Crime Check UK


A local policing neighbourhood in Devon & Cornwall Police

The information on this page is provided by Devon & Cornwall Police. If any of it is incorrect, or incomplete, or out of date, please don't complain to us, please get in touch with your local police force and politely ask them to ensure that they update their information at

Contact Details
Neighbourhood Priorities

Rural Crime

For the next 3 months we will be supporting our rural communities to reduce crime and antisocial behaviour.

This will include

high visibility patrols looking to identify problems around out of control dogs, antisocial behaviour including unlicensed music events and breaches of byelaws.

We will engage with our communities to identify those seen to be causing the issues.

We will look at ways of target hardening areas showing a specific weakness.

We will work with specialist Police departments and partner agencies where it is required.

Issue Date Wednesday 13th March 2024

Antisocial behaviour

For the next 3 months we will be looking to reduce anti social behaviour including drug use in public areas and specifically in identified parks.

We will use

Targeted patrols in areas where issues have been highlighted by the community

We will engage with our communities to identify those seen to be causing the issues.

This will involve engagement with involved individuals, education and if necessary, enforcement using proportionate actions including civil and legal avenues.

We will carry out high visibility patrols in any area identified.

We will look at ways of target hardening areas showing a specific weakness.

We will work with specialist Police departments and partner agencies where it is required.

Issue Date Wednesday 13th March 2024

Traffic concerns

For the next 3 months we will be carrying out targeted community identified issues around traffic concerns.

Traffic concerns, including speeding vehicles in community identified areas, supporting schools which identify specific parking issues and liaising with both specialist Police teams and partner agencies where necessary.


Issue Date Wednesday 13th March 2024

Neighbourhood Map

Markers show crime recording locations. Click/tap on a marker to see crimes allocated to that location.