Crime Check UK

Crime Data for England and Wales

Welcome to Crime Check UK, a simple visualisation of crime statistics across England and Wales.

This page shows figures for the total crime recorded by all forces across England and Wales. For more detailed information, you can drill down by local authority or police force:

Police Forces Local Authorities

Or search by placename or postcode for your local area

Total crime since recording started, by category
Crime by year and category

Yearly stats only include figures from years where we have a full twelve months of data. You can get more recent figures by switching to the monthly view

By default, the chart starts with only total crime visible. Click/tap on the category list to show and hide categories. You can show as many as you like, but with too many the the chart will become unreadable!

Crime by month and category

By default, the chart starts with only total crime visible. Click/tap on the category list to show and hide categories. You can show as many as you like, but with too many the the chart will become unreadable!

Important! The categories that crime is recorded under are not always consistent. Particularly in the early days of the published statistics, it's quite likely that crimes were allocated to the wrong categories. So be wary of drawing conclusions from data for more than around ten years ago.