Crime Check UK

Budleigh & Bicton, & Raleigh

A local policing neighbourhood in Devon & Cornwall Police

The information on this page is provided by Devon & Cornwall Police. If any of it is incorrect, or incomplete, or out of date, please don't complain to us, please get in touch with your local police force and politely ask them to ensure that they update their information at

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Neighbourhood Priorities

Lime Kiln ASB Budleigh Salterton

Lime Kiln car-park has become a concern for boy racer nuisance, which is causing some concern for residents.

Police are to work jointly with EDDC to rectify problems here.

Issue Date Saturday 17th February 2024

Update: 16 May 2024 - Silence is Golden

We have been monitoring the location and assessing calls about this issue. We have not received reports. Please tell us if it is still continuing. You are our eyes and ears.

Action Date Thursday 16th May 2024

Anti-social behaviour in and around the town centre

Anti-social behaviour that scars the reputation of Exmouth for locals and tourists, impacting upon the economy of the town.

Issue Date Thursday 18th January 2024

Update: 16 May 2024 - Cross Sector Deployments.

On Saturday 27 April officers from the Exmouth Neighbourhood Police Team were supported by colleagues from Rural East Devon and Mid Devon police sectors. The officers provided an increased police presence in Exmouth town centre to reassure the public and carry out arrests. This follows isolated incidents of disorder by youths which took place earlier this month.


Inspector Grant Leitch added: "Neighbourhood policing teams across Exeter, East and Mid Devon Local Policing Area are committed to this new way of working, which allows us to rapidly move resources to the towns or villages where we want to concentrate our efforts to achieve the best results. This means that we can focus our resources to deal with whatever issues concern the public most.


"The aim of the high visibility officer patrols on Saturday was to engage with the public, as well as reassure retailers and address any criminality or anti-social behaviour which they encountered. A suspect was arrested for shoplifting and public order offences. He was charged for both matters and is summonsed for other shoplifting offences. A second man was arrested and subsequently charged with three shoplifting offences, theft of a pensioner’s purse, fraud and handling stolen goods. He was held overnight in police custody and presented to court the next morning.  


Inspector Grant Leitch continued: "Our neighbourhood team, including Police Community Support Officers, sought feedback from local businesses and other partner agencies. The comments were positive and confirmed that the presence of our teams, on the streets, being amongst our communities, is strengthening, reassuring and a positive use of our resources. We aim to continue to provide a good service to local people and listen to their concerns."

Action Date Thursday 16th May 2024

Shoplifting in the town centre

Minimizing shoplifting incidents that have negative impact upon local businesses in the town centre.

Issue Date Thursday 18th January 2024

Update: 16 May 2024 - Adult Suspect Identified and Targeted.

The Exmouth Neighbourhood Team has identified a key individual responsible for both theft from local shops and other instances of disorder. Investigations have been mounted and we seek to supress, challenge and address intolerable behaviour at every opportunity.

Update: 16 May 2024 - Juvenile Offenders Identified and Processed.

The local Neighbourhood Officers have gripped this issue. We have identified a cohort of juvenile offenders who have been processed and are currently being dealt with by the Anti-Social Behaviour escalation process and being placed on police bail whilst ongoing investigations are developed. I have requested and received a data profile for shoplifting in the Exmouth area which identifies trends and hotspots. I am currently working with the PCC's office and EDDC to try and enhance joint patrols which could help in addressing this matter.

Action Date Thursday 16th May 2024

Drug dealing and related ASB

We prioritise tackling drug dealing and drug use which lead to ASB and associated risk.

Issue Date Thursday 18th January 2024

Update: 16 May 2024 - Cross Sector Deployments.

On Saturday 27 April officers from the Exmouth Neighbourhood Police Team were supported by colleagues from Rural East Devon and Mid Devon police sectors. The officers provided an increased police presence in Exmouth town centre to reassure the public and carry out arrests. This follows isolated incidents of disorder by youths which took place earlier this month.


Inspector Grant Leitch added: "Neighbourhood policing teams across Exeter, East and Mid Devon Local Policing Area are committed to this new way of working, which allows us to rapidly move resources to the towns or villages where we want to concentrate our efforts to achieve the best results. This means that we can focus our resources to deal with whatever issues concern the public most.


"The aim of the high visibility officer patrols on Saturday was to engage with the public, as well as reassure retailers and address any criminality or anti-social behaviour which they encountered. A suspect was arrested for shoplifting and public order offences. He was charged for both matters and is summonsed for other shoplifting offences. A second man was arrested and subsequently charged with three shoplifting offences, theft of a pensioner’s purse, fraud and handling stolen goods. He was held overnight in police custody and presented to court the next morning.  


Inspector Grant Leitch continued: "Our neighbourhood team, including Police Community Support Officers, sought feedback from local businesses and other partner agencies. The comments were positive and confirmed that the presence of our teams, on the streets, being amongst our communities, is strengthening, reassuring and a positive use of our resources. We aim to continue to provide a good service to local people and listen to their concerns."

Update: 12 April 2024 - Successes Thus Far.

The team are part of a co-ordinated set of meetings which are designed to see structures and associations in drug supply and use. By virtue of this bespoke investigation and review of intelligence we can sharpen our response to this issue.

Update: 12 April 2024 - Success Thus Far.

Over the last year, the Neighbourhood Team have seized in excess of £350,000 worth of drugs and cash connected with drug supply. This has resulted in excess of twenty investigations with many of those matters still being pursued. The team are wholly engaged with intelligence and information which allows them to evaluate risk and threat, thus determining the priorities. The most recent success was the seizure of more than £20,000 worth of cannabis and two arrests by virtue of that seizure.

Action Date Thursday 16th May 2024

Neighbourhood Map

Markers show crime recording locations. Click/tap on a marker to see crimes allocated to that location.