Crime Check UK

Holmewood, Grassmoor, Calow and Arkwright

A local policing neighbourhood in Derbyshire Constabulary

The information on this page is provided by Derbyshire Constabulary. If any of it is incorrect, or incomplete, or out of date, please don't complain to us, please get in touch with your local police force and politely ask them to ensure that they update their information at

This Safer Neighbourhood area covers Holmewood, Grassmoor, Calow and Arkwright. It belongs to the North East Local Policing Unit.

Holmewood is an adjacent but distinct settlement situated close to Junction 29 of the M1 motorway. The proximity to the motorway has led to substantial industrial and distribution development on industrial estates adjacent to Holmewood.

Grassmoor is a small village, approximately three miles to the south of Chesterfield, while Calow and Arkwright (often referred to as Arkwright Town despite its non-town status) are also small villages in the vacinity.

Contact Details
Neighbourhood Priorities

1. Speeding on Sutton Lane in Sutton Scarsdale. Mansfield Road in Temple Normanton and Chesterfield Road in Holmewood.
2. Parking issues outside Heath Primary School and Arkwright town grass verges.
3. Anti-Social Behaviour: Including behind Holmewood Library, Holmewood Masefield Park, Holmewood working mens club (abandoned building) and Arkwright School and community centre.

Issue Date Friday 21st June 2024

1. Speed checks will be completed by SNT in key areas to better educate drivers. Communicate and support established Community Speedwatch groups in the area. Assist an support with new CSW groups. Also work with CREST (Casualty Reduction Enforcement Support Team).
2. High Visibility foot patrols in areas with parking issues. Utilising our forces new parking tickets to spread awareness. Educate drivers who park illegally and work with the schools and other partner agencies like Council civic parking enforcement.
3. High Visibility patrols in ASB hotspot areas. Engagement with youths associating in these areas. SNT will change shifts to accommodate any key emerging ASB patterns.

Action Date

1. Anti-social behaviour
2. Road safety issues including Speeding and parking nuisance.

Issue Date Monday 25th March 2024

1. Regular patrols around Heath Road, the park and Holmewood library. Continued high visibility patrols to deter any anti-social behaviour at weekends and evening times. SNT will continue to work closely with local secondary and primary schools to identify the culprits. Also continued school talks/ assemblies to engage and educate these youths around ASB.
2. Continued speed checks completed by SNT at key times to monitor and deal with traffic offences. Warning letters issued. Engage with school and liaise with partner agencies for example council enforcement. SNT are also working alongside local Community Speedwatch Groups at Sutton Scarsdale and Calow. Also hoping for a new start up CSW group in Holmewood in the near future.

Action Date

Neighbourhood Map

Markers show crime recording locations. Click/tap on a marker to see crimes allocated to that location.