Crime Check UK

Bideford East-the-Water

A local policing neighbourhood in Devon & Cornwall Police

The information on this page is provided by Devon & Cornwall Police. If any of it is incorrect, or incomplete, or out of date, please don't complain to us, please get in touch with your local police force and politely ask them to ensure that they update their information at

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Neighbourhood Priorities

Anti Social Behaviour - East the Water

We are aware that recently the area of Barton Tors has been experiencing some anti-social behaviour and we wish to reassure residents that we are taking these issues seriously. We are working with partner agencies to address such incidents." A letter drop was conducted on the 4/8/23 to local residents that covered how/who to report ASB issues to as well as how and when to contact us.

We would like to highlight the following reporting tools:

For noise complaints/environmental health concerns/planning concerns:

Report to Torridge District Council

To report ASB pertaining to a housing association property:

Westward Housing:

Live West:

If a crime has occurred:

If a crime is in progress or there is an immediate threat to life please dial 999.

Issue Date Saturday 19th August 2023

Shoplifting and handling stolen goods

Bideford Neighbourhood Team have launched a new initiative to tackle shoplifting in the town, as well as the associated problem of handling stolen goods.

The team are working with local retail bosses to reduce levels of shoplifting in the run up to Christmas and beyond. Store managers have been encouraged to work more closely with their counterparts in other shops and improve their evidence gathering opportunities.

Posters promoting this initiative have been put around Bideford town and they include ways in which information can be reported to Police.

Issue Date Thursday 22nd December 2022

Update: 28 February 2023 - so far we have..

Officers from the neighbourhood team have continued to work with local businesses to tackle shoplifting.

We continue to encourage businesses to report any incidents at their premises and ensure best evidence is gathered.


Action Date Tuesday 28th February 2023

Young persons causing anti-social behaviour (ASB)

We have had reports of youths acting anti-socially in and around the Bideford area as well as causing issues for local businesses.

Issue Date Thursday 22nd December 2022

Update: 19 August 2023 - Update

We have added the problem areas to our patrol plan and have been patrolling these areas more frequently and dealing with any anti-social behaviour (asb) that we find. 

Update: 09 May 2023 - Update

We have had further reports of youths causing ASB in the Westward Ho area. We are increasing our patrols in Westward Ho and targeting those areas that we have received reports for. We have visited several affected premises and viewed CCTV of those involved. We have liaised with partner agencies including Torridge District Council,  and a number of young persons have been visited at home and escalated on the ASB pathway.

Update: 28 February 2023 - Update so far

Officers have been patrolling our ASB hotspot areas and engaging with groups of youths. We have been working with businesses that have been reporting issues and reviewing CCTV of incidents. Those persons that we have identified as causing issues have been visited at home by officers and started on the ASB escalation process.

Action Date Saturday 19th August 2023

Anti social behaviour

We have been receiving reports of anti social behaviour linked to alcohol use in Bideford and the surrounding areas.  

The local Neighbourhood Team have been patrolling our problem areas and using powers under the PSPO (Public spaces protection order) to move persons on and to confiscate open containers of alcohol. We have also been working alongside our partner agencies to tackle this problem and to escalate persistent breaches.


Issue Date Thursday 28th July 2022

Update: 09 May 2023 - Update

We have continued to patrol our key areas and have noted a reduction in alcohol related ASB. 

Update: 28 February 2023 - so far we have...

Patrols are still being undertaken in our problem areas. Those persons found breaching the PSPO have been dealt with robustly.

Update: 22 December 2022 - Update

We have continued to patrol priority areas and engage with persons at those locations. Those persons found to be breaching the PSPO have had alcohol confiscated and have been moved on. Persons persistently breaching the PSPO have been issued with a notice in conjuction with Torridge District Council.


Action Date Tuesday 9th May 2023

Use of E-scooters

We have had reports and concerns raised regarding the use of E-scooters being used on roads and pavements in our area.

Issue Date Tuesday 21st December 2021

Update: 28 July 2022 - Update...

We have continued to seize E-scooters that we have seen being used in the Bideford area. 

We have also been engaging and educating members of public regarding the use of E-scooters.

Update: 21 December 2021 - So far...

We have been educating users of E-scooters with the laws around their use. 

A number of E-scooters seen used in the Bideford have been seized from their owners.

We will engage and educate with members of public regarding the use of E-scooters.

Update: 21 December 2021 - More information

For more information regarding the legal use of E-scooters please look at this link.

E-scooters… all you need to know. | Devon and Cornwall Police (

Action Date Thursday 28th July 2022

Anti-social behaviour (ASB) youths in Bideford town.

We have had reports of youths acting anti-socially in and around the Bideford area as well as causing issues for local businesses.

Issue Date Tuesday 31st August 2021

Update: 22 December 2022 - Update....

The team have continued to patrol our ASB hotspot areas. A number of Anti Social Behaviour letter 1's have been issued to youths in the company of their parents.

Action Date Thursday 22nd December 2022

Boy Racers

Reports of Boy Racers causing Anti Social Behaviour relating to loud Exhausts, Loud Music and driving at Speed in the Bideford Town Centre : Areas include The Quay-Bank End Car Park, The Pill and The High Street.

Issue Date Tuesday 29th October 2019

Update: 21 December 2021 - Continued monitoring

We are continuing to monitor the situation on the Quay, Bank End and The Pill.

Our Road Casualty Reduction Officer has conducted patrols in target areas and dealt with those who have been an issue.

We have noticed a dramatic reduction in buy racer behaviour in Bideford.


Update: 21 December 2021 - Positive action

We’ve been listening to concerns raised by members of the public in relation to Anti-Social or Dangerous Driving around Bideford and Torrington. As a result, officers from the Roads Policing Unit, the No Excuses Team and the Neighbourhood Beat Team have spent 3 weekends in August focussing on the issue.
We have issued in excess of 50 tickets for things such as noisy exhausts, bald tyres, dodgy number plates, mobile phones and excess speed. A number of breath tests and drug wipes have also been administered and 3 vehicles have been seized. Several people are also due in court for related offences.
We are hoping that you have seen a noticeable difference as a result, but we recognise that the problem is still there and as such will continue our focus.
If you are a driver of a car with illegal modifications, no tax or insurance or you are driving in an anti-social manner, you can expect we will catch up with you!
To everyone else, please continue to report anti-social or dangerous driving via 101 (either by phone or on-line). Even better, please upload your dashcam or mobile footage to our Operation Snap Team at

Update: 21 December 2021 - Positive Action

Neighbourhood Officers have been actively patrolling our 'hotspot areas' in the last few months. In the last month 2 Prohibition Notices, 5 Traffic Offence Reports (3 were for noisy exhausts) have been issued to drivers. We have also had 1 vehicle seized for no insurance and 1 person has been reported directly to court for speeding.

Update: 21 December 2021 - So far

We have noticed a reduction in ASB driving and also reports from members of the public regarding this.

We will continue to monitor this, and welcome reports from members of the public if this becomes an issue.


Action Date Tuesday 21st December 2021

Anti-social behaviour Bideford Skate Park and Footbal Club

Over the summer there has been an increase in anti-social behaviour at the new skate park and also within the grounds of the Football Club.

We have seen an increase of littering, bad language and damage to seating.

So far we have increased our patrols to the areas and engaged with those in both locations. We have also liaised with local residents and partners agencies including Torridge District Council.

As of October 2019 we are continuing to monitor the situation.

Issue Date Tuesday 29th October 2019

Update: 20 September 2020 - So far...

We have continued with foot patrols in the skate park and also the football club. We have spoken to numerous persons whilst on patrol and things seem to be improving.

We will continue close eye on this situation.

Update: 20 September 2020 - So Far.....

Since the beginning of lockdown the Skate Park in Bideford has been shut. We are still paying passing attention to that area, and removing persons found at the location.

Update: 20 September 2020 - So Far September 2020

Patrols have continued through out summer. We have not received any recent complaints regarding behaviour at either locations.

Action Date Sunday 20th September 2020

Youth disorder Bideford Quay

We are currently running a high visibility campaign to disrupt some low level youth disorder in and around Jubilee Square

Issue Date Thursday 22nd November 2018

Update: 03 January 2021 - Progress 22/11/18

Two arrested for disorder and drug offences made plus key individuals reffered to other agencies for antisocial behaviour escalation.

Update: 03 January 2021 - January 2021.

We have not had any further issues of youth disorder on the Quay or Jubilee Square. We will continue to monitor the situation.

Update: 03 January 2021 - So far...

We are continuing to conduct patrols in the area and disrupt anti-social behaviour (ASB). A number of ASB letter 1's have been issued.

Update: 03 January 2021 - So Far September 2020

This is being continually monitored and patrolled. Problem persons have been dealt with and some have moved away.

Action Date Sunday 3rd January 2021

Criminal Damage East The Water

We have had several acts of criminal damage in and around East The Water over a short period. This includes damage to vehicles within the Sentry Corner/Clifton Street area and sadly damage to the local primary school gardens.  We are increasing patrols in the area and would encourage members of the public to report incidents to us via 101/999 as appropriate.

Issue Date Thursday 5th July 2018

Update: 03 January 2019 - No further reports to date

No further calls and minimal reports of criminal damage

Action Date Thursday 3rd January 2019

ASB Eastridge View/ Shamwickshire Close

Reports have been received of young people playing in the road lots of swearing and shouting at residents in these areas and also stones being thrown at residents properties.

Tensions are high resulting in some neighbourhood disputes arising.

Issue Date Saturday 28th April 2018

Update: 03 January 2019 - Door to Door Survey

A door to door survey was completed on 16-18th June 2018 within the area of Eastridge View. There was nothing raised current that needed action.  There has been regular patrols within the area since this priority has been raised and young people in the area of the roundabout have been spoken to. Landlords who manage the properties linked to the communal car park have been spoken to and will be working with their tenants to resolve the problem.  

Update: 03 January 2019 - ASB Eastridge View/ Shamwickshire Close

Visits have been carried out to residents who are feeling affected by this anti social behaviour. Officers have spoken to young people about their safety in the road and also how they behave in their community.

A letter is being prepared to capture all houses in the area with advice how to respond to any incidents and who to contact.

Update: 03 January 2019 - November 2018

Minimal amount of calls reported by residents. Still subject to monitoring.

Action Date Thursday 3rd January 2019

Criminal damage in Appledore

We have had several acts of criminal damage in Appledore over a short period. We are increasing patrols in the area and would encourage members of the public to report incidents to us via 101/999 as appropriate.

Issue Date Tuesday 16th January 2018

Update: 07 September 2018 - March 2018

We have continued to patrol Appledore during key times. We have not received calls regarding further incidents/ASB linked to this group of people.

Update: 07 September 2018 - Sept 2018

Further patrols to Appledore undertaken. No new reports of ASB in Appledore.

Action Date Friday 7th September 2018

Boy Racers

Reports of Boy Racers causing Anti Social Behaviour relating to loud Exhausts, Loud Music and driving at Speed in the Bideford Town Centre : Areas include The Quay-Bank End Car Park, The Pill and The High Street  

Issue Date Tuesday 25th July 2017

Update: 03 January 2019 - So Far We Have

We continue to liase with the local community regarding these ongoing issues. Our local officers also patrol the said areas during the late evening and throughout the night and deal with any signs of issues relating to ASB with groups of vehicles.

Update: 03 January 2019 - Latest update

Sept 2018

We have been continuing town patrols in the areas that have been identified.

Action Date Thursday 3rd January 2019

Manteo Way and Alverdiscott Road Speeding Vehicles

Manteo Way and Alverdiscott Road Speeding Vehicles

Issue Date Friday 21st July 2017

Update: 22 November 2018 - So far we have

April 2018

Speeding along Manteo Way continues to be a priority for East The Water there will be further planned speeding operations updates will be posted.

Update: 22 November 2018 - Closure of Priority

We have received no further reports of speeding vehicles so will close this priority however will continue to monitor this area of road.

Update: 22 November 2018 - Few further reports of speeding

Ongoing subject to monitoring

Action Date Thursday 22nd November 2018

Anti social Behaviour- Alcohol Related

Regular Patrols of the Areas of Victoria Park, Landisvisia Walk and The Cricket Pavillion where the local street drinkers like to gather.

We continue to work with Torridge District Council to make a better long term solution.

Update - 28/04/2018 - Our partners at Torridge District Council are in the process of formulating a new Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) which when in place may provide Police and council partners certain powers to help assist with drink related Anti-Social Behaviour.

Issue Date Wednesday 31st May 2017

Update: 21 December 2021 - So far we have.....

Neighbourhood officers along with Torridge Council CSAS Acredited Officers have been conducting joint patrols within our problem areas on a weekly basis.

Officers initially engaged with our street drinkers and also those in the community affected by the alcohol related anti-social behaviour (ASB). Information regarding the new Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) has been provided to all concerned.

Now officers are moving on those causing ASB and confiscating their alcohol.


Update: 21 December 2021 - Continued work September 2020

We are continueing to patrol problem areas such as The Quay, The Lundy Office and Victoria Park. We are speaking to and moving on problem persons and confiscating alcohol.

Update: 21 December 2021 - Continued work November 2019

We are continuing to monitor the situation at Jubilee Square and also The Lundy Office. We have been moving on those persons under the influence of alcohol and acting anti-socially.

Update: 21 December 2021 - So Far We Have

Update 20th July 2017:

Our Street Drinkers have recently been spoken too by Officers and it was decided that they should move to a more suitable area where they are not causing alarm or distress to members of the public. Since moving we have had a significant decrease in reports of any Anti Social Behaviour relating to the Street Drinkers, If we do get any further reports we will still deal with these groups robustly if necessary.

We continue to work with Torridge District Council to make a better long term solution.

Update: 21 December 2021 - Update Sept 2018

We have continued to patrol these areas and monitor the situation.

Update: 21 December 2021 - So far...

Patrols are continuing. Those persons acting in an anti-social have been asked to move on and alcohol has been confiscated.

Update: 21 December 2021 - So Far.....

We are still continuing patrols in our 'hotspot' areas and dealing with any persons and anti social behaviour. Persons have been moved on and alchol has been confiscated.

Update: 21 December 2021 - So far

We have seen a reduction in alcohol related Anti-social behaviour in and around Bideford. 

We are attributing this to the introduction of the new Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) in the summer and the robust patrols that have subsequently taken place by the neighbourhood team.

We would encourage persons to report any new incidents of Anti-social behaviour by calling 101/999 as appropriate.

Action Date Tuesday 21st December 2021

Anti Social Behaviour vehicles/Persons - Northam / Westward Ho!

This is an ongoing Priority during 2019 with regards to Anti - social Behaviour, persons and/or vehicles and the work around reassurance and preventing ASB.

Patrols are / have been ongiong throughout 2018, and will continue in to 2019.  

The North Torridge Coastal Policing Team will be listening to any concerns or issues regarding ASB around persons and or incidents involving vehicles.

Problems can be identified through officer patrols, the force web site via facebook and engagement events.       

Please do not hesitate to contact the Police on the following number : 101 for General Enquiries, and 999 for Emergencies.

Update December 2018:

So far we have continued patrols in the area. We have also conducted a letter drop to residents in one of the key problem areas.


Issue Date Monday 8th May 2017

Update: 20 September 2020 - Update Jan 2018

Patrols have continued in this area. We have completed several letter drops in the area and worked closely with the local housing providers. We have seen a reduction in the reports of anti social behaviour/driving from some of our problem areas.

Update: 20 September 2020 - So far...

We are still conducting high visability patrols and welcome calls from members of the public regarding this.

Update: 20 September 2020 - November 20178

Few further reports. Key individuals made subject to monitoring aND ASB escalation

Update: 20 September 2020 - Positive Action

We’ve been listening to concerns raised by members of the public in relation to Anti-Social or Dangerous Driving around Bideford and surrounding areas. As a result, officers from the Roads Policing Unit, the No Excuses Team and the Neighbourhood Beat Team have spent 3 weekends in August focussing on the issue. We have issued in excess of 50 tickets for things such as noisy exhausts, bald tyres, dodgy number plates, mobile phones and excess speed. A number of breath tests and drug wi...pes have also been administered and 3 vehicles have been seized. Several people are also due in court for related offences. We are hoping that you have seen a noticeable difference as a result, but we recognise that the problem is still there and as such will continue our focus. If you are a driver of a car with illegal modifications, no tax or insurance or you are driving in an anti-social manner, you can expect we will catch up with you! To everyone else, please continue to report anti-social or dangerous driving via 101 (either by phone or on-line). Even better, please upload your dashcam or mobile footage to our Operation Snap Team at

Update: 20 September 2020 - March 2018

We have continued to monitor these areas and have seen a vast reduction in calls/contact regarding these areas.

Update: 20 September 2020 - So far...

Patrols have continued in the problem areas and reports from members of the public has decresed.

Action Date Sunday 20th September 2020

Neighbourhood Events

Town Council Meetings
Thursday 4th July 2024
from 5:30PM to 6:30PM
Bideford Town Council, Town Hall, Bridge Street, Bideford, Devon, EX39 2HS

Updates on local Policing issues and initiatives. These meeting are on a monthly basis and Dates TBC a month before.

Neighbourhood Map

Markers show crime recording locations. Click/tap on a marker to see crimes allocated to that location.