Crime Check UK

Sinfin and Osmaston

A local policing neighbourhood in Derbyshire Constabulary

The information on this page is provided by Derbyshire Constabulary. If any of it is incorrect, or incomplete, or out of date, please don't complain to us, please get in touch with your local police force and politely ask them to ensure that they update their information at

This Safer Neighbourhood area covers Sinfin and Osmaston. It belongs to the Derby East policing section.

Osmaston is a residential estate located within the Derby City Council area, approximately two miles from Derby Town Centre. It is an estate with its own identity, including its own schools and shops. Sinfin forms the southern-most point of the city limits and borders with the Swadlincote police boundary at Stenson Fields.

Contact Details
Neighbourhood Priorities

1. Drug Dealing 2. Anti Social Behaviour 3. Knife Crime 4. Vulnerability

Issue Date Tuesday 30th April 2024

1) Drug Dealing - A mixture of Hi visible and plain clothes patrols are being carried out in the area. there has been a number of positive stop searches and arrest made in relation to drugs supply on the area. SNT team will continue to work closely with the community and develop community led intelligence to disrupt the drugs dealing and supply. 2) Anti Social Behaviour - We have identified an area which tends to attract youths that continue to cause ASB. First Choice Convenience Store. The group have been identified and positive action has been taken, majority are subject to ABC'S -CPN, We will continue to monitor and keep our communities updated by providing regular updates on our social media outlets. Hi visible patrols will continue to take place in order to continue disrupting this group. Diversionary activities have been put in place at Moorway's Sports village 3) Knife Crime- Targeted operations and High visibility patrols to build intelligence and information around knife crime and weapons. Op Sceptre is a national, weeklong initiative to tackle knife crime. Knife Sweeps which take place at local parks and green spaces. Schools inputs are delivered to focus on education and early engagement, prevention and enforcement to crack down on weapons-related crime and violence. 4) We work with our agencies to protect those at risk of being criminally exploited. We have close working relationships with the local partners, this consists of the local authority, local housing associations public protection officers, Safer Neighbourhood officer. this allows us to identify those at risk and work together with our partners to ensure all aspects are being considered. We carry out Hi visible patrols in the area, visit our most vulnerable victims regularly, sometimes daily, offering reassurance and support to them when most needed.

Action Date

Neighbourhood Map

Markers show crime recording locations. Click/tap on a marker to see crimes allocated to that location.