Crime Check UK

Barrow Island and Walney

A local policing neighbourhood in Cumbria Constabulary

The information on this page is provided by Cumbria Constabulary. If any of it is incorrect, or incomplete, or out of date, please don't complain to us, please get in touch with your local police force and politely ask them to ensure that they update their information at

Contact Details
Neighbourhood Priorities

Road safety

Issue Date Monday 20th November 2023

• Speed Gun checks, The Promenade
• Vehicle Stop Checkpoints, North Scale, Central Drive
• High visibility patrols, Vickerstown Park, Central Drive Community Centre
• Letter drop re. parking issue, Farm Street
• High visibility patrols, Farm Street park
• Police Desk Barrow Island 16/01/2024
• Police Desk, Roundhouse, Walney, 22/01/2024

Action Date Monday 22nd January 2024

The residents of Walney & Barrow Island have highlighted Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) and road safety as their priorities they would like the Police to address. This covers all areas of North and South Walney, with no single hotspot identified.

Issue Date Thursday 23rd February 2023

To tackle the ASB issues we be holding Police Desks for the residents to attend and tell us more about the specific locations and what they are experiencing. We will then be high visibility patrolling these areas and using our powers to deal with offending youths where necessary. We will also utilise our partner agencies to assist us in problem solving. For example, is there street lighting to improve, can we provide more youth engagement in the evening?
Regards road safety, again, the Neighbourhood Police Team will engage with the Walney public further and gain more understanding of the offences and locations. We will then be visible on the roadside to stop and advise drivers of their responsibilities, and where necessary prosecute those found to be breaking the law, while we will be present in local schools to emphasise and teach road safety to the children.
The next quarterly Police, Partners and Communities Together (PACT) survey will be a measure of our success in reducing ASB and road safety as a priority for Walney and Barrow Island.

Action Date Thursday 23rd February 2023

Neighbourhood Map

Markers show crime recording locations. Click/tap on a marker to see crimes allocated to that location.