Crime Check UK

Crime on or near Harrow Road

A crime data location in Essex

Police Force: Essex Police

Local Policing Neighbourhood: Pitsea

Crime statistics are available for the following local government areas covering :

Recorded crimes are grouped for statistical purposes into a set of discrete locations close to where the crime actually occured. Crime data locations are usually either streets, landmarks or other locations identifiable on a map. The precise location of the crime is not published, partly for privacy reasons but also for consistency when analysing crime statistics.

All recorded crimes and anti-social behaviour on or near Harrow Road since recording started in 2010

The published data includes the month in which the crime was recorded, the crime category and, where known, the outcome.

Anti-social behaviour is included for recording purposes only, it is not followed up with an investigation and hence has no outcome.

Please note that crime locations were refreshed in 2022, so crime before and after that date may not be directly comparable. Older crimes are also often missing outcome data, so you should not assume that the lack of an outcome indicates that there was no resolution.

Recorded crime data is currently unavailable while we fix a database problem. Please bear with us in the meantime, once this has been resolved the detailed data will be back.