Crime Check UK


A local policing neighbourhood in Devon & Cornwall Police

The information on this page is provided by Devon & Cornwall Police. If any of it is incorrect, or incomplete, or out of date, please don't complain to us, please get in touch with your local police force and politely ask them to ensure that they update their information at

Contact Details
Neighbourhood Priorities

Drug/ alcohol misuse and associated ASB

Issue Date Friday 23rd August 2024

Update: 23 August 2024 - Neighbourhood Support Team

Please see the link below for an update on action taken in the Devonport area by the Neighbourhood Support Team.

News Article - Devon & Cornwall Police (

Update: 23 August 2024 - Neighbourhood Support Team

Action Date Friday 23rd August 2024


Please take our COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT SURVEY and tell us what matters to you. All data is anonymous.  CLICK ON THE LINK BELOW -

Issue Date Thursday 11th January 2024

Update: 20 June 2024 - Summer Newsletter

Click below to access our Summer Newsletter

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Update: 11 March 2024 - Spring Newsletter

Click below to access our Spring Newsletter

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Action Date Thursday 20th June 2024

Drug / substance misuse & Associated ASB

October 23


Last year one of our priorities for the summer months was to address the issues with ASB in the Granby Green area, Devonport.

We have recently completed a survey asking a number of local residents on whether they feel ASB has reduced over this summer.



TOTAL of over 70% have agreed there has been a difference.

We have listened and identified the issues raised by YOU the community.

With the valuable help of our partner agencies, action plans were created and then implemented. Completed targeted policing with proactive police patrols and if required taken positive action.  Assisted in signposting victims and offenders to get the support they require. However...

The job is still not done.

If you are a victim of crime report it, if you see it report it, if you have information that can assist us report. See our website It does make a difference.

Issue Date Tuesday 9th May 2023

Update: 16 July 2024 - Neighbourhood Support Team

Please see the link below for an update on action taken in the Devonport area by the Neighbourhood Support Team.

News Article - Devon & Cornwall Police (

Update: 13 January 2024 - Drug misuse and ASB

The team continue to work hard to reduce harm in the community, preventing and disrupting illegal activities connected to this priority.  Overall crime in Devonport is down nearly 8% over the last 12 months.

Action Date Tuesday 16th July 2024

Neighbourhood Map

Markers show crime recording locations. Click/tap on a marker to see crimes allocated to that location.