbourhood Team have been patrolling regularly the whole geographic area of Callington. Parks, Beauty spots, car parks, supermarkets and housing estates have all been monitored and members of public have been spoken to when Covid-19 guidelines have been breached.

It is encouraging to be able to say that most of the community are adhereing to the guidelines as footfall in the towns now that the rules have been relaxed is increasing . We have received messages from members of the public advising us of Covid 19 breaches and are investigating these as they come to us.

We are working hard to try and keep you all safe and to protect our NHS - please help us too and stay home in order to save lives.


Update: 28 July 2021 - Social Media Updates

Callington Neighbourhood Team are continuing to update social media platforms with up to date information regarding the Coronavirus and keeping the community informed.

Update: 28 July 2021 - Christmas



The Callington Neighbourhood Team want to take the opportunity to wish you all a peaceful Christmas.

We know things are difficult at the moment but things will get better. Please keep safe at this time and think about your socialising and mixing over the festive season. Cornwall have worked so hard to be able to remain in Tier 1 and so many people have made sacrifices for their loved ones. Lets continue the hard work and adhere to the guildelines that have been set out.

Police are still on duty over the festive period and will be patrolling as normal.

Please stay safe everyone and continue to look after one another.

Update: 28 July 2021 - New national lockdown


Following the Prime Minister's announcement on 04/01/21, the whole country is now in another lockdown. This is in an effort to stop the spread of the virus and to protect the NHS. We will be continuing high profile patrols to encourage people and remind them to stay at home wherever possible and to keep social distancing.




Update: 28 July 2021 - Continuing Patrols

Callington Neighbourhood Team are continuing their visible coronavirus patrols in the geographical area.

Update: 28 July 2021 - Current lockdown guidelines.

Coronavirus restrictions remain in place across the country. In England:

  • Only socialise indoors with people you live with or who are in your support bubble
  • Up to 6 people or 2 households can meet outside
  • Work from home if you can and minimise travel
  • If you have symptoms get a test and stay at home.

Action Date Wednesday 28th July 2021

Neighbourhood Map

Markers show crime recording locations. Click/tap on a marker to see crimes allocated to that location.