Crime Check UK

Allestree and Darley

A local policing neighbourhood in Derbyshire Constabulary

The information on this page is provided by Derbyshire Constabulary. If any of it is incorrect, or incomplete, or out of date, please don't complain to us, please get in touch with your local police force and politely ask them to ensure that they update their information at

This Safer Neighbourhood area covers Allestree and Darley. It belongs to the Derby North policing section.

Allestree is a residential area approximately two miles from Derby City Centre. It is a suburb which has its own local amenities which include shops, primary and secondary schools, public houses and churches which hold several different community groups. The University of Derby and Markeaton Park lie on the outskirts of Allestree. Darley consists of four key residential areas; Darley Abbey, Chester Green, Westend/Five Lamps and Strutts Park/Kedleston Road. Darley Abbey village joins onto Darley Park and is a popular beauty spot in the summer months.

Contact Details
Neighbourhood Priorities

1.Criminality and youth related ASB with targeted hotspot areas.
2.Identifying vulnerability and those at risk of being cuckooed, working with our partner agencies to give them the ability to protect themselves and dealing with the offenders robustly.
3.Identifying begging hotspots, identifying the offenders and dealing with them robustly.

Issue Date Wednesday 13th March 2024

• There have been a number of drugs warrants executed and positive stop searches and arrests made in relation to the supply of controlled drugs following on from a positive warrant the team were successful in obtaining a closure order at a property which had been causing ASB and a serious nuisance to local residents. Those involved in the drugs trade will continue to be targeted by SNT officers, supported by specialist Police units. We work with partners to protect those at risk of being criminally exploited. • We have close working relationships with the local authorities, local housing associations and other partner agencies, this allows us to identify those at risk and work together with our partners to ensure all aspects are being considered. • We visit our most vulnerable victims regularly, sometimes daily, offering reassurance and support. We have also taken robust action against the offenders, making arrests at the first opportunity and enforcing strict bail conditions, offering an extra layer of support to the victims. • Through listening to the public and through regular patrols of our patch we have identified areas which seem to attract beggars. Regular patrols and consistency when dealing with the individuals involved have worked well as a deterrent. We either move them on or deal with them by arresting and charging them or reporting them to the courts. • Through community intelligence and regular patrols, we have identified regular offenders. We take positive action where we can and disrupt their behaviours using bail conditions and unannounced visits. • Keeping our communities regularly updated with our patrols, actions and results using our social media platforms like Facebook, X and Derbyshire Alert. • We also attend community forums and hold multi-agency events.

Action Date

Neighbourhood Map

Markers show crime recording locations. Click/tap on a marker to see crimes allocated to that location.