Crime Check UK


A local policing neighbourhood in Bedfordshire Police

The information on this page is provided by Bedfordshire Police. If any of it is incorrect, or incomplete, or out of date, please don't complain to us, please get in touch with your local police force and politely ask them to ensure that they update their information at

Contact Details
  • telephone: 101
Neighbourhood Priorities

Reviewed and continuing Since April 2022 there has been on average 14.4 offences of theft from motor vehicle a month, in north rural Bedfordshire. December 2022 saw an increase above average to 16 offences and whilst we do not have most recent data the team have witnessed an sudden increase in this offence type. A significant proportionate of this crime suddenly appears to be catalytic converter thefts, with Bedfordshire being recorded as the 5th highest force in England and Wales for catalytic converter crimes.
Although greater trends for catalytic converter thefts are presently higher in central and south Bedfordshire than north rural, the local policing team wish to take proactive steps to address the new trend.
As a result your north rural community policing team will set theft from motor vehicle as their priority and over the coming quarter and will work to problem solve the issue, with the objective of reduction of offending through prevention and support prosecution.
To achieve this the team, will adopt a problem solving approach with partners, considering academic theory where relevant, to find ways to reduce the harm caused to the local community. Prevention is always better than cure, therefore efforts to raise awareness and adopt crime prevention will be considered and pursued.

Issue Date Tuesday 23rd January 2024

This is a joint Parish/Village priority across the whole of the North Rural area of Bedfordshire. There are multiple reports and complaints of perceived speeding which is being managed by data gathering, detection and enforcement.

Issue Date Monday 1st January 2024

This is a joint Priority across more urban parish areas of the North Rural parishes/villages of Bedfordshire.
Bedfordshire Police have continual complaints of illegal E-Scooter use that has not had a dedicated focus to enforce the legislation. This Priority is to gather data and identify areas of use / users, to enforce legislation and reduce the use with education to others that Scooters will be seized where illegally used.

Issue Date Monday 1st January 2024

Neighbourhood Map

Markers show crime recording locations. Click/tap on a marker to see crimes allocated to that location.