Crime Check UK

Alvaston North

A local policing neighbourhood in Derbyshire Constabulary

The information on this page is provided by Derbyshire Constabulary. If any of it is incorrect, or incomplete, or out of date, please don't complain to us, please get in touch with your local police force and politely ask them to ensure that they update their information at

This Safer Neighbourhood area covers Alvaston. It belongs to the Derby East policing section.

Alvaston is a residential estate located within the Derby City Council area. It is an estate comprising of primary schools, mini shops and public houses. Alvaston is situated approximately three-to-four miles from Derby city centre. This area also covers the Pride Park business estate, including Derby County Football Club.

Contact Details
Neighbourhood Priorities

1. Drug Dealing multiple locations across the section
2. Anti social behaviour
3. Burglaries
4. Vulnerability

Issue Date Tuesday 30th April 2024

1) Drug Dealing - is sproadic across the area. The SNT are carrying out regular proactive Hi Visible and plain clothes patrols in the area. Developing intelligence, identifying and targeting those that are responsible for dealing drugs. The Team will continue to progress community led intelligence and carry out warrants to deter and prevent this sort of activity taking place in our neighbourhood's. 2) ASB - During the last few weeks the SNT are working closely with partner agencies to tackle ASB in the area. SNT have been carrying out Hi Visible patrols at Pride park JD sports due to an increase in calls for service regarding large groups gathering. Due to an increase in reports off road bikes in the area Patrols have also increased to tackle this issue. Targeted patrols are taking place on the Harvey road and the Canal path. A numerous amount of bikes have been recovered. Pop up events with partners have taken place, Ward Walkabouts and Derbyshire talk surveys have been completed , partners and locality officers, In order to tackle these issues we will continue to work with our Community Safety partnership to deter ASB and provide reassurance in the community. Plans for the Op Sceptre initiative have been submitted for the SNT teams. Op Sceptre is a biannual, national, weeklong initiative to tackle and reduce knife - weapon related crime. SNT will be prevention, educating, engaging at every opportunity on the neighbourhoods. 3) Burglaries - Theft of and from vehicles. The area has seen an increase in calls regarding vehicle interference during the early hours of the morning. Targeted Hi visible patrols have been carried out in the area, resident's have been spoken to and Derbyshire talk surveys completed. We will continue to work closely with the cadets and arrange security initiatives and provide reassurance in the community. 4) Vulnerability - several locations with vulnerable residents have bee identified. The SNT have been taking the time to ensure they are being visited daily. Vulnerability will always remain a priority. We will work closely with our partners to take positive action against those that exploit the vulnerable. We will ensure safeguarding takes place at every opportunity.

Action Date

Neighbourhood Map

Markers show crime recording locations. Click/tap on a marker to see crimes allocated to that location.