Crime Check UK

Glossop Town Centre

A local policing neighbourhood in Derbyshire Constabulary

The information on this page is provided by Derbyshire Constabulary. If any of it is incorrect, or incomplete, or out of date, please don't complain to us, please get in touch with your local police force and politely ask them to ensure that they update their information at

This Safer Neighbourhood area covers Glossop town centre. It belongs to the High Peak Local Policing Unit. The Glossop neighbourhood covers a large area and is a mix of town centre businesses and local housing. It is located within the High Peak Borough Council area and is approximately 15 miles from Manchester City Centre. Glossop has a large shopping area including banks, supermarkets, indoor and outdoor markets, and a large number of takeaways and restaurants.

Contact Details
Neighbourhood Priorities


Issue Date Monday 8th April 2024

1. Following reports of speeding vehicles, we have organised community Speedwatch events to target those areas and to monitor vehicle speeds. Parking issues on the High Street have been discussed with Parking Enforcement and they will take the necessary action.
2. We have been experiencing issues with anti-social behaviour in the town centre area. We have increased our patrols of these areas and several young people have been identified. A number of them have been given ‘Immediate Justice’ which is scheme that provides the perpetrators the opportunity to repair the harm caused to their victims and the wider community by taking part in reparative activities. We will continue to target the areas, engage and take the relevant action.
3 With increases in the reports of shop-thefts – we have increased our patrols and have been successful in identifying and arresting several offenders who are now serving custodial sentences. We have carried out a Retail Crime week initiative which saw more targeted patrols and working alongside our shop owners/staff to encourage reporting so that we can identify perpetrators. We will continue to ensure that Glossop is a pleasant place for both staff and shoppers.

Action Date

Neighbourhood Map

Markers show crime recording locations. Click/tap on a marker to see crimes allocated to that location.