Crime Check UK

Stokes Croft and St Michael’s

A local policing neighbourhood in Avon and Somerset Constabulary

The information on this page is provided by Avon and Somerset Constabulary. If any of it is incorrect, or incomplete, or out of date, please don't complain to us, please get in touch with your local police force and politely ask them to ensure that they update their information at

Neighbourhood Policing Team for Stokes Croft and St Michael’s.

Contact Details
Neighbourhood Priorities

Anti-social behaviour is a term used to describe a wide range of behaviours and activity which causes a person and feel alarmed, harassed, or distressed.

We will be increasing patrols

Issue Date Sunday 1st January 2023

We are continuing with high visibility patrols in the area, if you see any ASB please report it to us and we will respond as appropriately.

Action Date Wednesday 17th May 2023

Anti-social behaviour (ASB) is a term used to describe a wide range of behaviours and activity which causes a person and feel alarmed, harassed, or distressed.

The way the Stokes Croft & St Michaels team aim to tackle ASB is by doing the following:

  • Increase patrols and visibility in known ASB hotspot areas
  • Work alongside environmental protection team or refer to them when appropriate
  • Work alongside housing associations who have additional powers to deal with resident’s involved in ASB
  • Look at utilising acceptable neighbour contracts
  • Work along-side private landlords
  • Create an ASB management case to enable us to see the full picture so that we can problem solve and utilise the forces ASB for assistance
  • Issue ASB letters to guardians of minors responsible for ASB
  • Issue injunctions
  • Utilise criminal behaviour orders
  • Use of police dispersal powers
  • Issue Community Protection warnings/notices (CPW/CPN)
  • Use Public Space Protection Orders (PSPOs)
  • Look at the closure of premises when appropriate

Issue Date Sunday 1st January 2023

We are continuing to patrol the areas and attempting to reduce ASB. If you have any ASB in your block please report it to us.

Action Date Wednesday 17th May 2023

Neighbourhood Map

Markers show crime recording locations. Click/tap on a marker to see crimes allocated to that location.