Crime Check UK

Wingerworth and Rural

A local policing neighbourhood in Derbyshire Constabulary

The information on this page is provided by Derbyshire Constabulary. If any of it is incorrect, or incomplete, or out of date, please don't complain to us, please get in touch with your local police force and politely ask them to ensure that they update their information at

This Safer Neighbourhood area covers Wingerworth and expands to include much of old Unstone. It belongs to the North East Local Policing Unit.

Wingerworth is a small to medium sized residential village situated on the outskirts of Chesterfield, a short distance from the A61 road where the majority of residents travel to work and socialise. The main focal point of the village is a small shopping centre and an area of open parkland.

Contact Details
Neighbourhood Priorities

1. Parking issues linked to the local schools.
2. Anti-Social behaviour around Wingerworth, New Tupton, parks and disused buildings.
3. Drug dealing in/ around New Tupton area.

Issue Date Friday 21st June 2024

1. SNT will conduct regular high visibility patrols until the end of school term in July. SNT will enforce, engage and educate drivers that are parked illegally or dangerously.
2. New Tupton and Wingerworth to be monitored as these are the main areas for off road bikes/uninsured vehicles. Regular patrols on parks and arounds shops and known hotspots including Bolehill Quarry at key times, evenings and weekends.
3. Regular patrols around New Tupton, known addresses to be monitored and high visibility patrols to gather intelligence. SNT shift patterns changed to accommodate these patrols at key times.

Action Date

1. Speeding vehicles/ hazardous driving.
2. Drug dealing in New Tupton.
3. Youth Anti-Social behaviour.

Issue Date Monday 25th March 2024

1. SNT will be conducting speed checks on a regular basis covering our hotspots areas at key times.
2. High Visibility patrols to gather intelligence regarding drug dealing. Continue engaging with the community by way of foot patrols and community events like Street Meets /Cuppa with a Copper and adding intelligence given to us and gathered by us. SNT shift patterns changed to accommodate these patrols at key times.
3. ASB including vehicles will be a priority. Regular patrols on parks and around shops and known hotspots including Bolehill Quarry.

Action Date

Neighbourhood Map

Markers show crime recording locations. Click/tap on a marker to see crimes allocated to that location.