Crime Check UK


A local policing neighbourhood in Derbyshire Constabulary

The information on this page is provided by Derbyshire Constabulary. If any of it is incorrect, or incomplete, or out of date, please don't complain to us, please get in touch with your local police force and politely ask them to ensure that they update their information at

This Safer Neighbourhood area covers Fairfield. It belongs to the High Peak Local Policing Unit.
The Fairfield neighbourhood is situated on the outskirts of Buxton town centre, 20 miles north of Matlock and 12 miles south of Glossop. The Residents of Fairfield Association is particularly active and provides support to many local residents.

Contact Details
Neighbourhood Priorities


Issue Date Tuesday 9th April 2024

1. Over the last couple of months there has been an increase in our high visibility foot patrols around Fairfield & Buxton to tackle the previous increase in certain crimes, we hope you have seen the positive effects of this. Local neighbourhood and section officers have been targeting the areas most affected by crime or anti-social behaviour by being out on foot patrols We have seen a decrease in shoplifting & theft from motor vehicles, which in the beginning of the year were on the rise. A lot of work has been done with local retailers by sharing relevant Information. With regards shoplifting and repeat offenders with a number being detained and some receiving custodial sentences. Alongside this, we are putting together Criminal Behaviour Orders which will be added to sentences in order to keep repeat offenders out of our area. This package of actions is having a positive effect on crime & Anti-social behaviour in our community, although we cannot understate how crucial your assistance is and has been recently with information you have provided to us to apprehend Offenders 2. Our figures show a slight increase in Burglary over the last third, We believe is due to the manner of how crime is now recorded. Burglaries in our communities appear to be peer to peer in houses of multiple occupancy rather than a traditional burglary, which would be in a standalone home. We take all reports of burglary serious and regardless of the type it is unacceptable. We are working across multiple agencies on Project Unity to improve the area and these particular properties. We work in partnership so that we have a wider range of tools at our disposal to encourage and secure the whole community.
3. From January to April, we have worked tirelessly in the fight against drugs in the area this is in relation to Operation UNITY. There have been numerous arrests, drugs and money seized and persons moved out of the area and given bail conditions not to return. We have used CRIMESTOPPERS to launch a campaign in the locality, with 500 advice leaflets posted in hotspot locations during March. Crimestoppers signs placed on lamp posts in strategic places and the use of the ADVAN a Digital advertising unit which collected data around the number of persons viewing its messages. We have also used the billboards at the bottom of Fairfield Road to further get the message out.

Action Date

Neighbourhood Map

Markers show crime recording locations. Click/tap on a marker to see crimes allocated to that location.