Crime Check UK

Severn Vale and Pilning

A local policing neighbourhood in Avon and Somerset Constabulary

The information on this page is provided by Avon and Somerset Constabulary. If any of it is incorrect, or incomplete, or out of date, please don't complain to us, please get in touch with your local police force and politely ask them to ensure that they update their information at

Neighbourhood Policing Team for Severn Vale and Pilning.

Contact Details
Neighbourhood Priorities

Reports of speeding from local residents

If you are interested in getting involved in Speedwatch please contact one of the officers below.  Training and Supervision will be given.

Ian Skipp 9020 Speed Enforcement Officer on [email protected]

Will Price Beat Manager on [email protected]

Paula Perry PCSO on [email protected]


Issue Date Sunday 25th June 2023

Ongoing problem at Western Approach Avonmouth.  Multiple cars meet at the location often travelling at speed and causing issues at the roundabouts.  This is a difficult situation to police,  due to the large volumes of vehicles that turn up.  Police are encouraging members of the public to report the situation at the time to enable traffic officers or the local neighbourhood policing team to turn up and show a presence.


Issue Date Sunday 25th June 2023

There has been an increase in Rural Crime activities in Alveston, Oldbury and Littleton-upon-Severn.  The local beat team are working closely with the Rural Crime team.  We are gathering intel regarding these issues and encourage the public to call at the time.

Rural crime is an issue for large areas of the country but it tends to go unreported. It can impact on insurance premiums, food prices and damage local communities.

If you think an offence has or is about to be committed, let us know.  If you’re not sure it’s a crime, we’d rather hear from you and determine that ourselves.

If you see or hear anything suspicious, please call 101 or 999.

Become a member of Farm watch/Horse watch.  Call to speak to PCSO Paula Perry on 07889658237.

Issue Date Sunday 25th June 2023

Police have received an increase in the number of calls regarding youths causing anti social behaviour in and around Pilning Village hall.  Police take seriously all reports of this nature and will deal robustly with anyone engaging in this type of activity.


If you see or hear any type of ASB in this or any other area please call 101 or 999.

Issue Date Sunday 25th June 2023

Community Engagement Forums (CEF), previously known as Safer and Stronger Community Groups, in South Gloucestershire, are about listening and responding to local people’s real issues. People in their communities know best what works for them and what their real needs are.

The aims are:

  • to promote pride in the local area as a safe, thriving and pleasant place to live, work and play
  • to reduce crime, disorder and drug and alcohol misuse in the area
  • to empower local people to have a greater voice and influence over local decision making and service delivery by increasing the strength, capacity and engagement of the local community
  • to improve the quality of life of people in the local area by identifying community aspirations, needs and local priorities.

Please support your local CEF meeting.

For future dates please contact South Gloucester Council

Issue Date Saturday 1st February 2020

Neighbourhood Map

Markers show crime recording locations. Click/tap on a marker to see crimes allocated to that location.