Crime Check UK


A local policing neighbourhood in Avon and Somerset Constabulary

The information on this page is provided by Avon and Somerset Constabulary. If any of it is incorrect, or incomplete, or out of date, please don't complain to us, please get in touch with your local police force and politely ask them to ensure that they update their information at

Contact Details
Neighbourhood Priorities

Locals in the Butleigh and Butleigh Wooton area have reported again that motorists are continuing to drive through these villages at in-appropriate speeds.

The Speed Enforcement Unit, in addition to the local neighbourhood team have carried out regular speed checks at both these locations and will continue to do so when we are able.

If anyone would like to set up a new Volunteer Community Speedwatch Scheme in the Butleigh area, please do go on-line or contact the 101 number and provide contact details for Police to sign you up and arrange training.

Issue Date Sunday 28th May 2023

Leaflets, advice and education have been given to vulnerable members of the public at various sheltered housing schemes, self-help centres and free food establishments.

Issue Date Wednesday 7th December 2022

PCSOs and Beat Managers continue to support our vulnerable communities. We can provide crime prevention advice, so please contact us on this page and we will get back in touch with you.

Action Date Sunday 4th June 2023

Complaints received from local residents who live in and around the Brookside School area reporting concerns with inappropriate parking. Any obstructions should be reported to the police at the time on the 101 number.

Issue Date Wednesday 7th December 2022

The Street Beat Team continue to pay passing attention to this area when we can, and are working alongside local Civil Enforcement Officers to tackle this issue.

Action Date Wednesday 26th April 2023

Support offered to local schools by means of cuppa with a police officer and taking part in restorative justice conferencing, where appropriate, to prevent anti-social behaviour.

Issue Date Saturday 1st October 2022

We continue to support and attend all of our education establishments when possible.

Action Date Wednesday 26th April 2023

Residents and Walton Parish Council have raised concerns over vehicles driving above the speed limit throughout the village at various times of the day and evenings.

The Beat Team continue working with a new Community Speedwatch Scheme in the village to help address this issue as well as the Speed Enforcement Unit who also regularly attend when they can.

Issue Date Saturday 1st October 2022

Local residents and Meare Parish Council have recently raised concerns about vehicle travelling to fast through the village.

Speed Enforcement Unit Continue to carry out periodic checks in the village when they can working alongside local Police Officers and PCSO's.

If anyone would like to volunteer and join a Community Speedwatch Team in Meare and Westhay, please contact Street Beat Team on 101 and ask to speak directly with PCSO 8919 Richards.

Issue Date Saturday 1st October 2022

It has been brought to police attention recently, reports of persons begging in Street High Street at various times of the day.

Police are working with Street Parish Council and other agencies, to address this issue.

Issue Date Saturday 1st October 2022

Reports of Anti-Social Behaviour in and around the Street High Street and Leigh Road area.

The Beat Team will continue to pay passing patrols in these areas when we can and deal with any reports of ASB appropriately.

Issue Date Saturday 1st October 2022

Concerns have been raised about noisy vehicles and vehicles speeding along the A39 Street Bypass, which has been causing annoyance to local residents who live nearby.

The Beat Team as well as our Traffic Police have been patrolling these locations and will continue to take positive action against any offences found.

Members of the public are encouraged to report any dash cam footage directly to the Avon and Somerset Police website, where it can be up-loaded directly for officers to take any appropriate action accordingly.

Periodic speed checks will continue at various times of the day and during the evenings to help deter speeding vehicles and identify those who continue to float speed limits.

Issue Date Wednesday 23rd March 2022

Neighbourhood Map

Markers show crime recording locations. Click/tap on a marker to see crimes allocated to that location.