North Mendip
A local policing neighbourhood in Avon and Somerset Constabulary
The information on this page is provided by Avon and Somerset Constabulary. If any of it is incorrect, or incomplete, or out of date, please don't complain to us, please get in touch with your local police force and politely ask them to ensure that they update their information at
Neighbourhood Policing Team for North Mendip.
Contact Details
- website:
- telephone: 101
Neighbourhood Priorities
Reports of youths causing ASB along South Road and in Conygre playing fields.
Issue Date Friday 21st April 2023
Reports of youths causing ASB and drinking alcohol in the fields behind Temple Cloud Hall and along to the top of Goldney Way.
Issue Date Friday 21st April 2023
Parking and stopping of vehicles on the Yellow Zig Zag Clearway Markings at schools is s frequent problem, and is regularly monitored by the Neighbourhood Policing Team.
Schools in High Littleton, Farmborough, present the main concerns as they are located on busier roads.
The Clearway markings are areas that drivers should not be parking or stopping on. The Clearway is to create a clear and unobstructed view of the road for the Crossing Patrol, and for approaching traffic, and is in place for the safety of children as paramount, and also for their parents / carers.
Safety and lives are put at risk by any vehicle that is stopped or parked in this area. Remember, it could be your child.
Only if you are stationary in traffic are you allowed to stop, as the traffic is not moving at that time.
Drivers of vehicles parked or stopped on the Clearway, will initially be spoken with and given advice. Drivers will only be reported for the offence if seen again.
Thank you for your cooperation and support with this matter.
Issue Date Wednesday 1st September 2021
Patrols continue and a number of drivers collecting their children from Farmborough School have been spoken with and given advice.
Cameley School have recently reported concerns regarding parents / carers parking on the clearway zig zag markings.
Last week a driver was reported for a Traffic Offence by parking on the Clear Way markings.
Action Date Wednesday 23rd November 2022
Neighbourhood Map
Markers show crime recording locations. Click/tap on a marker to see crimes allocated to that location.