Crime Check UK

Somer Valley

A local policing neighbourhood in Avon and Somerset Constabulary

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Neighbourhood Policing Team for Somer Valley.

Contact Details
Neighbourhood Priorities

The Neighbourhood Team have noted an increase in anti-social behaviour in the High Street in Midsomer Norton. After a period of very little reports of this type of incident, reports have recently increased and the team have been dealing with a number of issues. Priority will now be given to ASB in the High Street with patrols and engagement with young people at the location.

Issue Date Sunday 22nd January 2023

Since the last update the Neighbourhood Team has been doing a lot of work around this issue. There are several groups causing anti-social issues across the area and this has been having a big effect on the local community. The team have identified several individuals within these groups and action has been taken against these. Several offences have been appropriately dealt with by the team. The actions taken and identities being noted has had a positive effect on the volume of incidents reported. However, this priority issue is still present and as such the Neighbourhood Team will continue to focus on this priority. Members of the public are encouraged to report any ASB activity to police to aid us in dealing with the issues.

Action Date Friday 23rd June 2023

Drug use and dealing in open spaces and parks in Midsomer Norton, Radstock and Westfield has been of concern to the public for some time now and will now be pushed as a priority for the Neighbourhood Team. Patrols in key and reported locations by the Neighbourhood Team will continue and increase on the Neighbourhood Area.

Issue Date Wednesday 18th January 2023

This priority remains. The Neighbourhood Team have been, and will continue to, gather and submit intelligence in relation to this across Midsomer Norton, Radstock and Westfield to build evidence for any further actions taken against suspects. The team encourages members of the community to report suspicious activity via the website, via telephone on the 101 number or directly to PCSOs on patrol or at our local Neighbourhood Policing Surgeries.

Action Date Friday 23rd June 2023

The local policing team has noted that there is a specific issue with drivers parking on the zig-zags on Longfellow Road in Westfield outside the schools at school times. We will continue to patrol, monitor and positively deal with any offences to ensure the school children's safety.

Issue Date Friday 21st October 2022

There have been few reports on this issue recently. The team are aware of the ongoing issue of parking around the two schools and this is likely to always be a problem and therefore an area the Neighbourhood Team will patrol and monitor. However, due to the low number of reports this priority will now be closed.

Action Date Friday 23rd June 2023

The Neighbourhood Team will be prioritising patrols of industrial estates across Radstock, Midsomer Norton and Westfield following increased reports of suspicious behaviour and thefts in the area. There is concern of a potential increase in fuel thefts. The team will continue patrols as a crime prevention measure.

Issue Date Friday 21st October 2022

The Neighbourhood Team have been monitoring this issue and there has been a significant decrease in reports of this nature of the past months. As such, this priority will be closed pending an increase in calls.
The team will continue to patrol the areas previously targeted as part of our patrol plan.

Action Date Friday 23rd June 2023

This priority has been raised due to recent concerns regarding street dwelling in Midsomer Norton High Street. Patrols have, and will continue to be, directed to this area. Street dwellers are being engaged with. Any issues regarding the welfare of individuals is being dealt with and the Neighbourhood Team is also engaging with local services to assist in the long-term.

Issue Date Friday 21st October 2022

The individuals previously being engaged with by the Neighbourhood Team have not come to light over the past few months. As such, this priority will now be closed pending any further issues being raised. Patrols of the High Street continue to be a priority for the team anyway and so the situation will be closely monitored.

Action Date Friday 23rd June 2023

The Neighbourhood Team are prioritising engaging with young people at key locations across Radstock, Midsomer Norton and Westfield to assist in the prevention of anti social behaviour.

The main locations prioritised are:

Behind the library in Radstock

The skate park in Midsomer Norton

Westhill Road Recreation Ground in Westfield

Regular patrols and engagement with the young people gathering at these locations will continue as a priority.

Issue Date Friday 21st October 2022

This continues to be a priority for the Neighbourhood Team and we will continue to engage with young people across our policing area in our day to day patrols.

Action Date Thursday 22nd June 2023

The Neighbourhood Team are prioritising getting into our schools, connecting with staff and students there and providing support where they require it.

Besides responding to calls for us to resolve specific incidents around our schools we are getting our Neighbourhood Officers into schools in a proactive way via school talks and specific lessons such as 'Crime & Consequences' and 'Internet Safety'.

Issue Date Monday 14th March 2022

This will remain a priority for our Neighbourhood Team. Each PCSO on the area continues to arrange and attend various events, inputs and visits at their designated schools. PCSOs also try to monitor any issues outside their schools at drop off and collection times as and where possible.

Action Date Thursday 22nd June 2023

The Neighbourhood Team have been monitoring, and reports have been received, of anti-social behaviour and criminal damage in the vicinity of the Skate Park, the Somer Centre and the Town Park.

This is a priority which we will need to continue to monitor as such as the weather improves towards summer and the area becomes more populated.

Issue Date Saturday 22nd January 2022

This area has continued to be a priority location for Neighbourhood TeamĀ  patrols. There have been regular calls relating to various issues of ASB in and around the skatepark. The team have dealt with these incidents and continue to gather intelligence on incidents and offenders in this area as well as providing high visibility patrols to reassure other young people using the facility.
This will remain a priority.

Action Date Thursday 22nd June 2023

Neighbourhood Map

Markers show crime recording locations. Click/tap on a marker to see crimes allocated to that location.